Is it normal that nancy davis was carrying her baby to bury her baby?

Nancy Davis has three children, and planned for one more. But she said her happiness turned to heartbreak when her fetus was diagnosed with acrania, a rare condition in which the skull doesn't develop. Most who have acrania are either stillborn or die soon after. Doctors advised Davis to terminate her pregnancy — but a hospital in Baton Rouge denied her request to have an abortion there. This Louisiana woman said she was denied an abortion after fetus developed rare condition: "I was carrying my baby to bury my baby".
Ms. Davis was among the first women to be caught in the crosshairs of confusion due to Louisiana's rush to restrict abortion. But she will hardly be the last.
“Patients are struggling.” Being denied an abortion can significantly increase mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and low self-esteem in the months after abortion denial and may cause life-threatening physical health outcomes that last years.

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33% Normal
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Clunk42

    She carries her baby to bury her baby; she carries it that it may live. Having a physical defect does not make the child any less human or deserving of a chance.

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    • Vvaas

      acrania is 100% lethal, even if the baby survives birth it only lives for a few days before dying. imagine going through the mental and physical risks of pregnancy just for a stillborn or a baby that's going to live for under a week before dying

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      • Clunk42

        There are children with cyclopia who have survived, and that was considered 100% lethal for a long time.

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        • Vvaas

          straw man argument, acrania and cyclopia are two completely different defects that effect the body with different issues. do you really think someone born with their brain literally exposed, no skull, and either most of their brain missing or born with no brain at all is capable of surviving longterm? how is any human going to stay alive when they were born without a brain? there have been cases of babies born alive with acrania and all have died either hours or days after birth, none have survived to adult.

          i can't find any sources either of a child born with cyclopia surviving to adult, can you post me a link of your claim because i can't find anything on that

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          • Clunk42

            People have lived with anencephaly, which is a very similar situation, both describing a child who lacks a large portion of his brain, due to it not having grown properly. The terms are even used interchangeably in some cultures.

            I never claimed that they survived to adult. I don't think that child is even old enough now to be considered adult. I recall reading a thing about some child from Ohio or something who survived far longer then was expected (like a few weeks, and hadn't died yet), but it was a couple years ago, and I can't find it now. Disregard this point, and instead refer to the one I provided above.

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            • Vvaas

              in my first comment i was trying to imply that no child has lived into adulthood with the condition, my fault i should have been more clear. it is still a lethal condition though, like i said before no child with either acrania or anencephaly have managed to live long enough to reach adulthood because it kills them in the first year of being born if they are not stillborn, making it 100% lethal. i still stand by my opinion that abortion is the right thing to do, i don't think it is right to force a woman through physical and mental health problems and the risks that come with pregnancy for a baby that is going to end up stillborn or die anyway under a week. it would be extremely traumatizing for the woman and you are only prolonging the pain and suffering of the baby if it does come out alive that is going to end up dying slowly and more painfully over an abortion.

              babies born with acrania are either/all blind, deaf, unable to feel pain and not able to gain consciousness due to being born with a lack of functioning cerebrum. at that point it's not even really alive and not mentally capable of the simplest emotions or thoughts, it's literally a vegetable and a husk of a human body. it is not morally right to keep a human alive, whether baby or adult that cannot even gain consciousness. no one can survive to adulthood or longterm with a condition like this. there is no chance for a baby with this defect and it 100% always will end in tragedy and trauma for the mother if forced to carry a baby like this to birth.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    To be honest abortion is a non issue to me. I wouldnt not vote for someone who did or didnt support abortion based on that view alone. But I agree with states having the right to regulate their own abortion laws. I think if its proven that the child has some type of disability thats gonna cause suffering and death regardless I dont see why they shouldnt be able to do the abortion, but again I dont care that much about it. Hopefully it causes liberals to move out of our states since it is so important to them. We dont want them here because grooming kids into little pro LGBT libtards in school is so important to them.

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    • allialli

      You were doing so well...

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Being a tranny yourself I think i know where i lost ya

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  • Sferrier34

    “I’m governing from principles,” Greg Abbott said when asked if he had moved too far to the right. After the supreme court reversed Roe v Wade in June, Texas enacted a ban on abortion without no exceptions, even in cases of rape or incest.

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  • Sferrier34

    Darren Bailey has repeatedly said that he would support a total ban on abortion in the state of Illinois, and would not offer exceptions in the case of rape or incest.

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  • Sferrier34

    Doug Mastriano, the far-right Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, indicated in 2019 that women should be charged with murder if they violated a proposed abortion ban.

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  • Sferrier34

    Ron Johnson supported the Supreme Court decision outlawing abortion in Wisconsin—even for victims of rape and incest. Sen. Ron Johnson has co-sponsored multiple bills to ban abortion nationwide over the last ten years, supported the effort to overturn Roe v. Wade, and even bragged about his role in overturning Roe.

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    • Anonnet

      I don't know why you're spamming posts down here doing political campaigns, but I don't agree with equating the overturning of Roe v. Wade with no-exceptions bans.

      It allows no-exceptions bans, but the popular pro-life stance is restrictions WITH exceptions. Incidents like in the thread post here, for example, are ridiculous. Roe v. Wade made abortion legal with no exceptions, which isn't something every woman actually supports.

      If the people in any given state don't believe that their laws reflect their values, they have to oust their governors and/or protest.

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  • Sferrier34

    New Hampshire was a leader in ensuring access to abortion. Governor Chris Sununu put politics over people by signing the ban into law, saying it goes against what the state stands for.

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  • Sferrier34

    Herschel Walker, the Republican Senate nominee in Georgia, has anchored his campaign on an appeal to social conservatives as an unwavering opponent of abortion even in cases of rape and incest. Mr. Walker has said he supports abortion bans with no exceptions for rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

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    • ospry

      Even in cases of rape and incest?? That's an unpopular stance even among most conservatives

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