Is it normal that nerdy talk turns me on?
I'm posting this here because I can't talk about it to anyone I know, and I really want to see if anyone else is this way, or if I'm all alone here.
You know that saying "Talk Nerdy To Me"? Well, it actually works with me.
It's weird, I don't even know why.
Pretty much all my life, I've been a major geek.
I'm obsessed with J.R.R. Tolkien (especially LOTR).
I game, I have a comic book collection, I go to comic con, I watch Dr Who. You get it.
But, I've never really considered myself a nerd. I'm not extremely smart, I have an average IQ. And though I seriously WISH I was a genius, I'm nowhere near that aspiration.
But, here's the thing: Nerdy talk TURNS ME ON. Like, majorly.
Having sexual fantasies about a buff, tan, sex god is alright, but it doesn't really "get me there"
Replace that guy with a nerd in a button down shirt and glasses, and woo boy!
Imagining someone kissing my tits? Pretty nice.
But when I imagine someone kissing my tits and pausing every once in a while to recite digits of pi.. It just.... It just turns me on so much!!!
I know I sound like a freak, I can't help it!
It's just like, crazy.
Making sexual references about computers, like "I'd love to plug into your USB port" works too.
Why is this? Why am I like this?
Just thinking about some guy fixing a complicated computer program, or walking around a lab does something to me *ahem* down there.
And if that guy also knows Star Trek quotes and can speak Elvish. Oh my God. I'd die of happiness.
Please tell me I'm not the only one.... Please...