Is it normal that nostalgia fanboys annoy me

People have been ranting and completely and utterly GLORIFYING the 90's as if it was a god send and then go off insulting anyone who says they like something from the 2000s because it will never be like in the "good old days." It's like the Quarter Life Crisis is spreading like wildfire infecting everyone in their 20s to early 30s. I'm a 90's kid myself, I grew up with a lot of good shows, music, games, etc back then. I agree things aren't like they used to be, but I don't whine about it. I know I'm an adult and my generation is done with those networks. Is it normal that nostalgia fanboys annoy me?

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89% Normal
Based on 84 votes (75 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Yeah, I agree. I remember the 90's and it isn't that great. People who tend to be dissatisfied with the present have a tendency to glorify the past. Personally, I miss my old shows and music, but there's plenty of good stuff around now too.

    Pop culture is usually shitty for people who aren't "in the in crowd" types. Society is usually shitty for those who think "differently". I know things are different but reaching into the past for that security blanket that was left on that little race-car bed may help you cope, but what we need to do is adapt, learn and if necessary, guide the future into a desirable direction. I still love my 80's-90's music and I'm a huge fan of The Doors, but that doesn't make everything that I don't like in this era junk. Good shit can come from any era.

    And I mean, come on. We're way too young to be hating on "this day and age" and ranting about the way things used to be.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    "Back in my day we didn't have these fancy smartphones, we used dial up and liked it. Everyone dressed in shitty flannel shirts and listened to bad music, I was broke stoned and jobless, and Clinton introduced the blowjob to America... those were the days"

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  • sega31098

    Me too. Ever heard of Rwanda Genocide?

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  • UrbanArtLover

    Same here. Thought I was the only one! Most of them were born in the last two or three years of the 90s and claim to remember stuff when they were actually just toddlers. Kids like that are everywhere at my school. -facepalm-

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  • searchingnow

    And the parents of the kids in the 90s complained that those kids didn't have a childhood because of da evil 'lectrunics... Newsflash, they fucking did and so did/will the kids in the 2000s and 2010s.

    Related: Do they realize that kids who grew up/are growing up in the 2000s and 2010s will act and feel the exact same way?

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  • Paradiddle

    Normal for sure. I already don't pay attention to many popular music and TV shows, in fact I don't honestly keep up with them at all so I can't say about those. But I CAN connect with this when it comes to Sonic fans. I get it, the Genesis games are top notch are will never get old but fans can't even try to like his newer games. I found Sonic and the Secret Rings and The Black Knight to be very fun and both had great musical scores. Sonic Unleashed was viewed great but people hated the werehog segments. Sega then decided that people were filled with nostalgia too much to be reasoned with and thus released Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1. It was 2D and had classic sounds and gameplay, perfect right?

    Wrong, the fans complained that the physics weren't exactly like the Genesis, he was too slow, everything was nitpicked. New Super Mario Bros. doesn't control like the NES but no one complains there, geeze. I admit it wasn't perfect but it was no Sonic 06. Generations and Episode 2 turned things around though.

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  • Mecki

    I'm sort of like a that (90s kid nostalgia fan) but I wouldn't say *everything* from the 90s is gold nor everything today sucks. just that a lot of the cartoons and things in general was better then because I think there was less worry over slightly offending anyone thus less censorship. I didn't even have cable in the 90s, I watch some of those cartoons as an adult (I think they were made for all back then, not like today's which seem to be all about kids having complete domination over any kind of authority/elders... which is kinda true in reality, for some of the same reasons) as for music I think 80s and 60s had some of the best =D

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  • mixwell

    I think it's more of a case of the 90s kids like myself remembering their childhood and how much fun and carefree it was compared to being grown ups doing the whole adult thing. I think about those days but I dont think that was the best era

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  • blacksock

    I find 90's was totally bullshit.

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