Is it normal that overly opinionated "no-kids" couples annoy me?

Whether an individual or a couple wants to have kids of their own, adopt, or not have kids at all is entirely up to them and I fully respect whatever decision they make.

What pisses me off are those obnoxious (usually millennial) couples who feel the need to forcibly inject "We'Re NeVeR gOnNa HaVe KiDs, wE cAn'T sTaND tHe FuCkInG LiTtlE ShIts!" into every goddamn interaction you have with them

You don't want kids? Cool. You don't like kids? That's fine too, but you're coming off as an enormous asshole by claiming that 100% of all kids ever are the worst and have no redeeming qualities, including the kids of the person/people you're talking to

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86% Normal
Based on 7 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    It might be because their parents told them they were awful children who ruined their lives, stuff like that can mess someone up. Regardless, I agree that anti-child rants get old after a while, coming from someone who scares children and has no intention to reproduce.

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    • harkosv

      Well damn, I hadn't considered that. Now I feel a little bad for making assumptions. I take for granted sometimes that not everyone is lucky enough to have grown up in a tight-knit family. Thanks for the perspective

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    overly opinionated anyone annoys me

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  • Mark92

    People have every right to not want kids. The world is overpopulated enough. This aint't the middle ages when people had the belief they could live through their children and would take 10-20 children per couple (most dying of diseases tho) even tho they could not afford to take care of them. Kids are annoying, waste of money and can do a lot of damage. My gf and I are living a great life without kids and no formal commitment, we are happy with each other and don't need the burden of taking care of kids. Those who want them can have them, those of us who don't want them, don't need them, thats all.

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    • harkosv

      Huh. You're exactly the kind of person I was referring to in my question.

      You obviously didn't read my clarification immediately after the question. I don't care one way or another whether or not people want to have kids, people are free to do what they want. What I don't like is the asshole-ish condescending attitude that a lot of "never-kid" couples have, along with their insistence that anyone who chooses to have kids made a huge mistake, as well as their weird impulse to brag about the fact that they're too selfish or irresponsible to care for anyone other than themselves, as if mental and emotional immaturity makes them better than everyone else

      You and your wife shouldn't have kids. If they turned out anything like you, that's just another insufferable asshole no one wants to deal with

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      • Mark92

        Tell me the purpose of kids? What do you expect wasting your time nd money helping them grow up (if at all they stay with you rather than run off), then they do bad $hits and ruin your reputation in the community, and then when its time you know the burden of huge college fees (as long as you don't want them to turn out as school drop-outs), and them making you buy stuff and making you waste time on them every now and then? Why worry about all that, when you could just enjoy your life with your wife with no such burden, making love with her, traveling all over the world with her and doing whatever you want. Sounds like you are just a young kid who is talking about how great its having a kid instead of actually having one yet. Ok go for it, and then see how hard it is to waste your time and money on them and by the time they are stable (as long as they didn't become some anti-socials), you have got old and have no energy left to enjoy your life. Goodluck.

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        • harkosv

          k lol

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  • darefu

    I agree about the no children couples and sometimes about the time they turn forty a lot of them rethink the issue. Sometimes that's too late. Physically for some females but emotionally for both.

    By 40 kids just don't fit in their lifestyle. They don't know how, or want to make the changes, and sacrifices to start with children that late in life.

    Sometimes this is also when they become assholes about it. They've got to convince everyone that having children is terrible just to convince themselves.

    I would also throw the single child couple in the ring. A lot of them are no better than the no child couple.

    Two or more change the dynamics of a family and present a completely different experience and challenges that single child or no child couples can't even comprehend. However, the rewards are a thousand times better as well.

    All the negitives people say is because they think there is some real rules or a book that all children and parents follow.
    They don't have to be brats, you don't HAVE to spend money, you will WANT to spend it on them. As far as time, put down the game controller and virtual reality stuff and enjoy reality. It's better than any game. There is no requirement to pay for college it's nice but many people work and pay their own way through college. They actually enjoy, learn, and care more about the education as well.

    Some people just don't want, or shouldn't have children and that's fine, but, being an ass about it leads me to believe there is more to their story.

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  • randomperson1000000

    With the world having over 7 billion people, I think reproducing is one of the most egotistical things to do.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its something that bothers me how anti family ppl have become. Its something I think is pushed by popular culture. I hate when I hear "strong independent female" we dont need independent females or males we need to depend on eachother because thats how kids are raised. And without sustaining your population with child birth you have no nation. Now they're having to bring in immigrants to replace their populatiom in western europe because its so bad. The birthrates are ridiculously low.

    And many people arent patriotic enough to give a shit. "Who cares if the british no longer existwe will have muslims here" fuckin beta males running the world

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    • harkosv

      Personally, I think it would be better for people to not have kids rather than raise kids in a dangerous or damaging environment (think drug addicts, abusers, people who have kids literally for no other reason than tax write offs, etc.)

      But what you said about our culture becoming increasingly anti-family is spot on. That's why I enjoy shows like Bob's Burgers and The Great North--they're two shows that buck the trend and show that no matter what's going on in the world or in your own personal lives, family is the most important thing. I don't understand why people get so up in arms about that idea and insist on trying to shut it down. I guess broken families or living solitary lives is what we should be striving for?

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        And honestly if you go back and watch shows from hollywood that were made in the 60s like Andy Griffith or Twilight Zone you'll see how the stuff was basically conservative propaganda on steroids during that period.

        Nowadays on many shows like simpsons or southpatk the kids are the only ones keeping their parents from accidentally killing themselves. The dads always dumb. But in the 60s it was so wholesome. The kids would make mistakes and the father or mother would come in and save the day and teach their wisdom to their child. The men were always honorable even if goofy and the women were good loyal people and great mothers. The men went out of their way to open doors and stuff for women and treated them like royalty. It seemed like a much better message for society instead of now which is get rich, have sex, dont have kids, identify as whatever, be independent, break the rules.

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