Is it normal that overly opinionated "no-kids" couples annoy me?
Whether an individual or a couple wants to have kids of their own, adopt, or not have kids at all is entirely up to them and I fully respect whatever decision they make.
What pisses me off are those obnoxious (usually millennial) couples who feel the need to forcibly inject "We'Re NeVeR gOnNa HaVe KiDs, wE cAn'T sTaND tHe FuCkInG LiTtlE ShIts!" into every goddamn interaction you have with them
You don't want kids? Cool. You don't like kids? That's fine too, but you're coming off as an enormous asshole by claiming that 100% of all kids ever are the worst and have no redeeming qualities, including the kids of the person/people you're talking to