Is it normal that people believe in fairytales

I have been observing the threads posed toward the belief and the acceptance of religion. There are many and astoundingly they seem to be mostly steering toward the fact that it may actually be becoming an outdated and outlandish way to go about your life. I am honestly going to lay out flat that you cannot expect me to believe ONE over thousands and thousands of different doctrines and not one has the evidence to prove theirs is the one road to tread without one fallacious argument to break them with. If faith was so powerful don't you think it would be smart for genius tacticians who rule populations to use it toward their advantage? Anyone ever heard of purgatory? You just can't literally believe your child is so pure and not like the others and your deftard for ever trying to persuade. Kidding your just subconsciously bashed throughout your younger years until you actually feel guilt if you don't practice what you would probably never observe if never taught it in the first place.

Now let me type. Religion is an ideology that has progressed through human life from alpha and omega. I doubt humans had the same idea of God from the Adam and Eve story as we in the 21st Century have today. Or Muhammad in that desert, or Siddhartha against that tree. Simply because of the information effect. That is "my" simple label of the cause and effect situation that I am going to state. Information given to one person that is expected to pass to at least 30 individuals in the same room and proximity changes drastically by the time the 30th person is reached. Therefore almost all history by default is changed at least marginally from the direct and absolute truth. So in saying, to go by ANY book that claims truth from anywhere near 100 years ago is fallacy and idiocy by DEFAULT. For that information will have been changed from the original format and if you honestly don't believe that because of some divine fancy then you are as insane as a candle with a conscious sexually obsessive mind.

LISTEN TO REASON! I am sorry all religious practitioners I am NOT trying whatsoever to down you and I respect absolutely your determination and faith. The reason of the word idiocy is JUST to state that you believe something that has passed through human corruption, even the US constitution this day is debated for it's original meanings and that is only 200 years ago. I am not naming you an idiot, only trying to call out to your mind illogically AND logically if you can understand that paradox. Everything is not decided by absolute reason. If it was you wouldn't have reflexes. The information we receive is controlled. If you really believe that this country is controlled by a government that seeks only monetary and physical gain...and it is one of the most powerful empires on this planet; what makes you think that one or some of the world's most published books is untouched by ANY corrupting minds. Answer me that. I shall not believe any divine fancies or angels that have protected it hearsay....HEARSAY.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster Church has more reason to it than any mainstream religion I have encountered.

Christianity: Fairy tale or Truth? 4
Islam: Fairy tale or Truth? 1
Catholicism: Fairy tale or Truth? 3
Buddhist: Fairy tale or Truth? 1
The Flying Spaghetti Monster: Lol 13
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Comments ( 11 )
  • anti-hero

    I think you are lacking comments (I know it is a new post) due to the fact that your rant is so long. Maybe tighten it up a bit and people will read it and think about what you have to say. I read the whole thing and honestly it could be edited down and presented in a less biased way. That is if you want real answers from everyone and not just people agreeing with you and/or fighting with you.

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      I see, but thank you for the advice. Much appreciated I feel I messed up the poll, as voting doesn't say if you believe it's a fairy tale or truth.

      Do you find it thought provoking? I can maybe create a version 2.0 a little more slick in presentation.

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      • anti-hero

        I think you should give it another shot. Anything on that topic is going to be thought provoking from both sides of the street.

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    • nobleserpent

      ^What she said.

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  • You can't know what is true or not. Reason is something you were taught, not something you or anyone has true understanding of. BELIEVE in EVERYTHING because you know nothing. Dumbass

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      What type of train wreck are you trying to encourage? Everything in this life may well be called an illusion. So believe in the illusion? Just because you don't know enough TO know about knowing? Or just because you don't know if it's the truth? "Believe in everything because you know nothing?" Believe in racism? Believe in Jim Jones style cults? Believe the world is square?

      You believe religion because you were "taught" it. You believe physics because you were taught it.

      I made clear TommytheCat that you must use reason AND drop logistics simultaneously. It's called a paradox and examples include reflexes, instinct, intuition or the sixth sense. So you must use reason at times and when reason fails you must use your inner mind to guide you.

      Clearly your an immature internet nerd who calls people names and those he can't see or hear dumb. Clearly this may be a reflection of your inner self.

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      • It simply means nothing can be proven because an animal on a planet is not capable of having the complete knowledge of time, space and everything in between to use as a basis of comparison to "prove" things. Without that knowledge, scientific fact cannot be proven in full. Knowledge no human could possibly gather or comprehend. Simple really, nothing to do with illusion. Im just not someone dumb enough to think i know for certain what exists and what doesn't.

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        • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

          Well I can see where you're coming from, and I hope "you're" not saying "I" am...

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          • No it just strikes me that so many people need the stability of "knowing" ie science, religion and all that, when the hard truth is we can never know for certain. Like god for example, i don't believe or not believe in him because you can't prove he exists, but yet science can't prove he doesn't exist! When these things are brought up people freak out and go "but but but", but nothing, you don't know shit because you can't know shit. People don't spring back to life to tell us all if there is an afterlife or not. Santa could be very real for all i know!

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      • nobleserpent


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  • myownopinions

    I couldn't understand your options, but then again, I didn't read the entire post, but from what I skimmed, there is a psychological reason why people believe in fairytales.

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