Is it normal that people make fun of christians?

i dont understand why its so embarrassing to be a Christian. i am a Christian and it is incredible so i dont get why people make fun of it. please let me know if you have witnessed people doing this.

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57% Normal
Based on 21 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 63 )
  • Anonnet

    I don't really see it much outside of the internet. But when I do see it, it's so theatrical that I remember it. They can't just say "heh, religion", they have to recruit as many people around them into a tribal spaghetti-dance that lasts at least fourteen hours.

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  • Rumpelforeskin

    Athiests are condescending to all religious people but for some reason they feel the need to be extra condescending to christians.

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    • Grunewald

      Because, history and idiots. Isn't it always that?

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  • Goomats

    I think it's weird that in the U.S.A. left-leaning Atheists rag on Christian for having conservative values yet admire Muslims. The Muslims I've met DO NOT have values in alignment with left leaning Atheists. How come they are off the hook?

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  • kikilizzo

    Because its considered outdated to believe in a God.
    Some are likely jealous too that for religious people it's so easy to find happiness.
    It's human nature to make fun of or fear things you don't understand, unfortunately.

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    • Rumpelforeskin

      How could it be outdated when sixty to seventy percent of America is christian?

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      • Grunewald


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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Most openly atheist ppl I meet are friggin miserable and angry. It kind of annoys me when people say they know exactly how we got here with certainty. Like they were here when it happened snd they know it for sure.

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    • bbrown95

      I've noticed this as well. Some act 100% certain that there is no God or that we all just fade into oblivion after death, but really, there's no definitive proof of that, either. Nobody knows 100% for sure and there is no concrete proof that anyone's theory is correct.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        And they willingly break their own rule of science. That correlation doesnt necessarily mean causation. They take the fact that there is fossils indicating evolution and the fact that natural selection exists. And they take the two and say that natural selection is what caused evolution. But really theyre just correlated.

        When you really press experts in the field with this they will usually admit "well its the best theory we've got." But then they preach it like its a certainty.

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        • Rumpelforeskin

          Evolution is unquestionably real. We recently watched a new species of finch evolve in just two generations in the galapagos. If we can watch it with our own eyes then it is without question real. However the existence of evolution does not disprove the existence of god the ideas are compatible. Evolution is well within the realm of God's power and would be the most effective way to keep his creations alive. I agree that it is foolish to say that you know one hundred percent that there is no god. It is impossible to know what happens when we die only the dead can know.

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          • LloydAsher

            Cant believe in the possiblity of a joint system?

            I mean I wouldnt want to micromanage every creation. I would choose the best among them that are interesting.

            Perhaps we were the interesting species that were complex enough to be the harbingers of its will.

            I'm agnostic but I'm going to be a good person to hedge my bets in the off chance that an entity would be merciful in my afterlife.

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            • Rumpelforeskin

              Well if god is all powerful micromanaging his creation would be completely effortless. I'm agnostic too I would never outright say god is real or fake because it is completely and utterly impossible to know. A joint system is completely possible.

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        • bbrown95

          Agreed. TBH, I think there are so many things that we actually don't know, and will change theories about several times throughout time. Life is one big mystery!

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Same, and since the beginning of time scientists have been saying they know how we got here and they always been wrong

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  • megadriver

    Because Christians won't do anything about it... why doesn't anybody make fun of muslims? Oh, cause they strap bombs to themselves and willingly blow themselves up, or decapitate "infidels", stone women, etc...

    They are the "scary ones". So all of the ridicule is thrown onto Christianity. But let me tell you this... if I saw someone making fun of my mom for believing in Jesus, I would not hesitate and deck them!

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Its funny because these same atheists advocate for taking muslim refugees and then cry out that western christians are backwards.

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      • megadriver

        Ever see a Christian smash up furniture and burn it in the middle of the apartment... or hunt swans in the park... no. It's always a backwards muslim from the ass end of nowhere that does this shit. It's always a sand monkey.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          There was a florida pastor who burned the qaran in his church service and there was terrorist attacks in several muslim countries in retaliation. The iranian government and the egyptian government did this weird thing where they sentenced him to death even tho he's not in their country. Pretty sure another shithole country put a million dollar bounty on his head that would be paid to anyone who murders him in the USA.

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  • bbrown95

    Like others have said, some people take huge issue with religion, especially Christianity, most likely due to some deep rooted resentment/bitterness/misery.

    I think with some, it's also an "edgy" teenage rebellion type of thing. They think they're going against the grain if they're outspoken against Christianity.

    Please don't let people discourage you from practicing your religion of choice. It's nobody else's business but yours and as long as you're not hurting anyone else, it shouldn't concern them.

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    • Iambillythemenacetosociety

      Having an issue with religion does not make someone "bitter" or "miserable". It also doesn't mean they're trying to be " edgy". Some people just think religion is stupid, which is fine.

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      • Rumpelforeskin

        But going around calling people stupid for their beliefs is condescending and does not make atheists look good.

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        • Iambillythemenacetosociety


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          • Rumpelforeskin

            I have never called anyone stupid over their religion your claim of me being a hypocrite has no leg to stand on.

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            • Iambillythemenacetosociety

              Never said you did. That's not why I called you a hypocrite.

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        • bbrown95

          ^This. "Cutting off your nose to spite your face", as my late grandmother would say.

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  • AsterBean

    Sure, people are dicks and bitches.

    But internet atheists and bible thumpers are the same breed of mean. Neither help their own cause and are an embarrassment to themselves. Both sides have decent people, you can tell by their lack of proselytizing.

    If you have confidence in your beliefs, you don't have to disrespect others.

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    • Clunk42

      Christ called His people to proselytization; what definition of that word are you using?

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      • AsterBean

        It's not like Christians invented the word. "convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another."

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        • Clunk42

          Under that (correct) definition, those who are strong in their faith should proselytize. For example, Jesus called his followers to proselytize; Mohammad called his followers to proselytize; many religions call for proselytization. To not proselytize would be to go against one's religion, in a large variety of cases, and to go against one's religion does not make one a decent person, but a hypocrite.

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          • AsterBean

            You're a hypocrite either way. It is rather disrespectful to tell someone their views are wrong and disregard them entirely. Assuming they are going to hell unless you personally save them from the "wrong" religion. That is rude and disrespectful and not very Christian like. So you are damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

            And you can go against your religion and be a good person. By that reasoning you can convert to Christianity from the "wrong" religion and be considered good. Or to any faith that think converting others is the way to be good. Judging someone's goodness based on faith is ignoring the person's other qualities.

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            • Clunk42

              It is not disrespectful to tell a person who is wrong that they are wrong. It is of great disrespect towards that person not to tell them, especially when their soul is at risk.

              People cannot be truly good without following the true religion. It does not matter how much worldly they do if they are incapable of other-worldly good.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I really think people just need to leave each other alone. Who cares if a person is Christian? Who cares if they're Muslim? Who cares if they're Atheist? Who cares if they're Jewish? I certainly don't. Its a waste of time hating on others for believing something different from me. XD

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    • Clunk42

      The Catholic answer is that we care greatly, because the soul of the atheist or the Muslim is not going to go to Heaven, and that is not good for them. It is through a love, rather than a hatred, that Christians are called to care about what others believe.

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        You religious comedians are a character, i'll give you that.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Religious abuse in some cases

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  • capman

    Religion is a mental thing, a tool used to shape generations. People needed a guide to make it as far as we've came, and religion solved the need for a guide. amen.

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  • malaparte

    Religious nuts here in the states are pretty interested in imposing their retarded views on other people, while complaining that people who don't live in accordance with their holy book's ramblings are violating their religious liberty. Personally, I am fine with all Abrahamic faiths going the way of the dinosaur - these faiths just seem uniquely into bossing other people around.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Yeah. It's normal to make fun of anyone.

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  • LloydAsher

    At least we ain't catholic

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    • Clunk42

      Non-Catholics are nothing more than infidels.

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      • LloydAsher

        Well the pope said that anyone who lives good filled life will go to heaven so guess you'll have to share heaven with us plebs

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        • Clunk42

          You say that as if that man is the Pope, which is a logical impossibility, because the Church cannot promulgate error to the masses, and Bergoglio (as well as those before him after the death of Pope Pius XII) has certainly done that.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      I am.

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      • LloydAsher


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  • Orphan

    Anyone who follows a religion is a retard. Although, to each their own

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    • Rumpelforeskin

      Proving my point.

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  • Friendofall

    Early Christians were routinely harassed and killed, a little teasing will do nothing but hurt your ego. Pray and act according to Christ’s teachings.

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  • Unknown_player

    I think if people disagree to christianity that is their own right and you shouldnt feel compelled to change their stance just as how they shouldnt try to force you to change your own so as long as you arent one of those Christians forcing your belief on people I think you'll be ok

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  • Tommythecaty

    They invite ridicule.

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    • Friendofall

      Yes. We do.

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  • Sarah_Is_Jimins_Number_1_Fan

    christian needs to die lol

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  • rkive

    I am an athiest. I was once a devoted christian until escaping a religious cult. Things changed and i started to see how toxic and horrible some Christians can be while pretending to love a god and preach about love.

    Ultimately, It's made me hate Christianity and i found myself mocking them and their religion.

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