Is it normal that people smoke knowing about the consequesnces?

People did smoke, they do smoke and they will no matter what! It's up to you actually if you smoke in the country field with not a human being around. Smoke to yourself and let God have mercy on your soul. But i'm tired of fighting with my neighbours smoking on the landing. When I and my little child go for a walk we 'smoke' for a few minutes before we get outside. It's illegal to smoke in public places here(I come from Belarus, but smoking zones are not very popular here(!)) and nobody cares about that and smokers continue to poison lives of non-smokers! I'm so f****ng sick and tired of people's neglect of other people's feelings about that! Moreover, they claim their rights are abused if they are not allowed to smoke in cafes... This issue makes me so depressed..

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Comments ( 72 )
  • westoptic

    I drive faster than the speed limit even though I know it increases my chance of an accident. I sometimes eat at McDonald's even though I know their food is unhealthy and bad for my body. I drink in excess occasionally even though I know I'm going to get hungover in the morning.

    My point is, human beings live in a world where free will is desirable and where we're free to make choices that may or may not hurt us. It's all a form of natural selection.

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    • x1frosty16

      This guy right here said it perfectly^^^

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    • Katya

      You know in everything u've written someone you in this case takes the responsibility for the actions^ you eat junk food - it's up to you it's bad only for you, if you have an accident it's you who is going to take responsibility cuz it was you who drove fast. When it concerns cigarettes nobody cares and nobody will be responsible for damages to our mental and physical health.. and why my baby have to smell it? aint he got any rights not to breathe in more than 4000 poisonous chemicals?

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      • kelili

        You're insane! You scare me!

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        • Katya

          It's not me who anybody should be scared of but a small thing that is worshipped by people and is called 'a cigarette'

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          • kelili

            Stop stop stop! You're obsessed. Is it a withdrawal symptom??

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            • Katya

              It's a symptom of being a mother who is protecting her child's rights if you think it's not normal i feel sympathy to your kids

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  • kelili

    I smoke and I know the consequences. My aunt died of a cancer - she smoked. SOmetimes I say to myself that I have to quit because I take the pills too but I just can't. A good cigarette after a working day feels so good. I love cigarettes, I love smoking and yes I am a fool to think so.

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    • pappusharma

      100% agreed. Really a cigarette after a long tired working day feels soo relaxing..

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    • thinkingaboutit

      it's ironic because you give people advice about their morality, and all that junk. lol.

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      • PumpkinKate

        Because moral standards have anything at all to do with using a legal addictive substance.

        Good to know that smokers are all evil and those who don't never do anything bad. Ever.

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        • thinkingaboutit

          So destroying your body is perfectly moral then? And polluting other peoples air space is perfectly moral? Let's forget about the billions of tobacco related deaths.

          Rotting flesh is a the epitome of beauty and righteousness.

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          • PumpkinKate

            That's a pretty impressive way of twisting around to look at reality in a new way.

            You eat fatty foods? You drive cars? You use any device produced at a factory? You ever drank from a styrofoam cup? These are, if *I* twist reality around MY finger, far more perverse and disgusting aberrations to this world. Being unhealthy with eating habits destroys exponentially more lives than smoking ever has. Your car has polluted not just other people's air space (as they say, living in a city and breathing that pollution can be equivalent to smoking a pack a day) but it is also demolishing this beautiful planet we live on. Far worse than giving someone the second-hand smoke effect of 22 parts per million of arsenic. Eating a single shrimp gives you eight times this amount.

            Let's forget about the billions of driving and obesity related deaths. Driving alone claims an unbelievably huge portion of our young and innocent lives, the youth and future of our country. Cigarettes can't compare to taking the lives of that demographic.

            Contributing to something, doing things that claim millions more lives every year than cigarette smoke is horrifically, shockingly more morally reprehensible, more atrocious, more disgusting and vile a display of human perversity, than smoking cigarettes EVER will be.

            But I feel looking at the world this way is a jaded view. Just like yours about smokers. We are ALL capable of presenting overly opinionated truths.

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            • thinkingaboutit

              Society is collectively responsible for the all the heinous crimes against this planet (though, let's be honest, if there was no demand, there would be no supply). Notice, these things were in effect long before the gametes that constitute me, touched. I may be a consumer but I am not a contributor to YOUR efforts. And if those efforts are to kill yourself faster, go ahead and do it. It's not my burden. You probably don't have a good grasp on your own inevitable mortality and how easily your body can succumb to illness, but I do of mine.

              I don't respect you and people like you, who don't care about themselves and use cop-outs like 'I may do bad, but you do worse'. Who is that confusing? I don't put the cigarettes in your mouth, sweetie.

              Listen, I can babble on and on. The point is tobacco has been around a lot longer than cars.

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            • Katya

              u r so virtuasic with the statistics 'he second-hand smoke effect of 22 parts per million of arsenic. Eating a single shrimp gives you eight times this amount.' So how much and WHAT a person have to eat to swallow 4000 chemical substances and about 60 carcinogens. obesity realted deaths it's more about the US not worldwide. More people die of hunger than from obesity in the world. Billions of driving deaths? it means the population of the world is decreasing by BILLIONS? there are 7 billions on the whole. You know your way of writing reminds of a teenage girl who adores smoking and tries to protect this right no matter what. I'll bring you another statistics - proven one, not taken from a take away seashore restaurant where one can buy schrimps - More than 600 000 death per year worldwide are caused by second-hand smoke - this is more than 1% of all deaths. 165 000 of these deaths are among children. 1.8 billion non-smokers. In 2004, 40% of children, 33% of male non-smokers and 35% of female non-smokers were exposed to SHS worldwide. Of the 603 000 deaths, 47% occurred in women, 28% in children (!!!!) (taken from you can argue till death that there are many other bad things we die from but is it normal to add one more single small and white thing to this list?

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      • kelili


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    • Katya

      yeah, probably you are..

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  • Energy

    I love the smell of Marijuana. I can't stand cigs... I'm so happy to be in Colorado where they finally legalized it! But yeah, I don't fancy cigs.

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  • Darkoil

    If you are just passing through the landing area I'm sure you will be fine. If you live in a city near busy roads then actually that can equivalate to smoking a full packet of cigarettes a day in the amount of carbon monoxide you inhale. Should people stop driving on these roads just because you walk on them?

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    • howaminotmyself

      I often use a similar argument. There is a lot of air polution out there. But to take it further, cars are dangerous from several angles. And people still get in them and drive everywhere despite the fact that they are risking their lives.

      But I feel your pain OP. I don't always like to hang around second hand smoke. When I was a smoker I tried to be conscious of where my smoke was going. Even when I smoked I'd have to tell people to not do it in front of the doors and windows because it got in the building. But they need to have somewhere to go. You may not like it, and your complaint is justified, but you can't restrict people in that manner and expect them to accept it.

      Why did I start? I felt like it. There are risks in everything we do. It may not have been the best decision of my life, but it's my decision.

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      • Katya

        I'm tired of fighting.. i need to take actions.. but legal ones..:) thx anyway

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    • Katya

      Darkoil, in the street gases are mixed with air it's not that bad until you breathe just from the exhaust pipe - that's what happens when u are on the landing. how long would you live if you breathed with that car gases in a closed area? some of my neighbours manage to smoke in the elevator! I'm ouraged!

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  • PumpkinKate

    You crazy people who hate cigarette smoke so much SERIOUSLY need to quit making out with us sexy-ass smokers.

    Stop it.

    Quit kissing us. Really! I ain't going around forcibly kissing people. Nobody I know does. So, just look at our fine behinds, boobs, chiseled abs, cute / handsome faces, WHATEVER it is, and lament that we're making an informed decision you don't agree with. And we're not going to start looking ugly for you.

    As for the second-hand bit, I try to be conscious about those around me and I feel anyone decent should be as well, up to the point of greatly inconveniencing one's self for someone that treats you rudely. Just as much as smokers should be polite to non-smokers, the non-smokers don't get some magical free pass to be rude, insulting, and downright aggressive jerks to smokers just because they feel like belittling someone that day. (Not to say that you are, OP, but smokers get a lot of this, trust me)

    End point? Be considerate and show respect to others, no matter which side of the smoking issue you're on.

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    • kelili

      Yeah this discrimination against smokers must stop.

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    • Katya

      Thank at least for being conscious.. And i think it's natural if you show respect to people who go smoking outside if you don't like it. But why should I if they breathe out smoke right to my face saying get off? I don't care if you smoke or not it's your lungs and stuff but i won't bear my surroundings filled with this smell.

      End point? I show respect to those who respect me.

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      • PumpkinKate

        Precisely what I was saying.

        I don't blow smoke in people's faces (who the heck does this? I need to find and slap them). Ergo, if someone tells me to "take my disgusting habit the fuck away" all aggressively, I tell them to go fuck themselves.

        That's not how you treat anybody. I show respect to *everyone* UNTIL they have shown disrespect to me.

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        • Katya

          u're saying the same stuff in other words - very cute

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          • PumpkinKate

            Treat others as they treat you

            Treat others as you'd like to be treated

            Pretty big difference.

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            • Katya

              Well I'd like the others not to smoke on the landing but they would nevertheless and i treat them accordingly. your first phrase is a logic continuation of the second one so there's no difference at all it's just the consequence of natural relationship. You expressed yourself let's just finish it. I'm not here to insult smokers personalities i'm here to ask whether they consider that normal to kill themselves intentionally, that's all if you have somethng to say to the point do it if not do not waist my time and yours please. You can start up a new topic for discussion is it normal that smokers rights to die are always abused. And discuss it there. thank you for your precious points.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I think that a lot of smokers really don't understand how bothersome cigarette smoke can be. I know I didn't when I smoked, I hardly noticed it.

    However, I have been off cigarettes for about a year now and whenever I am in class and the smell of cigarettes wafts in from someone smoking too close to the door, or when I am in a shopping mall and there are people smoking very close to a store I am going in and the smell hits me, it makes me feel a slight bit sick. I can't stand it, it smells disgusting. The smell of shit bothers me less. It's almost like I can smell all of the little chemicals and the nasty shit they put into them. It really punches your sinuses.

    Now, usually I am just passing by and they are in areas where it is OK to smoke, so the annoyance is momentary however, when they are smoking somewhere where people have to be stationary, like a line to an ice cream cart or into a public area or they are smoking next to an area where people are trying to eat, then it bothers the daylights out of me. If that's not your case then hold your breath when you walk by.

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    • Katya

      It's exactly my case, my friend.. i used to smoke when I was a student (how stupid i was) and now it's the same as you described.. i can't stand that smell!!! I'm worried about my kid.. I don't want him to make the same mistake as I did...

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  • TheGuruOfTheSauce

    The world is shit man, we all have our vice to cope with hell so I think you can handle a little of our vice while we deal with whatever yours might be or whatever one you will pick up eventually if you don't have one

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Where I'm from smoking is banned indoors in a lot of public places but not outside, that would be ridiculous. Smoke tends to move in an upward direction, thus you're inhaling very little of it. As Darkoil said you inhale far worse every day if you live in a big town or city, our air is so full of pollutants, there are chemicals in our food and in our skin from the things we put on it.... nobody worries about these things but they sure will worry about cigarettes? Why? Because you can *see* it! O.O Such silly creatures, so obsessed with the visual over all other aspects of sense and self.

    As for why to smoke when we know it's bad? Ever heard the saying alcohol goes down better once you've tasted a little life? Same basic concept.

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    • Katya

      But if I live in a rather environmantally friendly town where there are few cars and in the green zone why should i bear all this thing with smokers?

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Because you are not the only person in said town and your rights are not more important than everyone else's.

        Even if you live in an environmentally friendly town, trust me honey this pollution is everywhere, and it's in your food and it's in the shampoo you used this morning. If you want to campaign to regulate indoor smoking or separate smoking from non smoking businesses, that's all good and well if you ask me. But you're never going to ban smoking in public, outdoors, and if you think that just breathing in the occasional whiff of secondhand smoke is going to kill you over all the other unhealthy things I'm sure you engage in, then I kindly suggest you do some research.

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        • Katya

          you know the stuff about 'those other unhealthy things' is a good piece of excuse of those who protect their so-called right to be killed and to kill everyone around. And yeah i did some research and doctors really found out that an occasional whiff can start up unnatural processes in a human body causing tumours and cancer. and it's common sense not just research cuz it's unnatural for a human being to smoke. As i said I don't care about those who smoke do it it's your choice but leave please my surrounding without the stuff I don't like Period.

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            Source? And it sounds like you just want to ignore the fact that we put unhealthy things on our bodies on a daily basis, and since you can't come up with any facts to disprove what I'm saying you're just choosing to insult smokers rather than think for yourself.

            Likewise, that's why smokers usually chill in their designated areas near ashtrays, and if you don't like it? Don't stand near where people are smoking. It's really not that difficult. If someone's near a door, politely ask them if they could move down a little ways, and I'm sure you'll find that most smokers are (go figure!) decent people and will respect that.

            But it's not as though everyone automatically knows that you personally will surely die if you so much as smell cigarettes, so what do you expect people to do? You're being rather unreasonable.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    It's a terrible habbit to try and break. The trick to not smoking is to not start.

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  • noemimi93

    I despise second hand smoke..we all have the right to breath in smokeless air. I can't bare the smell as for it to linger on your clothes and hair..besides kissing someone with cigarette breath is disgusting. Very unattractive.

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    • PumpkinKate

      Why do you kiss people who smoke knowing full well how much you hate it?

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      • Katya

        you know the thing is not just in kissing.. people who smoke they SMELL. and that smell is not that pleasant and even repulsive..

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    • Katya

      yeah.. my hair smells after my journey by elevator to my appartment on the 7th floor...

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  • why. they take pills in cafes

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    • Katya

      pills is a good alternative to smoking cuz it doesn't bother non-smokers around and is not so poisonous for a smoker's health but most of them would give their life to suck a cigarette instead of using plasters, pills and other stuff.

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      • i think pills do more harm then they know

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        • Katya

          the thing is they do not do any harm to the people around

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          • neither does smoking they just think it does

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            • Katya

              And one more point - pills DO NOT STINK!

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            • Katya

              'they' means the scientists all over the world and the most competent organisation the WHO? Well then they say that there's danger in ozone wholes, car gases, Aids, and drug abuse but it's not true! they just think it does harm! And those who die from all this they die not because of aids but because thay were bad people - is that your logic? Well then we have nothing to believe in following it - even GOD because they just say it exists but with all my regard to in-God- believers His existence has never been proved but influence of secondhand smoking on people's health has.

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  • Katya

    well, thank you everybody for taking part in my discussion. Though the question should be 'isn't it stupid to smoke knowing about the consequences'.. human beings are the only creatures in nature that intentionally kill themselves... and that's actually sad that more than 80% of people consider it normal..

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  • justsomekidfromcanada

    Life's short man. A cigarette after a long day is amazing. I myself don't smoke but I do tend to have a drink or a hoot after a long day so I guess you could call that my own version of smoking. I don't do it in public though.

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    • how do you say about

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    • Katya

      thanks for your consideration. And yeah, you do smoke)))))

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