Is it normal that pregnant women terrify me?

I think it has something to do with having pregnant teachers in school, but pregnant women absolutely terrify me. I'm always worried that they'll start shouting at me. Maybe it's because I'm one of those women who goes apeshit when I'm on my period, and I've heard that being pregnant is like a nine-month-long period. Is it normal?

Voting Results
41% Normal
Based on 104 votes (43 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • YEAH!They look like fuckin MONSTERS!Scare the shit outta me too!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I can totally relate to this.
    I see pregnant women as ticking hormonal time bombs and what the hell would I do if one goes off? I can't go back off on her or defend myself, because she is a poor pitiful pregnant woman and is hormonal, so it's not really her, it's the hormones, right?

    My Mom was pregnant a few times when I was growing up and she always became extra fucking hormonal and much more violent and angry when she was pregnant, so I expect all pregnant women to behave like that. I don't know how I can talk to someone that could explode on me at any second, and of course, I'd always be the bad guy. Why bother talking to someone if I constantly have to set my filter extra high just to avoid upsetting them? I just avoid them alltogether until they have the baby. Then I have to avoid them after that too because they do nothing but talk about the joys of motherhood. Oi.

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  • Peanuts

    God no, that's not normal! You poor thing :/
    You sound like you've had a bad experience with a pissy pregnant lady x that's all.

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  • regisphilbin

    they look like weird aliens

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  • They've always disgusted me deeply, i have no idea why. I just find the big stomach soooo creepy.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I didn't know there was this much call to be terrified of pregnant women! Looks like I need to build a bomb shelter before I decide to have kids!

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