Is it normal that riddles creep me out?
Some riddle kinda creep me out. something about how clever, tricky, and mysterious they are scares me a bit.
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Some riddle kinda creep me out. something about how clever, tricky, and mysterious they are scares me a bit.
Maybe the reason that you feel discomfort around riddles is because you find the unknown to be eerie. For example, as you stated their is a bit of mystery surrounding riddles, this sort of unknown makes you feel nervous. However, I believe that being creeped out by riddles is somewhat normal because riddles have a bit of unknown to them, but I guess that's the fun. Keep this is mind though, not every riddle contains a macabre answer and not everything that is unknown is scary.
Did you read the Greek story of the Sphinx when you were young? I could see how that would put you off on riddles.
You probably wonder what the point of them is. There's no need for them now; there was in the old days. Riddles & folk songs & drinking were the only entertainment going. It sounds absolutely brilliant – take me there now!!
I’m quite used to them.
“White bird featherless, flew from paradise, pitched on the castle wall – along came Lord Landless, picked it up handless, rode away horse-less to the King's white hall.” What am I??
“At the sound of me I make women weep (this particular woman especially).
At the sound of me men clap & stamp their feet.” What am I?
Grimms fairy tales are indeed brilliant. I love them so much I write my own.
What the hell. I thought I was the only one :}. Also, the saying, "curiousity killed the cat" creeps me the fuck out.
So weird, I really have no clue why.
Riddles? I don't know if this is a riddle (I actually think it's a nursery rhyme) but anyone ever heard of '3 Men in a Tub'?
What the hell is up with that? And why did they publish such a disturbing nursery rhyme for KIDS?
I've always hated that damn thing.
So what was your question...?
Ring around the rosie is about the black plague.
And just read original Grimm fairy tales, or Hans Christian Anderson.
Kids in the olden days read a lot of kinda disturbing literature. They werent sheltered like our children today are; they were even considered adults much earlier in life.
Only in modern society have we prolonged the innocence of our children and delayed their societal advance into adulthood.