Is it normal that riddles creep me out?

Some riddle kinda creep me out. something about how clever, tricky, and mysterious they are scares me a bit.

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 66 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • DannyKanes

    You'll find me in a river and in the middle of the universe. What am I?

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    • Faceless

      The letter I? A wave? A dead hooker? I dont know.

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      • DannyKanes

        You were close :)

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        • Faceless


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    • abominus566

      a rock, they are both in rivers, and space

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    • Anime7

      The letters "iv," "ve," or just "v."

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      • DannyKanes

        The letter V :)

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  • Anime7

    Maybe the reason that you feel discomfort around riddles is because you find the unknown to be eerie. For example, as you stated their is a bit of mystery surrounding riddles, this sort of unknown makes you feel nervous. However, I believe that being creeped out by riddles is somewhat normal because riddles have a bit of unknown to them, but I guess that's the fun. Keep this is mind though, not every riddle contains a macabre answer and not everything that is unknown is scary.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Did you read the Greek story of the Sphinx when you were young? I could see how that would put you off on riddles.

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  • la_la_la_la


    You probably wonder what the point of them is. There's no need for them now; there was in the old days. Riddles & folk songs & drinking were the only entertainment going. It sounds absolutely brilliant – take me there now!!

    I’m quite used to them.

    “White bird featherless, flew from paradise, pitched on the castle wall – along came Lord Landless, picked it up handless, rode away horse-less to the King's white hall.” What am I??

    “At the sound of me I make women weep (this particular woman especially).
    At the sound of me men clap & stamp their feet.” What am I?

    Grimms fairy tales are indeed brilliant. I love them so much I write my own.

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  • BurnaBaby27

    What the hell. I thought I was the only one :}. Also, the saying, "curiousity killed the cat" creeps me the fuck out.
    So weird, I really have no clue why.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Riddles? I don't know if this is a riddle (I actually think it's a nursery rhyme) but anyone ever heard of '3 Men in a Tub'?

    What the hell is up with that? And why did they publish such a disturbing nursery rhyme for KIDS?

    I've always hated that damn thing.

    So what was your question...?

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Ring around the rosie is about the black plague.
      And just read original Grimm fairy tales, or Hans Christian Anderson.

      Kids in the olden days read a lot of kinda disturbing literature. They werent sheltered like our children today are; they were even considered adults much earlier in life.

      Only in modern society have we prolonged the innocence of our children and delayed their societal advance into adulthood.

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