Is it normal that sharp objects make me uncomfortable?

If I see a piece of paper with one of the corners pointing towards me, I become extremely nervous, and will not feel comfortable again before it has been turned so that only a flat side is facing me. The same goes for needles, sharp looking table corners, sticks or rods of any kind, and most cutlery.
I first noticed this as a child, when forks placed with the throngs upwards would bother me.
I do not show any OCD symptoms other than this.

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57% Normal
Based on 42 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Living on a boat, we NEVER put pointed things point up in the dish drainer. Boat rolls, one reaches out and there's blood everywhere.
    Paper, not so much.

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  • bananapie

    I'm the same way, people find it weird at times

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  • Gspyder

    It's actually a phobia. The Wikipedia page will be more informative than I will:

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    • Thanks. I didn't realise it would be classified as a phobia.

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      • Gspyder

        I didn't either! I thought it sounded like it could be so looked it up. So you taught me something too haha. Maybe you can work on it, but if not everybody had at least one. I'm mildly afraid of heights and terrified of spiders myself!

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