Is it normal that some would define jesus as a wicca
I heard one time that the Puritan christians would have considered Jeasus as a witch
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I heard one time that the Puritan christians would have considered Jeasus as a witch
could yall mebbe be more specific on why and give examples of situations what would lead to yalls conclusion?
Is it normal to think Santa was actually a king dwarf?
It really doesn't matter does it, there's no proof Jesus actually existed. We know so little about him from the bible the only things mentioned are claims of grandeur to which none have been proven and all the eyewitnesses (btw eyewitness claims are pretty much shit evidence anyways) appeared far after jesus was supposed to have existed. Even that "evidence" came from the bible as well, So I ask again who cares what "jesus was".
If he was anything he'd be either a mad man, a liar, or someone who was deeply confused about how the world works. I'm sure back then if anyone did the coin trick out of someone's ear they'd be coined some kind of great wizard of Oz.
It's believed Jesus was born a Pharisee, predecessors to Jews. However, he criticized the Pharisees and essentially originated a new religion with his teachings. Wicca was not a religion back then, it is a much newer religion based on paganism, which was practiced in Jesus' time.
I think you need to disregard the term Wicca in this post as the OP is misusing it. I am fairly certain that the OP just meant witch as said in the post itself. The OP appears to be asking if the Puritans, known for their persecution of people believed to be witches, would have persecuted Jesus for the same reason, believing that his abilities were witchcraft.
Also, your definition of a Pharisee is not correct. Pharisees are not of an ancient sect predating Judaism, it was a sect of Judaism who believed that the entire old testament and it's laws needed to be taken literally to enter heaven. This was in contract to the Sadduces, who only believed the first 5 books were valid. The Pharisees where the more popular sect at the them of Jesus, but relative to the history of Judaism, they were also a fairly new sect.
As the Bible states that Jesus freed those who believe from adherents to the law, and made the law no longer needed as a means of entering heaven, I would say he was the opposite of a Pharisee. But he did like to dance around their questions so that the Pharisees wouldn't realize that. Clearly though, it didn't work.
No, I have the definition correct. I said "Jews" not "Judaism." The terms Jew and Jewish were not used until well after Jesus' time. Judaism is a term describing the general religions of the people living in the Judea region, and includes the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The Jews trace their roots to Judaism and these sects.
Jew is the English translation of "Hebrew". The English language did not exist until after the them of Jesus. The definition of the word Jew in the English language today includes the people who lived at and before the time of Jesus. They are also referred to as Jews in modern English translations of the Bible.
The Pharisees were, as a said fairly new at the the at the Jesus. At the time of his birth, they had only been around for about a hundred years or so, maybe less. That is hundreds of years after the fall of Israel and Judah. You could technically say they can trace their roots to them, the same way I could say I can trace my roots back to my grandmother. But they trace their roots back so much farther.
If you were born with "powers" you're not a witch you are gifted.
If you summon demons, or draw energy from the earth-stones-elements, etc than that makes you a witch.
At least that's my opinion on it.