Is it normal that someone wouldn't even know how to fart?

This is a totally true story.
One day a friend had a stomach ache so I gave him a hot drink and before I left I told him he just needed to lie face down and let away some gas, that'll make him fell better.
But he confessed he really didn't know how to...
I thought he was just being polite or joking, but he swore it was true. He simply didn't know how to fart.
Have you ever heard something like this?

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19% Normal
Based on 26 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • squirrelgirl

    It seems plausible to me, because for the majority of my life, I didn't know how to burp. I repressed my knowledge of how to burp because I have a phobia of vomiting. It's only been over the last couple of months that I've learned to relax enough to allow myself to burp.

    My (unprofessional) opinion is that maybe your friend once sharted and felt so embarrassed that he suppressed his knowledge on how to fart.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    Your friend isn't Donald Trump is he?

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  • pixie44

    Well can you die from not farting?
    I mean sometimes you can't help it they just slip out so i don't understand.
    Like I have been woken up from sleeping because I farted so loud..

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  • thegypsysailor

    This is a totally unbelievable story. Even a newborn can fart, it doesn't need to be taught.

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    • I didn't want to insist that he gave me more explanations. But it may have to do with some issues or insecurity problems.
      There must have been a time when he could do it but maybe some adult told him off and he felt so ashamed that he just inhibited himself ever since.
      It's ridiculous, I know, even sad.
      But someone might know what this is about.

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      • Short4Words

        I think your theory is pretty fitting.

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  • thefuckup

    He didnt knew how to breathe or shit either?

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    • sillygirl77

      I bet not ;)

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