Is it normal that spiders scare me this much?
I am ridiculously terrified of spiders. I can't stand them no matter what size they are. I hate them all. If I even see the smallest spider I have to leave the room and wait for someone to take care of it. I can't stand pictures and videos. I can't stand cartoon spiders cause they creep me out too and remind me of the real thing. Ever since I was little I have hated spiders. I even get the creeps if I see a fake spider, even stuffed animal or puppet spiders. I remmbber my sister scaring me with a spider puppet when we were younger but even though she said it was fake I still couldn't stand it. Spider costumes scared me too actually.I hated the movie Charlotte's Web and was happy when he spider died. I can't even stand songs, worst of all is probbley actually Itsy Bitsy Spider. I have always gotten the creeps from that song. I remember being in kindergarten and covering my ears when the rest of the kids where singing that song. It just made me think of a scary spider coming to get me. I still get the creeps if I ever hear it.