Is it normal that spiders scare me this much?

I am ridiculously terrified of spiders. I can't stand them no matter what size they are. I hate them all. If I even see the smallest spider I have to leave the room and wait for someone to take care of it. I can't stand pictures and videos. I can't stand cartoon spiders cause they creep me out too and remind me of the real thing. Ever since I was little I have hated spiders. I even get the creeps if I see a fake spider, even stuffed animal or puppet spiders. I remmbber my sister scaring me with a spider puppet when we were younger but even though she said it was fake I still couldn't stand it. Spider costumes scared me too actually.I hated the movie Charlotte's Web and was happy when he spider died. I can't even stand songs, worst of all is probbley actually Itsy Bitsy Spider. I have always gotten the creeps from that song. I remember being in kindergarten and covering my ears when the rest of the kids where singing that song. It just made me think of a scary spider coming to get me. I still get the creeps if I ever hear it.

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70% Normal
Based on 44 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • RinTin

    I like how this story is right below "IIN that I like it when a spider crawls on me?"

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  • Frosties

    There's a theory that they don't share an evolutionary pathway with us, and they either arrived on the planet or evolved different. Our fear of their "alien"-ness is supposedly natural.

    It's not a theory I subscribe to, particularly.

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    • dickwashington

      thats awesome

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  • AngryWaffle101

    I usually not until they disappear, then i think AH where is that d***** thing now!? Then when i see it i run away, if you wanna get rid of that, you can talk to a council or doc bout that but i dont wanna do it.

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  • penguin1

    I've never been afraid of spiders. My cousin (who grew up in the same house) is though. She's almost as bad as the OP. She can kill them if she has to though.

    I just stomp on them or swat them with a broom and they're dead, ya know. It's a bit silly to scream at them from across the room.

    But, a phobia is a phobia and it's not funny to be scared.

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  • I hate them too. When I see one in my room, my heart seriously races and I just freeze. All I think about is how long it's been there and how close it's ever gotten to biting me or something. I even have my little sisters kill them for me because I can't do it myself.

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  • iEatZombies_

    I hate them almost that much.

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  • Shackleford96

    Yes, fear of spiders is very common.

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