Is it normal that technology will be the death of us?

Technology has come a long ways. We live in the age of information. It's helped many people and it's helped society as a whole. On the flipside, I feel like technology has done more bad than good. I believe the problem isn't technology itself, but us as humans. Alot of teenagers waste time on the internet living vicariously through images they see and things we read. Instead of kids going out and creating their own moments they live through the internet. They have to stay connected. It kills me thinking about it. Then you'll meet them and they're the biggest turkey in the world. They don't actually embody true life. They just emulate. It's scary, a simulation life that we're living. Sometimes I see kids on Facebook talking to their mom. They'll sit there and argue with their parents via internet instead of confronting them in person. Or like when teenagers text their parents while in the same house. WTF? Just wait until about 50 years from now. How will kids handle technology then? The real problem I think is the internet. Could you imagine life without the internet? I mean people hold "relationships" through the internet. Say that they're in "love". Have you ever heard of cybering? And when people need answers, they just ask Google. Why not ask some friends or your parents? Why do we resort to sites like this? Are we normal? I'm guilty of a lot of these things. What are your thoughts? I'm not a pessimist or anything lol. Just a thought. :p

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50% Normal
Based on 30 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • joybird

    I totally agree with you. I think teenagers should be out creating memories by partying or just hanging out with their mates. In my house the rule is, if it's not raining - get outside! I don't allow the TV or computer on before 6pm and would never allow anyone to have their mobile phone at dinner. The problem is that this generation did not see technology develop over the years and so don't seem to have 'normal' social skills. For example, texting while with friends - tells the people you're with that they are not important.

    It's hard for them to realise that the real people in front of them are the most important. Maybe someone will produce an etiquette book for them to deal with technology.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    you can always try joining an Amish community

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  • whiteshirt

    I think it's the time for us to educate people how to use technology wisely and start to take control of technology, or it will be late for us to control it..:P

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  • Tobi-Uciha


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    • robbieforgotpw

      Are you a robot tobisan?

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  • Shadyx8

    What the hell as you complains about, what's wrong with looking something up on google? And it's not technologies fault that people act like that. Your using technology right now instead of talking to someone In person

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  • Glass

    "Why do we resort to sites like these?"
    It's obvious people use search engines to find information extremely easily. Say I wanted to find some bands similar to, say, Cage the Elephant. How are freinds and parents supposed to know that? Or say, the history of the ancient egyptians, do you expect parents and freinds to give an in depth description of the ancient egyptions known history? Of course not.

    If someone is in the same house, I really don't see a point in writing something when its easier to just say something, so I too think that's stupid.

    As for relationship crap over the internet, why does it matter to you? They're happy, it's not hurting anyone, so why does it even matter? As for cybering, big woop, people can have fake sex through text. What exactly is so terrible about this? It's just words.

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  • locombia

    Yea I mentioned how technology has helped tremendously. I just feel like while we take a big step forward in technology we take a step back with human progression. Why has the human race not progressed as fast as technology has? Yea we can stay on the moon and stuff, but where's the progression of personal development? It's almost like we just sit on the internet and regurgitate what we see online. We aren't going out and learning things for ourselves or interacting with our communities. When we meet new people we go to facebook or twitter and we cast prejudgment based on what we see. The Internet is a powerful resource but we have to learn how to use it and stay connected with our communities!

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  • klunky

    technology is mankind's only hope

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    • locombia


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      • klunky

        there are a number of things that come to mind:

        - technologies for increased food production & the ability to distribute food
        - technologies for the reduction & elimination of disease
        - green technologies that save or repair the environment
        - technologies to bring fresh safe drinking water to those who don't have it, and to create fresh water from sea water
        - communication technologies like the internet that allow us to be more connected with others around the world

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  • ariannel

    I don't think the internet will be the death of humanity. Life now is just different. Kids are still socializing and going out and having fun. They're just better connected than previous generations.

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    • locombia

      That's just scratching the surface...there's more to it than that...

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      • ariannel

        Of course there is. There will be cases of antisocial kids and laziness and what else. But I dont think its typical of all kids and I dont think it will remain so. I just don't think technology is all doom and gloom for mankind.

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  • zchristian

    Yeah your really right just becourse i choose to spend around 10-12 hours out of 16-17 hours on the internet everyday im fat and have no life oh how right you are...

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  • mcbeats

    Dude your so right, but how can you fight it..its so convenient hahaha and face lame! I love the internet, a couple weeks ago i was going nuts cuz i didn't have it..i was so bored.
    But i live life all the time, i go outside and breath the air and look around, and hang with friends, jam with my band..write and record music..and although i live vicariously through other people i idealize, it only inspires me too be as great...its not the Internets fault its just people, people make those decisions.

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  • I have the same views. Scientists even theorize that humans are slowly killing themselves because we create too much technology. The problem I have with technology is how it turns people superficial and dependent. An example would be kids texting their parents while in the house, which you stated. I don't like seeing people being too dependent on technology. It's as if they have to have the latest apple product to live. Also it makes life so much less personal. How many people still hear a voice when they use their phones instead of seeing words on a screen? I call my friends because it feels more personal that way. Also, because of technology college has become harder to get into. I just wish that I could go back in time and live in the 80s for a bit.

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