Is it normal that technology will be the death of us?
Technology has come a long ways. We live in the age of information. It's helped many people and it's helped society as a whole. On the flipside, I feel like technology has done more bad than good. I believe the problem isn't technology itself, but us as humans. Alot of teenagers waste time on the internet living vicariously through images they see and things we read. Instead of kids going out and creating their own moments they live through the internet. They have to stay connected. It kills me thinking about it. Then you'll meet them and they're the biggest turkey in the world. They don't actually embody true life. They just emulate. It's scary, a simulation life that we're living. Sometimes I see kids on Facebook talking to their mom. They'll sit there and argue with their parents via internet instead of confronting them in person. Or like when teenagers text their parents while in the same house. WTF? Just wait until about 50 years from now. How will kids handle technology then? The real problem I think is the internet. Could you imagine life without the internet? I mean people hold "relationships" through the internet. Say that they're in "love". Have you ever heard of cybering? And when people need answers, they just ask Google. Why not ask some friends or your parents? Why do we resort to sites like this? Are we normal? I'm guilty of a lot of these things. What are your thoughts? I'm not a pessimist or anything lol. Just a thought. :p