Is it normal that the church says not to hate, but they hate homos?

I believe people are born gay and that it's not a choice. But the church thinks differently, that they are committing a sin and are going to be sent to hell, and that god hates them. But, god doesn't hate anyone? God forgives? Well that's what the church thought me. If god doesn't hate anyone then why does he hate homosexuality? Well that's what is written in the bible.
What do you think?
(I don't believe in any god, I am my own god, I believe in myself)

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48% Normal
Based on 61 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • disthing

    Generally Christians don't believe God "hates" homosexuals, they believe God punishes sinners who do not repent. They generally view homosexuality as a sin, and homosexuals as heterosexuals choosing to deviate from what God deems righteous.

    So, many Christians think of homosexuals as people God loves who are choosing to sin and go against God's teachings, which God (with an aching heart) will punish them for. But if they genuinely repent and ask for forgiveness, they will be allowed into Heaven.

    That's the distinction. He doesn't hate the sinner, He hates the sin.

    I'm not a religious person by the way, it's just good to know about the world. Also, many Christians are more liberal in their interpretation and application of The Bible and accept homosexuals.

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    • bigtoy

      Well said. Unfortunately there are many passages of the Bible that condem homosexuality. God's plan is to fill the world with men, women and children - families. Go forth and multiply is a saying well known even to those who don't read the Bible. A gay couple might just have some trouble doing that! Some religious leaders say that by creating gays, the devil is trying to thwart God's plans. Before someone shoots me down in a ball of flames for saying that, it doesn't mean that I agree with the preachers - I'm just eplaining the churches stance on this and why they take this attitude towards homosexuality!

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      • JustDave

        If God considered homosexuality to be as big of an offense as so many preachers like to think, then why didn't God bother to mention it in the 10 Commandments?

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        • Ono

          Because god is a narcissist, most of the commandments are all about god. It's always me me me with the big guy.

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        • bigtoy

          If God had listed everything that was a sin, they wouldn't be the ten commandments - they'd be the ten thousand commandments! The ten commandments are the ten basic rules for living in harmony within a community ie don't steal, don't lie, don't kill, don't sleep with your neighbor's wife, obey and honor your parents etc. Don't stick your dick up another man's ass would have looked a bit strange in the middle of those rules! lolz
          Also, homosexuality is, or was at that time, a sin committed by a small proportion of society.

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          • JustDave

            So in other words, he didn't think it was important enough to mention in his top 10 list. I find it hard to believe that there is greater proportion of gay people today than at any other time in history. Every generation likes to think they invented sex & all its variations.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Christianity is a religion of contradictions.

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  • deathbringer

    churchy religion is dead. seek spirituality not religion. (just my opinion)

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  • Fujinn98q

    It's Christianity, it's full of hypocrisy, OF COURSE IT'S NORMAL FOR THEM!

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  • bananaface

    I don't get why some people act as if God wrote the Bible, and like it's some sort of manual on how to get into heaven or something. It's undeniable that the Bible is full of contradictions, so people will naturally have different interpretations. A certain type of person will gravitate towards the hateful aspects of the Bible, with other types of people leaning towards the more tolerant and forgiving side of the Bible.

    A lot of these people would probably be full of hate or love regardless of religion, and I believe that a lot of people just use religion as a kind of outlet for their hate. Kinda like justifying their behaviour.

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  • Anime7

    There is a lot of hypocrisy in Christianity. However, you should keep in mind that not everyone is a strict interpreter of the Bible and there are quiet a lot of Christians who accept homosexuality.

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  • Ixu

    Religion is based off lies

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  • NotFloydzie

    The church is my left tit.

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  • wigsplitz

    Being gay isn't a sin, having gay sex is. So people who hate gays are ignorant, not only for the obvious reason of just being mean and nasty, but how do they know the gay person is committing gay acts? They could be virgins, or abstinent, whatever...

    Also, these gay haters are committing more sins themselves, equal to homosexual acts, so they have no leg to stand on. It's just so stupid. I think it's just an easy way to deflect attention from their own misdeeds.

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  • jasonkirk

    bible were written by men doest say anything on homosexuality its the church religion made to hate everything its man made the church done worse things to humanity look at history the crusaders killed so many indigeneous in north south americas canada australia more than 30 million in the name of the cross so were justice and lots of things happening within the churches

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  • incapable

    To Christians, God finds homosexuality an abomination. He destroyed a town back in the day biblical because of it. So as a Christian if your God doesn't approve of it, then why should you?

    Im a Christian. { I guess} and gay people doesn't northern me if that's the way they choose to live their life thalen so be it. I feel like Christians come off wrong when they outright judge them or make them feel low to who they are. The most you can is still accept them and go from there judging and outright telling someone they're wrong for living that way is wrong in my opinion..

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  • RedBeard3

    Fun fact. Christ once said "to hate is to commit murder of the heart." that being said. They're all going to Hell for being petty.

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  • pplesuxdogsrule

    Christianity is the only religion in which homesexuality is considered a sin. Homosexuality is a very natural thing. All over the animal kingdom there are creatures taking part. Dogs dolphins monkeys etc. It only came to be looked down upon when christianity came about. Before that everybody was having sex with everybody for fun. There was no judgement just pleasure

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  • atrudixman

    Those of you who do not know the Bible are lead astray by self righteous Christians misrepresenting the truth of God's Word. God says that He hates the sin but loves the sinner, a homosexual act is no more or less a sin as adultery. Only because one is gay that does not mean that they are excluded from God's love and His Kingdom of Heaven. Ask one of these assholes to show you where it says that all gays are bound for hell. Jesus died for every sin but unbelief. There are Christians that are grounded in the Word for they know it but there are those as Catholics who ignore the truth about their church and this truth has never been hidden just ignored by them. Where gays make enemies with Christians is their attempt to change a same sex union which has all the legal rights of a marriage to a marriage in order to bring homosexuality closer to being accepted as normal which it is not. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. What would He have told Adam and Steve?

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  • nAt2017

    There is a lot of hypocrisy in any kind of organized belief system. Christianity often does the "love the sinner, hate the sin" thing. Just remember that a lot of Christians fully accept homosexuality.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I think you should keep believing in yourself.

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  • dappled

    Nooo, the church says not to hate people it likes. You're allowed to hate homosexuals, people who have sex before marriage, people of other faiths, people with no faith, and people who are too lazy to build arks.

    I'm kidding.

    No, really. I actually am.

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    • izakthegoomba

      I was liking this post until I got to the "I'm kidding" part.

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  • smartpatrol11

    Churchies will discriminate if your not a christian and god hates fags yes he does and hes gonna BBQ your balls in a deep fryer in heaven

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