Is it normal that the opposite sex makes me extremely uncomfortable?

Personally i think i have social anxiety disorder but i have never been diagnosed for it. My main problem seems to be w/ men and personal space. Men in general make me feel uncomfortable in everyday social situations. I have no guy friends b/c they usually want to be more than friends and I've never had a boyfriend, idk what it is but i just can't relate to men...

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71% Normal
Based on 58 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Have sex. The issue will disappear, you find men so different because you've never been close enough to them. Having sex is a HUGE part of maturing towards the opposite sex.

    I was uncomfortable around women until i started sleeping with them then boom, no problems.

    I'm not saying be a whore, i'm saying try getting a boyfriend, take a chance.

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  • Anime7

    I've met I think literally one or two girls who are like you. Of course I never got close to either of them. But my advice would be to not assume all men are the same, this coming from a guy who assumes MOST girls are the same. I feel uncomfortable around girls; I generalize a lot when it comes to the female gender. However, I've met some girls, like one or two, that are very nice and go against my thought of how they should act.

    People are people, sure you can generalize but not everyone is going to be like you expect. With that in mind, if your discomfort doesn't effect your life negatively, in your opinion, then I say you have nothing to worry about.

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    • ginger49ful

      thanks for your response, but i just wanted to point out that I never generalized men, I don't think they are all the same, I only noted that I'm uncomfortable around any man i come in to contact with ...

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      • Anime7

        Sounds like you generalize though since you feel uncomfortable around any man you come in contact with. Do you judge guys before you talk to them, or do you even talk to them?

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    • NeuroNeptunian


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  • yellowtapebottle

    This isn't a disorder, first of all. Its just part of what makes you YOU. And secondly, what I can best recommend is that you give yourself open options with the male gender, because while you will come across men you wouldn't socialize well with, I can guarantee you'll come across plenty others who you'd love to interact with.

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  • intellectuallychallengedmaybe

    YOU DONT HAVE ANY DISORDER. its normal. guys are strange, and they know it, thats why they try so hard to attract females. its good that you dont want to be around them physically right now, that means that you are becoming comfortable in your own space. its just a phase. once you are comfortable in your own space, then it will be easier to find someone who is on your same level.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    When I feel uncomfortable around the opposite sex, I just cut off their faces and put them in a plastic bag. That always helps :)

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  • thinkingaboutit

    you are sexually frustrated. you want to get fucked so bad your brain turns into scrambled eggs and you don't know what to do when there is a penis in close proximity.


    you have a lot of issues to work out.

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  • musiceater

    She doesn't have to do anything like that. You don't have any nice guy friends? I mean, we're not all the same, some of us are raised unlike others so we see the world differently even if we appear to be normal. I'm a guy, raised by a single adopted mother so I have nothing but respect for them. Open up and stop being stupid.

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    • ginger49ful

      Of course you're not all the same i never said that but nope, no "nice guy" friends. I used to think i had some until I realized what they really wanted...

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      • musiceater

        That's those stupid immature boys, you aren't meeting the right people, they are out there. Anyway I feel sorry for your frustrations and I wish you luck.

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