Is it normal that the wasps became my children?
So I disturbed a wasps nest. Chaos, obviously, followed. But, I lived to tell the tale of crafty escape and near crippling wounds. Here's what's strange:
After the vomiting stopped and the hallucination inducing pain subsided, I could sense the hive. It was with me. Wasps are not intelligent, in terms of possessing the faculty of conscious attention. But they have a sophisticated interconnectedness that I became a part of. I tuned in, if you will. I felt them, understood them, knew their needs, knew where they were going. I would fall into trances and just become one of the drones. Soon the hive had moved to my bedroom, occupying one of my Darth Vader masks as the new nest. Was I their queen? Hard to tell.
I was snapped out of said trance by the screams of my family as I walked into the living room wearing the mask. Even the cat, ugh, Jacko was appalled.
Anyway, I was dethroned, if you will, when they bashed the mask with base ball bats and drenched it in vinegar.
Question remains: is this normal?
Thanks guys. Love you bye