Is it normal that there is no phobic name for the fear of a pulse?

Okay, so 100 points for whoever can tell me the legitimate phobia name for the fear of a pulse. I seriously searched through google and even tried typing in the latin names, but I could not find the phobia. I mean, it seems like a common enough fear that it deserves a name. I was able to find venephobia, a fear of veins, though even that was from uncredible sources such as wiki or yahoo answers. I guess I'm kind of a weirdo for making a big deal over something like this...

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76% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Avant-Garde

    Come up with your own name. Pulseobia.

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  • kiki12994

    Over the past couple years, I've found that when I sleep on my left side, and I feel my pulse on my left rib cage, it literally drives me INSANE. Everyone's probably like, duh lady, that's your heart. I know where my heart is lol But it's not in the center/slight left. It's on my side -- right below my armpit. cant feel it unless I'm laying on it though. I don't really have a fear of pulses but my fear is that my blood will be cut off to some part of my body. Like for some reason I can't get it out of my head that I'm crushing something vitally important when I sleep on my left side. I also can't stand to have anything touching my neck when I sleep because I feel the pulse against whatever is touching it. The slightest touch will keep my fidgeting all night. UGH! Anyone else have the same problem?

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  • 800imawesome


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  • Actually, I don't have a fear of pulses. I made this after reading an IIN about a person who has a fear of pulses and the vein. The person then asked if there was a word for this, so I tried looking it up... can't find it anywhere.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    My fiance is afraid of pulses as well. Not blood, or veins, just pulses. And it doesn't have to even be hers, she plugs her ears if a pulse noise comes on the TV! I thought she was the only one but I guess not!

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  • Cobrakitnu

    I thought I was the only one.

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  • Frosties

    If the word existed, it would be pellerophobia and this would also cover the fear of other things that beat, like drums.

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  • Darkoil

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