Is it normal that these are my views?

Just to clarify, I'm Agnostic and I don't particularly disbelieve or believe anything correlating to religion of any sort. However, I can't help but notice how people say how God "only tolerates this" or "comdemns that with a fiery passion." I also heard how if one doesn't support a religion how they're "going to burn in hell for all eternity".

What I believe is that if there is a god, he's one of 2 things:

1) Indifferent/Apathetic and doesn't care or do care in anyway.
2) A actually very tolerant/honest/forgiving/open-minded deity that accepts everyone no matter if they're black, white, asian, hispanic, gay, straight, lesbian, or trans. No matter if they're criminals, saints, or regular, decent people.

Another thing I believe is that if God exists and he's good, he does care about us but he just wants us to learn and overcome things on our own. He wants us to grow independant and wise as well as being good people to others. I think that the only thing that he truly wants from us is to be good people that are kind to others and live decent, happy lives. It's not about indoctrinating others or telling others how they can't/can live (Christians telling non-Christians they should be religious or Athiests telling Christians that there's "no such thing as God and how REligion is all a bunch of poppycock".

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 14 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • poon_jabber

    What I think i wrong, is that people are taught religions as fact from the time they're a child. People should be taught every religion and THEN decide which one makes the most sense. The reason it's not set up this way is because religions were made to divide and conquer the human race.

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  • alextsang08

    You deserve a Nobel prize!

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  • clevelandashkenaziatheist

    I'm going to have to go against the spirit of the post here (which is a lovely sentiment) to explain why I'm against the agnostic "live and let live" ideal. It's the scientific method. Theists make a claim that a god exists. They have no evidence. Therefore I reject their claim. Since people's decisions are informed by religion, and religion is factually incorrect to the detriment of society (abortion, gay rights, etc.), it is important to spread the message. Of course no one should intentionally try to inflict emotional distress, but it's hard not to when trying to undo such a precious and closely held belief. (I reject agnosticism for the same reason, as there is no logical reason to have enough uncertainty to leave the question open.)

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