Is it normal that thinking of my past times brings out fear?

I'm only 23 right now but when I think about all the carefree fun I used to have when I was younger it frightens me because of this realization of how much time has flown by. It makes me fear the end of my time even more so.

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84% Normal
Based on 73 votes (61 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • ProseAthlete

    The only solution to the fear of growing older is to realize what the alternative would be.

    Time will always fly, and you will be shocked to look back at something you remember like yesterday and realize it was a decade ago. You can't let that make you too fearful, though. You'll soon be a year or a decade or three decades older no matter what you do, but if you spend the time between now and then in fear of impending doom, you won't have much carefree fun to look back on when you get there.

    If it helps to know, I'm 20 years older than you and still worry sometimes about time slipping away, but I still feel young and energetic and happy. I can assure you, you have at least another two decades and probably far longer before everything goes to shit. :)

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  • honeysumthing

    I agree with you. Sometimes you just stop and reality hits you that so much time has gone by... but you have got to keep moving on. It's scary but that's how life is that's why you have got to make yourself happy... and also enjoy all the moments you get to live...

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  • ScottBaio-Wulf

    Many a man wrote songs about this but out of all of 'em I remember the one my uncle sang, settin on the porch lookin towards the creek strummin his git'box. Went a little somethin like this.

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  • hairyfairy

    Time always goes too fast when your`e happy, & slows to a crawl when you aren`t

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  • ChemGirl

    Enjoy the now. That feeling only gets worse as you get older.

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  • kingsleycrowne

    I seem to be the only one in this world who feels like time goes slowly. I am not normal but you are.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Fight for the future.

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  • Gaddar

    everything's gonna be allright, just dont worry be positive and good at your doıngs :)

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  • RougeTheBat

    You should be more fearful for the future...

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