Is it normal that this man creeps me out?

The man in question is the owner of a skate shop that I used to take lessons from. He never taught me the lessons, it was someone else that worked there and I'm so relieved that he didn't. The first time I met the owner in person was when me and my grandmother came into the shop to see why my tutor didn't show up to a few of the lessons. The owner was sitting behind the counter and when I looked at him I felt very uneasy. When he talked, he really creeped me out. There was something about him that was off. I remember his eyes being one of the most frightening aspects of him. They were pitch black and piercing, but there was no emotion in them... That man struck so much much fear into my heart just from that brief conversation.

The reason I'm asking the normalcy of this is because a friend of mine recently brought up the skate shop and was telling me about how I was remembered and that I should drop by, but I have no desire to. I have a lot of social anxieties, but I have a feeling if that owner wasn't there that I'd be more inclined to visit. People go on and on about how great the owner is, but I just can't see anything good about that man....

Is this normal?

Voting Results
74% Normal
Based on 68 votes (50 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Its because he's black isn't it?

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    • I'm not a racist and he's Caucasian.

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  • witluv

    If you really get that vibe from him, then just don't go around him if at all possible.

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    • I'll continue to do my best not to.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    Maybe you'll follow your heart into the arms of an urbane and charming type of fellow.

    Like Ted Bundy.

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  • Valentina

    there are creepy people out there but no one on here can say if this store owner is one of them or if your mind is just playing a trick on you. If it happens often that people creep you out while others find them ok, it might be you but if it's only with this guy, your intincts are probably right.

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    • People don't usually strike fear into my heart. I have gotten vibes of a negative nature from other people and often times I didn't want to listened to the vibes. The last time, I almost ended up being stalked by an obsessive and abusive art teacher. I tried to contemplate exactly why I'm frightened of him. I got the fleeting thought that he might be a pervert, but I don't want to label him as such without knowing 100% as that's a horrible thing to label innocent person with....

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  • anonymousss_

    I completely get you. That's happened to me before and what I can tell you from experience is to follow your instincts because you are probably right

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  • PboDude

    What?? You weird little fuck. Why are U so scared of this guy? That's odd.

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    • Weird or not, I can't help the feeling I get from that man....

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      • PboDude

        I don't get it, are U like scared he's gonna rape U or something? He's probly an alryte guy, im sure he'd be surprised your on the internet worrying about this shit.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    I know exactly what ur talking about! I am very intuitive and certain people will randomly
    make me feel really uncomfortable. I've learned over the years from this happening I'm always right. It makes sense he's intelligent enuf to own a business and maintain a facade of a decent person..

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    • I can be very intuitive and I've gotten vibes like this before whether for another person or an event. I'm almost always right with my gut feeling, but there have been times in the past where I didn't listen to the vibes I got. I am going to continue to do my best to avoid him.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    If he didn't do anything, it seems a bit unfair to judge him based on his "vibe". And if people talk about how great he is, why not give him a second chance?

    Wait... don't go. I just realized if you go there and he murders you, I could never live with that guilt. So screw that guy!

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    Well it's not like he molestered you.

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  • lilrebel80

    Some people can sense danger or evil within someone. I've experience this alot in my life, sometimes I just get this eerie feeling when I see a certain person and I just know that somethings off about them. Trust your instincts, theres a reason why you feel this way, be careful.

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  • boston12

    listen to ur intuition, i hav had same feelns about people iv met before. not known them but get weird vibe. its a handy gift or skill to hav, id follow wat ur gut is telln u. stay away hes probly creepy kid killer

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  • fartonmyface

    Sounds really creepy the way you've described it. Although I haven't encountered anyone who fits this general description, I do know that your instincts are often the smartest way to go. Humans and animals have instincts for a reason, we can subconsciously sense danger in a situation. I've had times where I didn't follow my first instinct...and later regretted it when I found out my instincts were right. So trust your gut, because you really never know.

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  • farkelu

    All kinds of things scare children and even adults. Many of those fears are irrrational and unfounded, and we eventually overcome them. I agree with NotStrangeBird - it's the ones that are charming and friendly and win your trust that you should treat with caution. This guy is probably just scraping by and needs the business.

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