Is it normal that this song makes me think this?
Is it normal that whenever I hear the song Girl On Fire by Alicia Keys I just automatically think of an itchy yeast infection?
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Is it normal that whenever I hear the song Girl On Fire by Alicia Keys I just automatically think of an itchy yeast infection?
Sounds like something I would imagine.
I had to go look up the song because I am not into the latest pop scene or whatever shit like Alicia Keys is called.
I usually thought of a girl in stage killing it. Doin DAMN good job singing. But Alicia Keys I used to like her and her song "No one". But I wonder why someone like her, we see them or hear them say things like " I'm a proud black woman" well I understand she is bi-, biracial that is. So why not ever say I'm a proud biracial or white woman. It's always the "I'm a proud black woman" which to me sounds an awful like a racial or reverse racism kind of comment. I'm not a racist by any means, there are assailed in all races of people.
I always just thought of a woman literally on fire and running. Other times I just thought of Sailor Mars. XD
Can I like unread that, now it’s all I’m going to think when I hear it. 😖