Is it normal that twilight pisses me off

Dear is it normal community,
I feel like people who find joy or peace by reading and/or watching Twilight give me the desire to punch them in their stupid face. I've read the books and I've even gone through the hilarity of watching some movies. So don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.
HONESTLY, Twilight is garbage. Twitards have caused me to dislike it even more.

Is it normal to think less of someone once they claim to be a fan? Or maybe question their intelligence? Help me justify my burning hatred. Feel free to express your opinion below.

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79% Normal
Based on 76 votes (60 yes)
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Comments ( 35 )
  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I dislike twilight and ignore most mainstream media or books. So yes I think it is very stupid. I have watched the movies and think the first one was decently made but I really dislike twilight.

    To give an honest opinion given the time frame they were made in they were bound to be terrible. I mean even for a low budget film that was bad. It seems like after the 1st they thought cutting out the definition would make it seem "MORE REAL"! Which just made it worse.

    They never really develop the wolf character even though they made him bulk up. They do not show a good fight between the wolf and vampire till the last movie. The actors acting is just really bad but seems to get better as the movies go on.

    Along with this people keep associating this with what vampires are. Which is complete and utter bull and do not understand. Yes what teens watch is what everyone thinks of as vampires. Even true blood is more respectable as a vampire. Which is kind of cheesy and not all that exciting.

    I will also say what happened to the monster movies? There is so many other monsters yet the only ones getting any attention are wolves and vampires. I have written a lot so I think I leave it here. I will also say that anyone who thinks of "Twilight" When someone says vampire YOU ARE TWITS! WE ARE NOT ALL FAN GIRLS!


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    • Antir0b0t

      ah yes! Vampires should be deceptive and they should explode into flames with the sunlight touches there skin. Also, lots of sharp teeth is nice. Like on 30 Days of Night. It has tarnished Vampires reputation. I'm glad we see eye to eye on this one. :)

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Yes they should. Saying "I sparkle in the sun. I must be hideous!" Is retarded. Yes I am so scared you sparkle in the sun! So do the strippers at the bar.

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  • bananaface face bruises like a banana:O! I'm not a fan, but saw one of the films, it was SO funny! Me and my friend were crying our eyes out through pretty much most of it. There was this one scene, where all the werewolves were having a little bitch fight. And then one was like all dramatic and alpha male. It killed me! I might find a link on Youtube. It's probably not that funny but I laughed at it.:P So, does that mean I find joy in them? Am I getting punched in the face:O?


    "I. WILL. NOT!" Hahahah, oh dear! Why do I find this so funny?xD

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    • Tia_

      My mom and I go to these movies and just about die laughing. Breaking Dawn was a riot. Bella and Edward and their supposed to be all hot and romantic constant vampire nookie. We tried. We tried really hard not to.double over laughing. But its not possible. The little fan girls wanted to kill us but its not considered socially acceptable to kill old ladies and their daughters so we survived. And oh yeah the wolf scene you mentioned very nearly made me pee laughing. It was hysterical.

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      • bananaface

        Hahaha!:D I so get what you mean with that hot and romantic thing! I felt embarrassed for them, it was so cheesy. And they're all so angst ridden as well, jeez! It was like watching some supernatural soap opera. Too funny.

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    • dappled

      I had to watch it three times just to hear the dialogue because I was laughing so much. :P

      Also, you know when the black one first started doing AlphaWolf? It kept reminding me of Darth Vader using the force to choke someone.

      Also, why has someone attached massively strong elastic to his motorbike so that when he kicks it, it flies off all over the place?

      And why are all the wolves vocoded? It sounds like bad pop music. And what does he say after "I am the grandson of a chief?" At first I thought it was "I will deform on you", then I thought it was "I will heap scorn upon on" but the last time it sounded like "I will do porn on you".

      This film is great! I haven't seen Cracking Dust but I think I will now. :D

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      • ChaoticBunny

        I could not stop laughing!

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      • bananaface

        Haha, oh my God, I am actually crying with laughter!

        "I wasn't born to follow you, or anyone else!"

        I think that was it:P. Hahaha, I will deform on you. I can't stop laughing! I think I'd die of laughter if he had actually said I will do porn on you. Oh dear! You just made my day! God, Twilight really is just the funniest thing.:D

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        • dappled

          You know, my ex got threatened that she'd have to leave the cinema when she saw the first one (which she called "Twiglet"). It crossed my mind that they should have two showings of films like this. One for people who like it and the other for people who like to laugh at it.

          Can you imagine you, me, Tia_ and a theatre full of people going hysterical at this? I think I'd honestly pass out from laughter. :P

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          • bananaface

            Lol at Twiglet, haha. I so wish they would do two separate showings! It's no fun when the only people laughing are me and the person next to me. It's embarrassing! It would be nice if the rest of the audience were laughing as well:P. Although, I think passing out might be a possibility for me too.D: God, who knew Twilight would have such an effect on people?:O

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            • Antir0b0t

              I love your comments guys! I agree, it's SO HARD to watch them seriously. In fact, I have a great story for this subject.


              I went to see the first Twilight movie with my older sister, aunt, and mother. we had all read the book and hoped it would be good, HOPED. Then the movie started, my sister and I laughed so much. I mean, seriously, the first is the best one to laugh at. It's made terribly.

              BUT, this old wrinkly hag to my right wasn't pleased with our volume of hearty laughter. (Now, she had her 15 years old daughter next to her.) This woman starts bitching at us to be quiet, so we calmly say ma'am,you can relocate to another seat if we are being that loud. Of course she just sat there angrily and proceeded to say rude things to teenage girls. THEN she has the gall to lean over and tell my sister, "You are fat! Shut up!" after bickering and them moving some seats down the end of the movie arrived.

              As we were walking out my sister threw some popcorn in their direction for being twats, well the mother anyway. so she then threw an entire bucket of pop corn and my sister and I. Of course my mom takes over the situation and makes that old hag look like a moron. Her daughter looked so embarrassed by her moms stupidity.

              I agree, they SHOULD have separate theaters haha. Some people take it way too seriously!

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  • I share your hatred for Twilight. My main dislike is for Kristen Stewart though who seems incapable of displaying more than 1 facial expression. I have a tin of baked beans who could act better than her.

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    • Antir0b0t

      I agree! What I don't get is in her previous movies she wasn't so bad at acting. In "The Messengers", (A scary film) she did really good! Then for some reason Twilight turned her full retard.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I hate Twilight with a burning passion. It is not literature!

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  • coolio75650932

    the movies would be epic if they actualy put emotion into the voices...and bella tries to kill herself when he brakes up with her >.< harry potter FTW

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  • SangoNyappy

    I was forced to watch 3 movies and it was fucking horrible. Even if the book is good I wouldn't read it because I hate reading from first person view. Anyways my friends really like it because it's "omg so romantic". What the fuck is romantic about sparkly disco ball that's in love with necrophile girl?

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    • Antir0b0t

      If their idea of romance is a twisted love triangle I fear for their taste in "romance". Haha! It's a terrible example of a healthy relationship. I mean, do they WANT some dude sneaking into their room at night to watch them sleep in a dark corner? FUCK NO. Haha, I think they misinterpreted it. Or just didn't consider how creepy their relationship really is.

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  • bristexai

    I don't care about it.

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  • Swan_Theif9854

    I went to the movies with some friends to go see New moon (casually) I guess we seen it rather early because when we left the fucking circus showed up. A random chick asked me what team I was on with an imagery microphone. I personally don't get the fab of it all. The movies sucked ass. And every vampire love story is the same.

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  • ccjigsaw

    I gave it a fair shot to. The books were average, the movies were garbage. I didn't like it at all, but I moved on. I personally find it a bit silly how far peoples hatred goes though. Same with the Justin beiber hate. What's the big deal? I mean. I know people don't like them, but there's so much hate! Why? lol Haters gonna hate I guess..

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  • I've read the books, so I know exactly what you mean. My mother is utterly obsessed with the movies, and hasn't read the books. She watches the movies a lot. I hate that she can just sit there, and watch the movies over, and over, but at the same time, I don't see why it matters. If it makes her happy then why should I care, which I know I just contradicted myself a little.

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  • alv1592

    Not gonna lie, I think the movies are cool. Never read the books though. I just think fangirls who yell "I love you Edward!" in the theatre are ridiculous. Not to mention Rob Pats has been attacked by fangirls in public and a fan attempted to kill a non-fan. Crazy stuff.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Never seen one of those movies, but since I'm not in the target audience, I don't care much. I don't care much about Teletubbies either.

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    I agree. I saw 10 minutes of it and almost vomited. No wonder our kids are failing in school, if they're all fixated on shit like that.

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    • Antir0b0t

      Agreed. They should probably put a disclaimer on the movies and book, "DISCLAIMER: Might cause nausea, suicide, or even sheer stupidity". Hehe

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  • dappled

    It is pretty hilarious to me but then, it's really not for me. I don't hate anyone for liking it. Although, I once got beaten by my dad when he found me and my sister laughing at an opera and now I quite like some opera. Tastes change! And people will always radiate hate.

    Given that Twilight has a traditionally younger audience, I don't think we should be reacting with hate. Although, to be honest, this kind of thing has always gone on. I've been victim of it and I've been perpetrator of it. Before I wrote this to you, I wrote a post on this same story saying how funny I found it because, let's face it, it *is* funny.

    Still, I don't think 12 year olds should be forced to watch some historical political drama. I'd like it but I wouldn't like it when I was 12. Each to their own!

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    • Antir0b0t

      Yeah, I think Opera is the bees knees. But even grown women have taken the obsession to new heights. Some far enough to divorce their husbands and ruin their lives. But I am glad you see the humor. :) And you're very right! Tastes do change, I'm glad you've taken a liking to Opera. It's actually pretty interesting once you give it a chance, so kudos homes!

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  • 4creilly

    I often find males seem to hate it or dislike it more than females. I would say its relatively normal. Its the fact that two of the females love interests live up to unrealistic standards of what a male should be. For example they are both incredibly muscular and have SUPERHUMAN abilities. This is all well and good but females see this and expect the same in reality. Its the erotic fiction thing all over again lol

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  • wonderful360

    Love the books

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  • helper3452

    Have you read the books? I think the movies seem fake and cheesy. In fact I think the movies are so cheesy there hilarious but the books are different. I used to think every time somebody blabbered about how great they are i'd want to seriously punch them or scream but you manage to over come it especially if you enjoy the books :).

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    • Antir0b0t

      I read the books when I was a preteen, they are not very good. Stephanie Meyer originally wrote the books to be aimed at an adult audience, but the publishers saw it as it was, (ill formed crap) and threw it at the adolescents.

      Plus, her characters lack development and she uses the same adjectives constantly to describe her main characters. Not to mention, Bella is a total mary-sue.

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  • wonderful360

    Whoever hates them then go to hell

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