Is it normal that when fat women say that they are "curvy"...

I kind of laugh to myself?

When fat women that are genuinely fat more so than they are "curvy" tell me that they are just "curvy", I lol to myself. When fat women tell me that they are proud to be "curvy" I feel bad for them and lol to myself. When fat women tell me that they are proud of their curves and so glad that they are not "figureless" or "flat" or "skinny bones" like me, for some reason, it makes me feel more pity for them.

As I lol to myself.

Is it normal?

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 172 votes (129 yes)
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Comments ( 65 )
  • A very big lady once told me she was in shape, and without thinking I said "yeah a circular shape". Needless to say she was pissed.

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    • BearGrylls

      "The circle is the most perfect shape - strive to attain it"
      - Homer Simpson.

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      • Good point.

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  • wigsplitz

    It's called denial. It's quite possibly THE most powerful emotion.

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    • flutterhigh

      What about punching? Is punching an emotion?

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      • wigsplitz

        IDK, lemme punch you and we'll see. Thought so.

        noun /iˈmōSHən/ 
        emotions, plural

        A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others
        - she was attempting to control her emotions
        - his voice was low and shaky with emotion

        Any of the particular feelings that characterize such a state of mind, such as joy, anger, love, hate, horror, etc
        - fear had become his dominant emotion

        Instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge
        - responses have to be based on historical insight, not simply on emotion

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        • flutterhigh

          Is mayonnaise an instrument?

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          • wigsplitz

            Only if you can fit your fist in the jar. Problem??

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  • Legion

    If they have a little fat on them, and say theyre curvy, yeah, but if they weigh well over 250(275 if they are over 6') and say the same, then that's pushing it. there is a big difference (No pun intended) between curvy, and just plain fat.

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    • NeuroNeptunian


      Every now and then I want to tell them, "let's switch metabolisms for a few weeks and see how 'curvy' you are then".

      But I'm not that mean. I don't say anything to their face. I don't wish to degrade anyone's self esteem. I just see it as amusing.

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    • Ummawkward

      I think it's hilarious. Because, bitch you ain't curvy, you just jealous of the fact that I'm tall thin and have legit curves.

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  • I agree with Neuro, women who are 5'3-5'6, which I think tends to be average for women, BUT then tip the scales at 170 lbs or more are certainly NOT curvy, now if they are okay with being fat, thats fine, I dont care if you are fat or not, its not my body, but dont try to sell me on some bullshit about you being curvy when you are clearly fat.

    Its also pertinent to mention that fat people in general tend to piss me off. Not to the point of outright anger, but some are so pompous or in denial about being fat that its downright annoying.

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  • Well yeah but really, laughing at them? What if you're skinny and someone is thinking "omg they are so anorexic"?

    It's not funny, right? And believe me, I can tell you right now, you have a coping mechanism that you employ yourself, be it humour, denial or using a nicer word to describe things.

    The fact you seem to find laughing at other people as amusing makes me find you to be the pathetic one.

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    • BearGrylls

      Nothing wrong with fat girls. In fact in an Arctic wilderness survival situation, a fat girl is the ideal partner:

      1. You don't have to outrun the polar bear, only the fat girl.
      2. There's good eatin' on them buttocks.
      3. Blubber is an excellent source of fuel for when you need to stay warm in an Arctic blizzard.
      4. You can make her cross the ice first - if it supports her weight, it'll support yours.
      5. She's easier for helicopters to spot.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      So I'm pathetic for having a laugh to myself?
      And yeah, often times they do call me anorexic. And that makes it more amusing for me, considering that I have never brought up the issue of a woman's weight in conversation before. If you're going to use criticism as a "coping" mechanism to add to your arsenal then I'm going to have a little more of a laugh at it. And ya know what? God help me if no one takes any sort of amusement at all from the pathetic coping mechanisms that I employ every now and then.

      Maybe I'm not laughing to your face.
      Maybe I'm not laughing at all.
      But as you're talking about how "curvy" you are, I am laughing a little on the inside.

      So yeah, I guess I am the pathetic one. I'm pathetic from having that little personal joke to myself. In fact, ANYONE who can take humor from life without harming others is pathetic unless they take humor from what YOU find it right. In fact, when these women DO insult me as they often do, I shouldn't just laugh it off. I should thank them, because I am so pathetic and they have every right to insult me, even though I have no right to have a personal laugh at them. Makes perfect sense. They should be able to talk to others however they want because those poor things have a weight problem to cope with :( How did I not see this before? It must be great to be so morally perfect like you... God I admire you, insulting me for expressing my personal feelings. If only everyone was so morally conscious as you...


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      • By the way, your coping mechanism is pretending you don't care and acting sarcastic. Doesn't work babe.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          Alright look.
          I'm going to sincerely apologize to you here. I did not think that you would get so upset about something this stupid. Yeah, I should not have attacked you for giving your opinion, but the fact of the matter is that you insulted me as a response to MY giving an opinion. If you don't want it done to yourself, then don't do it to someone else. If other people laugh at ME, that's fine. I can laugh at myself. I wouldn't be sane if I couldn't.

          As for the stories, I have lived a short yet interesting life. They sound unbelievable? That's fine. I hardly believe some of them myself. So I come here to gain persepective on them. I post my stories here to gain perspective on things that have happened in my life that, at 20, I have yet to develop the wisdom and experience to comprehend.

          That's the point of this website. To gain another person's perspective. If you have a problem with that, than I suggest you contact management and tell that that you have a problem with the way that they do things, not pull something stupid like go on my stories to try to "call them out".

          I like to keep my stories public. When people look at my profile, they see them and hopefully they will find a question or story that they can give their perspective on, pure and simple.

          I was just bustin' yer chops. I really had no idea that you would get so upset. I apologize, but I'm not going to take part in this argument any further. I asked my question on this website and you insulted me by calling me "pathetic" as a response. If that's how you're going to talk to people then learn to not get so upset with the consequences.

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          • I hardly got upset, I posted my opinion and you were the one who took the fit at it.

            You started ranting about being morally superior. Basically if you can't take a differing opinion, don't ask a question, life is not going to please you with what you want to hear.

            If you don't want to be insulted, learn to accept a differing opinion.

            But thanks for trying to give me advice about this site, somehow I think I know what this site is for, I've been here long enough.

            About your stories, well, I don't see how you can be comfortable laying yourself open for the IIN world to see, I guess to me, it seemed to be "woe betide me", whereas I prefer to deal with my issues quietly.

            But when you apologize, the point is to say sorry and that's it, you don't add an essay onto the end of it with "she said, you did, I wanted". It nullifies the whole point.

            That said, I accept it and I'm sorry for calling you names, I think I was exerting my inner hatred again on someone, which is a bad thing, I know.

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            • NeuroNeptunian

              You posted several nasty comments. You may have deleted them off of the website but they sure did blow up my cell phone e-mail account. I was a little suprised to get all of these considering that I only posted 4-5 responses back to you. At most.

              MissSorel says:
              No you wouldn't. People keep them anon so people don't know about them. You commented as anon here by the way, so how is that not bullshitting?

              Logic, dear, logic.

              MissSorel says:
              See? You're still being a little brat. You keep being fake and I'll keep on being myself.

              Have fun figuring out how to grow up.

              (Really, you're going to call me out for actually "exposing" my real stories and "laying myself out in the open" and then say YOU are the one being real and I am fake? What is this, high school?)

              MissSorel says:
              By the way, your coping mechanism is pretending you don't care and acting sarcastic. Doesn't work babe.

              MissSorel says:
              Nah, not really, still think you're full of shit.

              MissSorel says:
              Because your stories are so varied and crappy, I don't believe a word of them.

              And wow, you insulted me, I'm so hurt! GET OVER YOURSELF. You are nothing to me and oh, when did you get psychic?

              Please, do yourself a favour and stop thinking you're hot shit when you're nothing.

              MissSorel says:
              Also, you got so defensive over someone disagreeing with you, how sensitive are you?

              Grow up little girl.

              MissSorel says:

              MissSorel says:
              Why do you make a million stories up? LOL, you really are pathetic and look, there's your attitude again!

              Maybe you should though, since I don't have to make a million stories up.

              MissSorel says:
              Wow... you make a lotta stores Neuro... figures LOL.

              MissSorel says:
              She's not real, check NeuroNeptunians profile...

              These are all of the responses to me that you deleted. I pulled these from my e-mail. At this point, I think it is rather moot to state the irony in you telling me how I was the one that threw a fit and how I need to realize that life isn't going to please me about what I want to hear, especially considering that you felt the need to go post on my other stories too. Great job by the way. That provided me with a few minutes of entertainment before work.

              And yes, you insulted me. That may be your "opinion", but you responded to my opinion with an insult when you called me pathetic. Maybe I should have been the bigger person and just said "Ok, you think that I am pathetic", but as I stated previously. If you are going to talk to someone in such a manner, don't be so surprised when they do it back to you.

              "About your stories, well, I don't see how you can be comfortable laying yourself open for the IIN world to see, I guess to me, it seemed to be "woe betide me", whereas I prefer to deal with my issues quietly."

              Awesome, but I already explained my reasoning behind posting these stories. Like I said. If you have a problem with people coming on this website to use it for what it is for, then you need to contact management and give THEM a piece of your mind. Not me.

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            • NeuroNeptunian

              Well, it seems as if you are going to keep deleting your comments and if that's how you're going to do it then I will give you my reply and leave it at this.

              In response to...

              MissSorel says:
              Oh my god... you just don't let up do you? Seriously, that's what you call an apology?

              I apologised back and you go off on another rant? I take my apology back, go grow up.

              Oh my god no I don't. You proceeded to insult me within your "apology". But furthermore, I'm at work, I finished all of my assignments, I have to be here for another 3 hours, I don't take the internet very seriously and I'm bored.

              But you're obviously getting upset about the things that I am saying so while I could go on about the irony of a 22 year old woman rage failing all over my story pages like a 14 year old girl and telling me that I need to grow up and stop throwing a fit, at this point I think that I am just going to be egging you on.

              So I'll be my own guest here. It's a good thing you do not leave the house very often and don't work an occupation because otherwise, you'd be one of the angriest receptionists on the planet.

              Quit taking the internet so seriously and I really hope your day gets better.

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      • Wow... what crawled up your arse and died?

        Seriously, you were the one who posted an abortion link to a story about pregnancy, I'm meant to even have the faintest of respect for you? Nah.

        Now get out of my face, you're making me ill with your try-hard attitude.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          I'm not asking for your respect. Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe, when you called me pathetic, I should have kissed your ass for it. And how is one to "get out of someone's face" on the internet?

          ...don't answer that.

          Quit taking the internet so seriously.

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    • IrishPotato

      It's not that he laughs at them being fat.
      It laughs at them denying it, while they clearly are.

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  • PalestinianGuy

    It depends where they store the fat:-
    -Ass&tits: Curvy
    -Waist: Fat
    -Both: Fat

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    • BearGrylls

      Burqas: Is that shapeless form under there a fat arse or a bomb?

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      • PalestinianGuy

        I'd say a fat ass, bombs are usually wrapped around the waist.

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  • ccjigsaw

    I think people should just stop hating on each other. This whole big is beautiful movement is putting skinny people in the shit hole. We tried the whole "Your beautiful for who you are" thing, but that last for such a short time it didn't even happen.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    There is a big difference between "fat" and "curvy". There is a definite point where being "curvy" is no longer an excuse and your just obese. Hit the gym and diet if you get to that point!

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  • thinkingaboutit

    well if a roll has a curve and there's a lot of rolls...

    I remember this one time this severely obese girl called me anorexic. Harf harf It was a glorious moment, watching her smirk become a grimace. She was actually shocked, like she didn't know she was obese before my retort.

    In other words I hate it when fat chicks throw shade.

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  • BigScaryRooster

    It's hilarious. I know what a curvy woman looks like and an ugly obese woman is NOT curvy. It's just a stupid defense mechanism they use to make themselves feel better.

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  • gncp

    sexy is to curves then fat is to _____???

    the answer is LAYERS!

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  • how curvy? very very very curvy, with curves on top

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  • Hypwoman

    I consider myself curvey. But I'm 5'. 3". 135 pounds. I think of curvey as someone who naturally has broader hips, larrger breasts and a smaller waist. Like me. Not someone who is obese IOW 25% over weight.

    We all have our idea of what is beautiful. Some people seek perfection and will never find it nor be happy. Others choose to live in denial, weigh 200 pounds or be 30% overweight which is the standard for morbidly obese and be ok with that.

    We also have to recognize that as a society, obesity, or what some 250 lb folks in denial call "curvey ness" , is a price we ALL have to pay for., via taxes and higher health care . It's not healthy and it's costing us more than people are willing to admit.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      I'll agree, a lot of it is about where you put that weight. I agree on your definition of curvy, when a woman is obese, I think curvy is kind of thrown out the window. Denial implies that there is a problem, and I believe that throwing a cute label on what is basically lack of will to get back into shape or care for one's health IS a problem.

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  • NotSoMuch

    Clothing label for fat women says "clothes for big girls"
    I almost laughed my ass off

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Where'd you see that?

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      • NotSoMuch

        I think the label is called "Lis G" or something. It's not that I discriminate fat women, but it was just ridiculous to look at these, say, pretty chubby 30 to 50-years-old women, and then reading that expression: big girls...

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  • ggeineg

    "as I lol to myself" bahhaaha LOL that made me laugh. But no need to make them feel bad bout themselves. They have to be happy wih themselves so calling themselves curvy is how they do it

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  • Aleu

    Lol, this one woman approached me and said i was annorexic i said uh huh and your round she said NOOO i'm curvy i said.. Uh uh nooo you look like a ball to me. She was so pissed

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  • Mr.macky

    You aint curvy you FAT,,,mmkay

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  • snowtail802

    im not FAT im CURVY!

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  • squeeeshie

    If you have curves on your body you are curvy now shut the hell up ;o

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      By that logic, having skin on your body would make you skinny which would make the entirety of this conversation moot.

      But it's not, because English is often a language not to be interpreted literally. Moving on.

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  • Avant-Garde


    Yeah, I feel the same way. A little fat can be seen as curvy, but if they're 250 pounds and higher than they're not curvy. It's like they're trying to justify their obesity by making it seem like something it isn't. It's a denial of their weight.

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  • BlackDays

    Ya I know, but whatever. I better stop there or I'll go into a rant.

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  • crazyladii

    Hey everyone has coping mechanisms. If you can't beat the back fats, accept yourself as curvy and get you some baby backs mmm ^.^

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