Is it normal that when i eat food to fast a feel like i can’t breath?
I’ve had this problem ever since I was around seven, I think. Back then it didn’t happen often, but, when it did it was pretty bad. If I ate too fast–it only happens with certain food like French fries, hamburgers, bread, etc–I would start to feel almost like my throat was closing up. My mouth would get really water like I was about to throw up, swallowing would feel like I choking and trying to get the food down. The only thing that would help was drinking water; when I would do so, everything would get even worse for a couple second then go away completely. In recent years, this happens somewhat often, but, only to the point of where there isn’t any pain just the feeling I won’t be able to breath, then I need to stop eating for like ten seconds and I’m good. Around a year ago though, once when I was eating a sandwich, the usual started to happen but it got worse and worse to the point where water didn’t help and I ended up vomiting. Recently, about a month ago, the same thing started to happen but as the feeling of not being able to breath got worse I expected to throw up but it all went away and I was fine. But anyway I don’t think this normal lol.