Is it normal that when i'm around people i get really nervous?

Hey Everyone I'm bree and I'm a 23year old female who gets really shaky and nervous around anyone and it's to the point where I feel so Uncomfortable! Even around Family! I always wonder what they are thinking about me & me thinking about it only makes it worse for me.I start to get clumsy,dropping things on the ground,stumbling over my words(stuttering) and I dont even STUTTER!! Only around people sometimes and if i dont stutter im just shaky and all anxious and I dont know why. I always feel like someone is staring at me and 9times out of ten They are staring at me so that's what makes me feel awkward. I can't even sit in my college classrooms because its gotten that bad to where I can't be around a person for too long because i feel weird. :( please help..Is something wrong with me?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Acerbic

    Sounds like you have a bit of social anxiety. It's normal to a certain extent; everyone gets nervous around people, especially strangers, from time to time. Plenty of people have this fear, some even to the point of completely isolating themselves. In extremes, it becomes Social Anxiety Disorder. I had it growing up, fortunately I was able to overcome the anxiety but to this day I'm just not a "people person."
    I also know that feeling of thinking people are staring at you; in my case, it's usually because I have tattoos and piercings. However, most of the time people are too busy thinking about what people are thinking about them to even give other people a second thought or glance. But if someone is staring at you, it's probably not negative. Perhaps they think you're attractive or like your outfit that day.
    Either way, whether you're just nervous around people or think you may have full-blown S.A.D., try not to let it take control of your life. A lot of people with social anxiety find it's easier to be around familiar people in short doses at first, then strangers in short doses, gradually "building up" to being able to be in public for long periods of time without becoming nervous; sort of like do-it-yourself exposure therapy. There are plenty of resources on the internet about social anxiety, forums to share your experiences and tips on overcoming it if you feel like it'd be helpful. Good luck!

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    • Failedcasanova

      Where've you been love ?

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  • Username89

    Look we all go through that just find some one more embarrassing than u an pretend they are talking about then ( mean but works )

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  • breesha23

    Thanks you that was really Helpful

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