Is it normal that when i wake up my sense of touch gets jacked up?

So when I was a kid, I used to have these 'episodes' where my skin would start buzzing all over my body (similar to how it would feel if my leg fell asleep, but all over). It usually would happen during the day at random times and it never happened twice a year. It only happened a few times (like once a year or so, it was kind of random) but it scared me so much that I still remember it. And when I touched anything it felt weird. Like if I touched my faux-silk bed-sheets, they might feel like marshmallows or something. It would always freak me out so much that I would start screaming and crying, but nobody knew what was wrong with me. My mom said that it was Satan trying to get into my head whenever I was little and would have me repeat a bible verse over and over again until it stopped, but after she started studying to become a nurse, she suggested that I might be falling asleep incorrectly and being in some sort of dream state, that might induce different types of hallucinations (such as the weird touch and in one case, the weird coloring of the room I had been in). The last few times I had just woken up and it happened, so I would go and stand by my parents' bed until they woke up (this scared the hell out of them when they actually did wake up to see me standing there and staring down at them). And the last time it happened, I think I was either in middle school or on my freshman year (I'm a senior now) and I had woken up from this weird dream where I'd been walking on a treadmill trying to get to an umbrella where I think my family was and the entire place was covered in the treadmill walk, except for the umbrella (if that has anything to do with it maybe?) I woke up and my bed felt weird and my skin was buzzing, so I tried to go back to sleep. It started getting worse (probably because I kept thinking about it) and I eventually got out of bed and stayed in the bathroom, where it proceeded to get worse and worse, the room seeming to change to a red color and I started sobbing, at which point I went to my parents' bedroom and they led me to the couch. My mom told me to repeat a specific verse over and over again, which I did (spoiler alert: it didn't help) and she said something to my dad about it being a nightmare. I think I might've been holding a bible or a stuffed animal or something while this was going on. Eventually I calmed down and I was sent to bed. So is this abnormal? Should I see someone about this, or do you think it's just a case of my body waking up before my brain like my mom said?

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Comments ( 15 )
  • shade_ilmaendu

    Well, if it happened more frequently I would suggest it may be some kind of neuropathy, as nerve problems can feel like a tingling, buzzing sensation.

    Being that it hasn't happened in a while and it's been when you're falling asleep or waking up, I'm gonna say it's a hypnagogic response... the brain can perceive odd things when you're just falling asleep and just waking up and in that "in between" phase.

    I've never experienced anything somataform like that but I have had hypnagogic hallucinations... weird shapes moving, figures walking around, flashing lights.. confetti falling from the ceiling.. that one was fun. Sounds normal enough to me, if there was something medically wrong I'd expect more frequency than what you've experienced, especially if you've been clear of it happening at all for a while.

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    • Levi_Ackerman_is_bae

      So it might've been some sort of environmental factor or something? I'm not too knowledgeable about these things, I just know what my mom suggested it might be. I mean, it happened during the day a lot, but she said it might have been the same sort of thing.

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  • Levi_Ackerman_is_bae

    I'm probably the only person here asking weird questions like this.

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  • Track0011

    That happens when you put weight over your arm, leg or something stopping the blood flow through your limbs, when that happens you start feeling the "buzzing" and the warm in your arm.

    also, tl;dr, stopped reading after "sleeping" and "buzzing"

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    • Levi_Ackerman_is_bae

      Yeah, but it happens all over my body. So is that still the same thing?

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      • Track0011

        Yeah, it can happen if you put weight somewhere over your body that stops an important artherie

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        • Levi_Ackerman_is_bae

          It happened a few times though when I was awake though. I dunno. I'm not a medical expert or anything. And do you know anything about the weird touch thing?

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          • Track0011

            Also happened to me when i'm awake, never in my entire body, just in my hands, legs... it just happens when i'm crossing my legs, or leaning against domething.

            If you are still not sure this is what is happening to you, maybe you should go check a doctor, it could be something way more serious.

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            • Levi_Ackerman_is_bae

              I'm not too worried, since it hasn't happened in a while and never seemed too serious when it was happening.

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  • TheSauce

    I've never felt quite like that before but yeah I suppose it's normal. It's not harming anything right? IF it is correct me. But as far as my blind ass can see I think it's fine. I wake up with at least one numb appendage every other week or so, so I'm sure this is fine.

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    • Levi_Ackerman_is_bae

      I mean, yeah. It just scares the hell out of me whenever it does happen.

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      • TheSauce

        Aww man I'm sorry. A couple of my friends have sleep paralysis and they always tell me how that shit sucks, so this might kinda be like the same sorta thing? Kinda like kin to each other maybe?

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        • Levi_Ackerman_is_bae

          Yeah. My mom was studying to become a nurse and told me something similar to it being sleep paralysis. Saying something about me not waking up right, so that's why it would happen and that my brain might have fallen asleep during the day while my body was still awake. It was just conjecture though. That's probably the case. It's pretty fucking scary though.

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          • TheSauce

            Well I'm sorry about it again. So I guess all we can do is hope that it ends up well? Or going away or something?

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            • Levi_Ackerman_is_bae

              It hasn't happened in a couple years, so I'm not too worried about it. I'm just curious as to what other people might think about it.

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