Is it normal that when i walk into school i feel extreme loathing?

I just do. I don't know else to explain the feeling. I just want to go home right when I walk into the door. Please help.

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77% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • veno16

    Everymorning on my way to school my stomach hurts so much, ive realized it also happens kn my firt days of work and whenever im going to do amything stressfull... my best stress reliever is goimg to the washroom amd destroying ass shittng lol i guess for you youd have something to get rid of the stress school causes you maybe talk to some teacher? They must of had students like that already!

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  • omgcatz

    I hated school too. I was so happy when I was switched to homeschooling and my grades shot up. You should talk to your parents about it.

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  • k10101010101010101010

    this is because school SUCKS ASS!

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