Is it normal that whenever i get the chance, i stare at someone butt?

Literally it is just an automatic response at this point. If I am working, whenever this attractive guy turns around or something my eyes go straight to looking at his ass. Is this normal?

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91% Normal
Based on 23 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • donkeykong716

    I'm obsessed with checkout guy's bulges.

    At work as well, I work with a lot guys who wear slinky shorts/pants.

    It's been a hard habit to break. And it has made some of them uncomfortable. It's gotten annoying for myself as much as it may have been others. I think some of them think I'm just horny or thirsty.

    I've tried to think 'celebately', and it helps to be mentally focused on a task or on something else. Then the urge to look isn't so strong. So that may help you. Sex must be on your mind often.

    For me it seems obsessive/a bit add/adhd.

    Technically it might be considered leering which is harassment. But don't freak out about that. Just try to be careful. It's okay to look, it's what you're attracted to and into, but don't let it become you or control you...

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  • SwickDinging

    As long as you're discrete and you aren't making them uncomfortable then carry on. Normal. Humans like to stare at stuff

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  • Boojum

    I've never had the slightest interest in guys' butts, but I can relate to what you say because I've had a compulsion to check out women's butts and legs for a very long time - most likely, since before you were born.

    All you're doing is looking, and there's no harm in that. There wouldn't even be any harm in you mentally imagining the the ass bare, nor in you thinking about that when you're... doing other things. I suppose there might be a few guys who could get pissy about you objectifying them and judging their ass by whatever standards of attractiveness you have if they knew you did this, but I'm sure the vast majority of men would only find it amusing and hope that you liked what you saw.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I am such an ass guy when it comes to women I can tell the shape of her ass even if shes facing me

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    • Tommythecaty

      Haha me too 😁

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        You can tell by her hips

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        • Tommythecaty

          Yes, generally

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    I mean, to an extent yes? obv you're going to look at the thing that interests you, but you should really control yourself around coworkers/ strangers because once they notice they're going to feel very uncomfortable, and its not going to look good on your part.

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  • cupcake_wants

    Sure, why not, if that's the part of the body you're drawn to..

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