Is it normal that whenever somebody says "no" i say "yes."
Okay, to start this off, I have a habit in which if somebody says the word "no" I will respond "yes" even if the "no" wasn't directed towards me.
One time someone in my classroom told a friend about a death of a family member and they said "Oh, no!" I responded loudly "YES!" and later that day, I got my ass kicked by one of them.
Another time my family and I were at a restaurant and the people behind us said "No" to the waiter and I yelled "YES!" Nothing bad happened I just got weird looks.
There's plenty more, but the most "severe" was when two girls in front of me in class were talking and I heard one say quietly "Fuck no." and I yelled "Fuck yes!" in the middle of class, and got a double detention. And in detention the teacher said "no" to a student and I responded "Ye' nigga ye'!" And I was yelled at and in the yelling "no" was spoken and screamed "HELL YES, NIGGER TEACHER MAN! YES!" and I was suspended.
This was around 3 years ago and I still do this? Is it normal, can I get help? Thanks!