Is it normal that white folk confuse me?

My ex-wife (Cracker) drunkenly called my best friend (Coon) the N-word. Basically, my CF went on another one of his homophobic/transphobic rants (you know how Bible-fucking Coons are) at some dumbfuck party. And so my CW went on him about how much of an N-word he was and how all N-words should be gassed. He rebutted on how trannies and gays should be thrown out of 80 storey windows and it kinda turned into WW4 after that (a few stabbings here and there with the cops becoming involved).

Why are Whites so racist? I mean, sure Blacks are dirty, shit smelling, and anti-LGBTQ an all, but at least they endured ACTUAL trials and tribulations! No cum skimmed, devilled egg-fucking, mayo gagging White has ever had to endure hardship and thus shouldn't be spouting slurs left and right!

Totally Buddha. 3
Totally Allah. 6
Totally Dude. 0
Totally Man. 1
Totally Bro. 0
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Comments ( 6 )
  • bigbudchonger

    lmao the trolls are at least getting inventive with their language.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I never find them funny if they make the troll too obvious

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      • ImDown4Anal

        Elaborate bitch.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      What makes you think I'm a troll?

      Oh I get it now. Hating racism makes you a troll; okay.

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  • ospry

    This post has much "ion give a fuck about offending anyone" as the late '90s

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    • ImDown4Anal

      I offended your father with my dick if ya know what I mean.;)👍

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