Is it normal the idea of honey x honey pisses me off?

The story line disgusts me because of the message. The story line is they have this fancy school and the rich kids have to pay and poor kids get in for free. The poor kids do not have to pay but in this case are honeys. The masters are the kids paying for everything. The honeys are claimed when one the masters put on a earing bonding them to one of the masters. Along with saying people with money can take advantage of those with less it is saying that people with less money deserve to be whores. What kind of message is that? Now they have mostly straight pairings but they have one or two gay couples and the honey do not get to choose to be a honey to the master and are under that will.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • SangoNyappy

    Well I don't really mind that but I hate how it's just smut without any deeper story. Actually I don't mind smut if it's yaoi or yuri but hetero smut disgusts me... well excuse me

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    • dude_Jones

      Mmmmmmm - erotic bonding. Titillating as a fantasy, disgusting as a reality.

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      • SangoNyappy

        Does porn count as reality?

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        • Depends do you mean anime hand drawn porn or real porn? However porn is a show it is different doing the real thing. Porn is meant to look dirty because they are catering to the most filthy of audiences.

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      • I am not against bonding but I do not think anyone should be forced. Even in a S&M there is some desire for it from the partner. Anything beside that is a sex offence.

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    • It has gay pairings in the story.

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      • SangoNyappy

        Yeah I know but they're not "main" pairings so it's not so appealing to me~

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        • Well smut it still smut and I hate the message not the smut itself.

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  • Mando

    I don't know of this either but the exploitive premises in the plot line you describe are disgusting and it is your sense of dignity and decency that is offended.

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    • Yes that is why. I know of the whole pet and master thing in alternative life styles but it should never be forced. It is just not right.

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  • Imposturously_yours

    It's a silly shojo, bordering on smut. I don't think they considered the implications of such a message. Obviously, it's idiotic, but I wouldn't waste time trying to analyzing it too deeply.

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    • MissyLeyneous

      This. Don't take it too seriously.

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  • Wendell

    Thank you Japan. Thank you.

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  • disthing

    No idea what Honey x Honey is so I can't really speak from experience.

    However, based on what you've written alone, you have to remember that not all drama is directly representing the creator's personal outlook. It's not necessarily promoting the hierarchy it's presenting. Sometimes fantasy situations in programs are merely devices to create drama.

    So the message that you're getting worked up about may not be there at all.

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