Is it normal the troll wars have began! wtf?

I have known people who are self proclaimed trolls. They will all sit in a room together and apparently troll each other. However when they do this the other self proclaimed troll will get all butt hurt and bent out of shape. Why do trolls get mad when they are being trolled? Arent they asking for it? That is like egging a house yet getting pissed off and calling the police when they egg yours.

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Comments ( 59 )
  • Dot123


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    • Shrunk


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    • Gallieon

      You were just waiting for a chance to post this.

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    • dinz

      You are the ONLY TROLL who lived to tell the story of the great IIN troll wars of 2008/09.

      Many have perished, yet you managed to survive.

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      • I thought the troll king lost his eyes when the wizard took um. Now his eyes are in his beard they just dont know it yet.

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        • Riddler

          Best Adventure time reference! *highfive* Get your geek on!

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      • Dot123

        I am the king troll.

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    • Oh god where did you get this? LMAO

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      • Dot123


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  • DolphinAngel


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    • RoseIsabella

      What is that thing supposed to be? God damn it's fugly! I've seen it before but I can't remember what it's called.

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      • Its a troll!

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      • DolphinAngel

        It's a meme known as a troll face.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I want that troll face to go after my sister! Mwahahaha

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      • nkwacky

        It's called Derp. Love it

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  • bananaface

    Some "trolls" come across as being really insecure. Maybe that's why some of them troll in the first place; they feel insecure so they take it out on everyone else and try to make other people feel bad about themselves, just like they do. I tend to think it's an attention seeking sort of thing. So I don't find it surprising that they'd get "butthurt" when trolled. There are plenty of people who have no problem dishing the insults out, but can't handle it when they're returned.

    And if I were so insecure and deprived of attention that I had to resort to trolling, I don't know how I'd go about defending myself if I were attacked. I guess all I'd be able to do is attack them back, and if the other person is doing a better job of it than me, then I suppose I'd end up "butthurt". I really don't know, though. Maybe you'd be better off asking a troll, because they're kind of unknown to me. Although, I'd be willing to bet it depends on the person/troll.

    It's pretty hypocritical, in my opinion.

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    • I thought it was hypocritical too. I did not understand why self proclaimed trolls were upset with being trolled by other trolls. Also I think regular people will troll sometimes just since they get a kick out of it. Like making a fake post you know is a joke but its making fun of something. Not always things that are hurting someone. Like the "Is it normal that I masticate"?

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    • You know, I've always thought something along those lines too. But as of late I'm starting to think that it would be too obvious. I think trolls are all different kinds of people, and alot of trolls are actually pretty nice people in real life. I think those that are upset by trolling are the real "insecure people", they take the net too seriously and ruin it with their crybaby attitudes. I would think that insecurity runs in all people, but I do think we all (myself included) ascribe far more behaviours to it that simply aren't related. It's like when somebody is being aggressive, we all think "insecure" but are actually missing the point that it is proven to come more from a primal instinct than any emotional imbalance. I would think many trolls are verbally aggressive by nature, it would also explain why there are far more male trolls than female ones.

      Hmmmmma hhhhhmmmmma

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      • dom180


        As much as people who are trolls are all different kinds of people, people upset by trolling are all different kinds of people too. Undoubtedly some trolls are motivated by insecurity, and undoubtedly some people get upset by trolls due to insecurity, but in neither case is it all of those people. I honestly think most people upset by trolls were either in a bad mood anyway, or are only responding to "counter-troll" which then gets interpreted as upset-ness. Saying people upset by trolls are insecure is an unfalsifiable hypothesis, since you could interpret any response (or lack of response) from them as being upset and insecure if you wanted to, and any denial of their insecurity as them being insecure about that.

        There's the trolls who go on forums and make jokes about genitals, and there's the trolls who go on Facebook pages of dead kids and taunt their grieving families. I don't really think you can judge those trolls in the same way, so no explanation of trolling can ever be applied to all trolls.

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        • People upset by trolling aren't all different kinds of people when you observe them really, they're usually exactly the same kind of person on IIN. On here they always tend to say the same things, share the same opinions, ect. But the trolls on here are as different as they come, that's why they don't get along (because of the "this town's not big eough for the two of us" attitude that trolls/bullies/nutcases have). But every "anti-troll" seems to have slightly below average intelligence, wishy washy ideals, and a basic lack of understanding as to why trolls target them in the first place. It leads me to believe that most "anti-trolls" are the youngest users, people who haven't come into their own in many ways. This makes them targets for trolls, it would also explain their constant inability to deal with them without getting owned.

          In short, I think the people who get upset by trolls bring it on themselves by being the weak link. IIN is a community so they are likely to be targets, just like the real world. If anything trolls will toughen them a little, because they're going to meet bullies of all kinds in the real world.

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          • dom180

            Eh, that's not really what I'm getting at. Most trolls fit the same vague description too - you already mentioned that almost all of them seem to be male and verbally aggressive by nature. I'm sure there are more common descriptors. Trolls don't tend to get along because having more than one troll limits the havoc that can be attributed to one person; I don't think it's any more complicated than that. It's wholly unsurprising that a troll/ex-troll/supporter of trolls would refuse to accept that trollees have much individuality - that's the way most bullies think about the people they bully.

            It's reductionist to even say that trolling is something that can be won and lost at. It's not a game like chess where there is a clear, undeniable winner that both sides have to accept. I can't count the number of times I was trolled when I was 13 or 14, in which the troll probably felt like they won but I certainly didn't feel like I'd lost. That's because trolls and trollees kind of have completely different criteria for "winning" (all the victim has to do is defend themselves to the end and refuse to admit defeat to feel like they've not lost - at least that's all it took for me, which may or may not represent the rest of the world. In that sense it's completely different to physical bullying).

            Victim-blaming is a little bit assholish. Obviously people who are trolled a lot have a personality that attracts trolls to them in some way, but that doesn't mean it's their fault for it. And you're not seriously trying to say trolls do it out of the goodness of their heart, are you? :P They do it because for whatever reason it might be they get a kick out of it. Playground bullies are no different, and although it's a myth propagated all the time I've never once heard anyone actually *say* they were glad they were bullied as a kid because it "toughened me up". I certainly don't think that if it does toughen people up that those people are in the majority. But hey, that's just, like, my opinion, man.

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            • "Real Victim blaming" is a little bit assholish, but playing the victim is worse. The majority of "victims" are victimised by their own design. A person needs to exercise common sense, in this world you can't do whatever you want. One can't put themselves in the middle of troll territory and cry victim, because THEY victimised themselves through lack of common sense. The trolls were just being trolls. You wouldn't blame a lion for eating someone who jumped into its cage would you? No, you wouldn't. And that is where the so-called "victim blaming" becomes a load of shit, most victims take no responsibility for their own actions. They put themselves in the shit, shit that was there first. Bad things will always exist, it's the choice to fall to them that makes a victim. A victim is someone who is sought out by evil, not someone who thinks it's their right to touch the stove and not get burned. Nobody has the right to ignore common sense and danger, and then cry victim.

              You will understand it when you grow up.

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      • bananaface

        Yeah, trolling really isn't something I know about. I'm not even sure if my definition is actually right. I see people here call anybody who lies a troll, even if it's for comedic purposes. I don't, and I see trolls as people who try to provoke people.

        Although, you bringing up the way trolls might behave in real life made me wonder about whether real life trolling is much of a thing. I only hear trolling in the context of the internet, despite there being people in real life who provoke others. For example, with my siblings, I actually think I might act in a way that, if I were to act like that online, people might consider me a troll (one of the milder ones, anyway). It's not uncommon for me and my sisters to wind each other up, trying to provoke a reaction. It's not usually something particularly malicious, and it just amuses us. I reckon loads of trolls do it for the same reason. It's just amusing getting a rise out of people sometimes. So, yeah, pushing people's buttons for fun might be a reason. Just a thought.:)

        I guess the difference is that in my case it's mutual; I don't think I could do it to everyone (or anyone other than my sisters), but some obviously can (and do). Although, if I were in a particular mood, I might display troll-like tendencies:P. Can't quite put my finger on what the mood is, although aggressive might be the right word. It's rare for me to feel that way, although maybe for trolls it's not so rare.

        I've never actually thought about there being more male trolls, and it's a really interesting point. Hmm, I wonder why that is. I don't know much about psychology, so I'm not sure.

        I agree with dom180 as well. Some trolls really do awful things, and it is expected that the victim would get upset.

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      • Johnnytherat

        i told him to say that.

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        • You sure did.

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          • A cat working together with a rat to troll the internet. I never thought I would see such a thing. You two might have just made history.

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            • Johnnytherat

              i do it for the trolls on the ban list.. R.I.P my homies
              *pours a 40oz on the keyboard*

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            • I know, how funny does it sound on paper.

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  • Fabulous

    I think we can see I stand tall as commander of one of the armies. But who will be the Washington to my Cornwallis, the Luke to my Emperor, the Grant to my Lee, the Harry to my Voldemort?

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    • RoseIsabella

      The Ernie to your Bert!

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      • Johnnytherat

        the cat to your mouse!...... wait, ahhh a cat! *runs away*

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        • RoseIsabella


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  • St.Clair59

    That's how they are. They can give it, but they can't take it.

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  • watermelonninja

    An internet 'troll' is an abusive or obnoxious user who uses shock value to promote arguments and disharmony in online communities. Named after the wicked troll creatures of children's tales, an internet troll is someone who stirs up drama and abuses their online anonymity by purposely sowing hatred, bigotry, racism, mysogyny, or just simple bickering between others. Trolls like a big audience, so they frequent blog sites, news sites, discussion forums, and game chat. Trolls thrive in any environment where they are allowed to make public comments.

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  • Moonbow

    ... troll wars have BEGUN ...," not "began."

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  • handsignals

    Yer, you laugh, while trolls like me cry in silence. Trolling's a disease. The difference between a troll and a normal person is how you treat them.

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  • Abend_zersetzen_mich

    Most malicious trolls are the equalivent of school-yard bullies and can't take what they dish out. It is hypocritical, but human nature is nothing if not hypocritical.

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  • Shrunk

    LOL when I troll (not on this site) I enjoy getting trolled in return, it shows there are people who share your (weird?) sense of humor...

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  • handsignals

    You think it's easy being a troll Brah? Try walking a mile in my shoes :.(

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    • Johnnytherat

      your shoes are stupid & light up when the walk you dork booger

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    • dirtybirdy

      Pffff. Easy, you cockgoblin whore muncher. Wait...what size are your skanky shoes?

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      • RoseIsabella


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      • handsignals

        Yer that's right...laugh it up....mean while trolls all around the world sit alone and suffer in silence.

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  • dirtybirdy

    What's this about eggs? Don't you dare.

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    • Im making an omelet. I think they came from your nest. OOPS

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      • Riddler


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    • Johnnytherat

      who gives a gosh darn about your eggs.. WHO TOOK MY CHEESE?!

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      • I did! Dont you people listen! I was making an omelet. I used some cheese.

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        • Johnnytherat

          who takes a rats cheese? i'm almost certain thats a philosophical crime against your fellow man...

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          • Philosophical? How so?

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  • glassesguy9119

    Is it normal the* not The. Fuck head.

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  • Johnnytherat

    poop fart

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  • Dot123


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    • Terence_the_viking

      Oh no not the face


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      • Dot123


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