Is it normal think religion is pointless

ive always been told to believe in god but ive never really been interested. My family gets mad when i state my opinion and its cause a problem like in the real world with all these countries in wars over religion.

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 81 votes (62 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • anti-hero

    With or without religion there will always be wars.

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    • Allistalla

      Good piont .

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      • anti-hero

        Thank you.

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  • Devyn

    It's not pointless. Religion when properly applies gives people morals and a reason to abide by them without needing to convince them of it logically. Religion when abused is a way for religious leaders to get what they want.

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    • justanotherpersonalk

      If you need religion to have morals, that shows that you don't have much self control. if the only reason you don't do something bad is because "you'll go to hell," then you're not a christian. for example, if you think about killing someone a lot, you really hate that person, and you know deep down if there was no punishment, and you wouldn't go to hell, you'd kill that person, isn't that just as bad as killing someone in "god's" eye's? Yeah religion may help keep some morals in christians, but most people who actually do crimes and kill people are christians, and others who believe in a "god" who are supposed to have morals. People who don't believe in god are actually the most kind, intelligent, and overall good people, whether you want to believe it or not.

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      • Devyn

        I would argue that there are lots of people with not much self control and I would rather they abstained from crimes for religious reasons than not at all.

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    • Allistalla

      Yes , that is kindve the piont I think thats why so many poeple have them .

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  • Marisol

    Religion is not pointless. Like everything in life, religion has a point too. Love has a point, work has a point, and so on. Just because religion has been involved in war, it does not mean that other things have not.

    Why do people break-up and get back together if there was no point for their love?

    Why do people work? I assume to earn money. Does that mean that people are not met with conflict at work? No, because no matter what you do in life, people will contradict you for various reasons, regardless of how you treat them.

    And do you want to know the real reason for wars? Why are people so brainwashed? Did you ever think that those who are at the top have anything to do with that? Do you honestly believe everything that you hear on television?

    Just because there are certain groups who consider religion to be a basis for wars does not mean that the rest of the world does. Your opinion is based on false generalisations.

    Religion is not a cause of war but leaders who know nothing about religion and who assume that they can use it as an excuse to gain support of people stupid enough to rely on them. If anything is a cause of war, it is contradicting views of people who have different political perspectives and hence see a reason to put their citizens under pressure in order to fight fellow human beings.

    Why don't they go and fight in wars? Why don't they put a gun into their own hands to protect their citizens? Why? Because while they sit on their behinds and wait for some political dream of theirs to come true; their dear citizens are dying, and the people of this world are still being manipulated into fighting one another so that their dear presidents could laugh about war tomorrow.

    What is the point of all of this? Where does religion come into this? Does being religious make us bad and criminals? I don't think so, nor should those who aren't religious be considered that way. But those who persist to create wars for all the mentioned reasons (excuses) should be considered bad and war criminals; because, hey, they have the power to make peace or make war (with or without religion.

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  • Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart

    Perfectly fine belief. If you choose to believe in the facts of the world, instead of stories that cannot be proven, I applaud you.

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  • thevampiredude7

    I never really cared for religion but I it helps some people to have something to believe in

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  • Allistalla

    It is not it gives poeple peace of mind .

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  • theaverageatheist

    relligion is just a fake reality platform on with other lise can be easily stated.
    think about it, a child grown up in a relligius famaly finds it much more easy to belive in santa.
    one ove my friends was grown up atheist, and she never belived in santa even when here parents keept telling her he ws real.
    I was raised christian and belived in santa, then i had a hard time trying to let him go

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  • Zeromancer

    War over religion?
    A new age myth.
    Wars have ALWAYS been over money, resources, freedom and land.
    The only exception EVER maybe the Catholic crusades, which were also just to kill the opposing "team".

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I believe in cats. They are real.

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  • dietcoke

    sometimes religions are the major reason for creating boundaries between people...

    sometimes people rely on religions to make themselves feel better about what they've done or what has happened...

    sometimes people join religious groups to take advantage on the others with a selfish purpose...

    im kinda with you but im NOT denying the existence of a god. im just not convinced about following a religion.

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  • SamuraiGallade

    Religion can show you many wonders. It tells you what happens in the afterlife, can show you good morals and practice, and many more good things. Look up astral projection, magick, chakra points, etc. I also recommend you read the Bible, or similar scripture. There is much you can learn, many wonderous things.

    Just make sure to tread carefully, for religion also tells that there are dark forces within this realm and others.

    Go with the light of truth and blessing. May God light your path.

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  • Ono

    For some people it gives them meaning and security, but for others like yourself it doesn't. Neither is better/worse.

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  • Eternal_Wisdom

    you need to open your mind more before you analyse/think about something as deep as religion.

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    • Terranaut

      I would say that many have criticized religion simply because they have opened their mind to the much deeper concept of Science, and that those who hold religion over science are pretty close minded.

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  • suckonthis9

    If you really think religion is pointless, then why are you spreading religious ideas around?

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  • Personally, I see religion as a double-edged sword. It has potential to bring good or evil in a person.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Religion gives hope to people in hopeless situations. It provides comfort to the sick, and answers to the confused.

    I am not very religious myself, but you have to see the many positive influences of religion (along with the negative) There will always be war with or without religion, and there will always be corrupt people. You can't blame religion for the evil of man.

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    • justanotherpersonalk

      i think people who rely on religion as the only hope they have are weak. you can't sit around and wait for "god" to help you, you have to do things for yourself. and i've never heard of religion as an answer for the confused, religion just causes confusion really. but i guess this is coming from someone who isn't naive or ignorant, for christians, religion may be comforting, but it's honestly sad to me that such a massive group can be satisfied with being unsure of life and never really knowing why we're all here.

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  • Trippynigga420

    well fuck your opinion too because noboby asked to be a dick i was stating my opinion just like you do. there is nothing thats makes you any better then me so gtfo.

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