Is it normal this weird guy follows me everywhere?

For a while now, this strange, tall guy has been stalking me. He's so weird! He's tall and he's always in this black suit. He can be anywhere I go. Even after I moved to another state, he's still around. Usually he just stares at me, but sometimes he moves and I have to run. I called the police but they didn't believe me. He's bald, and I know it sounds crazy but I think he has no face. I'm starting to really worry. I can't even remember most of the past few years. i don't know what's going on

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23% Normal
Based on 176 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Daralia

    Do others also see this man? Or can only you see him. I suggest you see a psychiatrist, because if this man is a figment of imagination you could have something going mentally. Things such as these should not be taken lightly. Get to the bottom of it.

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  • SorryToSayItBut

    Sorry to say it but... your being stalked by the slender man.

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    • Its_Called_Love

      How did no one else get that...? O_o

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  • Everyone thinks they have a stalker! newsflash, you dont. It's very rare and is almost always just coincidence.

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    • SorryToSayItBut

      No Its Not..
      Its A Demon That Stalks Kids And Teenagers.
      He Is Faceless. Wears A Black Suit. And Grows Extra Limbs. Once Your Stalked.. He Kills You Sooner Or Later

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      • No the demon tells you to stalk and kill, he himself doesn't do it........according to sam.

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  • GeorgeMcBob

    How did this get past the troll police?

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Thats creepy. When I was in college there was this older guy that used to follow me around. He would even go as far as following me to my car. One day, these girls from my class that I was close with, told me that they noticed it too. It was so weird. They told me they didn't like me walking to my car alone, so they would walk with me. Make sure you're never alone.

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  • Dread-pool

    maybe he's guarding you.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    If other people can see him too, call the police.
    If only you see him, call a shrink.

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  • snoogley

    Not normal, I had a guy follow me for two years. It was everday nonstop, he was there. I moved away though. If he is still following you after a move then keep someone around you at all times. Someone else is bound to see him. At that point you will have a witness, making your story way more convincing to the police.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Well shit, I probably shouldn't of read this at night! Now when I go out, I'll be looking behind my shoulder:/

    "no face"?! Maybe he's your protector or works for something in inception? Have you ever tried talking to him? I know it might be scary, but if you talk to him it might be able to rule out if he's a hallucination or not. Hallucinations usually don't talk... But if he does, then try to figure what he's on about.

    Good luck! O.0

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  • pufferton

    Wtf o.O Now I'm scared there's some dude following me and I haven't noticed.

    No but in all seriousness, this isn't normal? I find it odd that all 3 people who commented have this same problem o.O When clearly this is not something regular people encounter... Like ever.

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  • Malaglinir

    Happens to me too, the one that follows me is really thin and always is wearing the same suit. Seems like he is always lurking around me from the distance, especially on foggy days.

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  • blackmesa

    Totally normal. There is this guy at the facilities I work at that looks like a business man. He always caries a briefcase and stares at me from upper levels or through a window. When I get were he was staring at me he just disappears.

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  • Horny_Fag_69

    sounds like someone is going to get raped

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    • GuessWho

      ^ Sounds like this is the guy in question.

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