Is it normal to absolutely hate the sound of men peeing?
I feel like men pee much louder than women. For as long as I can remember,the sound makes me cringe. Anyone else feel this way?
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I feel like men pee much louder than women. For as long as I can remember,the sound makes me cringe. Anyone else feel this way?
Sounds to me like somebody needs a nappy, and their oinky blanket, cause they don't have a penis........
Yeah I've never understood why other guys can't pee around the side of the bowl instead of straight into the water, it's a bit inconsiderate really.
A lot of places in older areas of Paris the toilet are holes in the floor. No dividers or anything. For use by both sexes. Military people stationed in France called them missile silos.
Yes, it's gross. I respect a man who is willing to pee sitting down. Standing up to pee is gross. It's disgusting how they all sprinkle a little on the floor around the toilet, it's like they're marking their territory which is vile.
It's natural to shit squatting just like it's natural to piss standing (for guys). The toilet simply eases the squat strain on the legs. So not really an argument.
The real vile thing is men forced to relieve themselves on a contraption designed for taking shits. Luckily public restrooms resolve this error with urinals.
Someone's penis envy is showing! I often pee standing up right before/after sitting to shit.
Yes its a disgusting sound. Amazing most men still can't not get their piss IN the toilet.
I saw this on a sign on eBay:
"If you sprinkle when you tinkle be sweet and wipe the seat"
Some guy told me that girls have a woosh noise when they pee, i never noticed that but it's kinda true, plus it seems like girl's piss streams are a bit thicker than men's
Not sure about the rate of flow, but it would make sense if women's urine streams were greater, since the female urethra is a lot shorter. A given pressure will push more water through a short hose than a long one.
I've noticed the "whoosh" sound, but always assumed that was due to the acoustics of sitting on a toilet.
Oh yeah?! Well...well... at least I can aim! I absolutely hate how women are so innacurate.
Yeah. They don't have the superpower of being able to pee out a campfire like us. Ha ha.
Wow. You do know women pee pretty much straight down when they sit or squat?
Generally, yeah, but our daughter's anatomy seems to be arranged such that she tends to spray forward enough to splash pee on the front rim of the toilet. When I lift the seat to take a piss after she's recently been, there's always urine on the underside.
My wife hasn't noticed, and I haven't said anything, since it's not a big deal, and girls tend to have enough hang-ups about "down there" as it is.