Is it normal to absolutely positively hate retards

Well as my title states, I HATE retards. They get away with whatever they want. They control the household and keeps everyone else from doing what they want to do. Like one time this retarded girl came and sat by me at lunch and started cussing me out and slapped me in the face normally I would slap that goddamn down syndrome face but no 'she's mentally challenged she doesn't understand' but I got so fucking mad that I plain yelled at her to FUCK OFF! And of coarse I was the one who got in trouble.the normal amount of time to get at an alternative school is 1 week (which is already stupid to get for slapping someone) but I got 3 weeks at an alternative school just because she was a retard and 'handicapped'. But you know what she got? Praise and she got abunch of shit just because she's a retard and everyone felt sorry for her. And that's just one of the many stories I have. And I'm sure everyone has at least ten horrible experiences with a retard.

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89% Normal
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Comments ( 70 )
  • louish

    They dont deserve to be around normal people. They either need to be put down at birth or kept away from normal people. It doesnt make sense that its OK for them to do whatever they want just because they are handicap. Is it OK for me to walk up to some stranger and start harrassing them. No, I'd get in r trouble. But its ok for a retard to do it?

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    • 32beth

      This is f**king ridiculous.... Why don't they deserve a shot at life.WHY WOULD YOU TREAT THEM ANY DIFFERENT. They are human beings. Yes they may be difficult and i understand that but why the f**king hell would you want they to be put down. They are as beautiful as anyone with or without a condition or illness. They don't understand and even though it is frustrating, you have to deal with it. What you are saying is discracful.

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      • hd70642

        okay treated humanly but when they harm others they should held accountable so they can no longer harm other people . Will you be so
        magnanimous when they commit a crime against you or a loved one .? It is highly irritating when all those Pc hypocrites go around acting like they are so above any bigotry of any kind and go on about the wonders of self esteem and positive thinking and then wonder why our educational system is below third world status!

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  • ThePoacher

    If they were allowed to live like normal people they would breed if they breed after a couple of hundred years society would break down and we would all be a bunch of dribbling freaks kill all retards

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  • Korq

    They need to put those people into camps. If you can't contribute to society than you shouldn't be part of it. I don't care what your condition is.

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    • Simply.Wisdom

      Technically they do contribute to society by creating jobs for those who look after them and teach them.

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    • 32beth

      So everyone with a illness ,with a disability,a cold, a cut on there finger, and broken bone,blond hair, blue eyes, black hair, fat , slim , colored skin, white skin should be gone and a a

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    • 32beth

      You are sick

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      • NobodyKnows

        Why are you using "sick" as an insult? Don't you realize how demeaning that is to people with real diseases? Why would you use such an ableist slur like that?

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  • Valetion

    What I truly HATE, is that we're told to treat them like "normal people" but when we do, we get in trouble for it! What's the fucking point?!

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  • VladWhyte

    If you kill retards, the future generation will be more genetically strong. I think eugenics FTW

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    • 32beth

      What the you think they 'slow us down' your the type of people who should be wiped from this earth

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  • emiloola:)

    I hate then too! They piss me off I mean normally I'm a nice person but one kept touching my hair so I flipped out and got in trouble but ugh it's dumb that they never are being "naughty" as I was called

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  • aussiewolf

    when i was at school, we had a couple of down syndrome kids there too. they never really bothered me except when they tried to touch me sexually. they never got in trouble for it, i was just told that they didnt know right from wrong but it did make me wonder where they learned that from so maybe the girl who hit you, was hit and that is where she learned it from. it was still inappropriate for the girl to hit you though, i dont think you should have got in trouble for it but you didnt really handle the situation right. she should have had her guardian there though. try to be a little more understanding with special needs people because most of them cant help it and dont have real control over what they do or say.

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    • WakkoWarner

      You disgust me. First,lol. You do know that what you said can be called sexual harassment and what your school said is illegal. Ha. That retard should be locked up. And I think she handled it too gently. I would have hauled her lop-sided ass out the door. Soorry , but NOT. They cant be givin excuses. I will never pity them, literally getting away with murder!

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  • brewdALLday

    Im sorry, but if the hottest person in the world came up to me and acted like 99.9% of retards do I would tell them to fuck off and to wabble home and tell their parents that they made a horrible mistake!! And if the sweetest person came up to me but was drooling and acting like a one year old child, I would probably hand them a napkin and tell them to wipe themselves, eat the napkin, and to run home and tell their parents they made a horrible mistake. Its not that they are "retard", or whatever the sensitive idiots want to call them; its the fact that they are acting socially unnacceptable. And the worst part is there is no consequenses. Im sorry but if they cant behave like normal people, put them in a camp where they all can be "normal". I treat everyone the same, thats how it should be. And I will never appologize for it.

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    • frigglefraggle

      agreed, its like they fought to get equal treatment in schools like the other kids, but when they act unacceptable they dont have to face the punishment. equal treatment means equal treatment, no exceptions

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      • hd70642

        whatever. happened when. an individual could not distinguish. between. right and wrong they were I institutionalized. where they pose. any danger. to others or themselves

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  • scotty4444

    Are the retards drawn to you? I was never approached by any when I was in school, but its normal for anyone to take advantage of their circumstances, especially when they are young and naive. Of course a retarded person will always get the benefit of the doubt in situations like the one you describe, they are 'too dumb' to realize they are controlling everyone around them, kind of a contradiction, dont you think? If what you describe is totally true with no embellishment, then you have been wronged. Stay away from them, they are only going to make you miserable.

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  • phullofit

    your story raises an issue; everyone wants us to treat them like they're not handicapped right? so if it is your natural response to tell the person to fuck off, than thats normal. so really, you were treating her how you would treat a normal girl. hmmmmmm

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    • WakkoWarner

      I would say that ,yea

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  • mr.fartsmeller

    i share your hate,most of them smell and they dont have
    any idea of someones personal space.but the worst is that they can get pretty violent ecept downs people i think
    they are just like a goofy pet

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    • chewy


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  • Mitsyrules

    I've never had a bad experience with a retard, although they can be annoying. But I don't blame you for hating for the reasons listed.

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  • I agree with phullofit 100%

    But some mentally handicapped people are actually cool. I have several at my school. 1's name is tevon and, honestly, i consider him a friend. But theirs another named kreig who cusses at people and tells them he'll fuck their gf's and stuff; even hits people. Never gets in trouble. So, i say treat them equally like everyone wants us to and give them equal punishment or make seperate schools for them.

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  • huffk

    in my chourus class i have to sit by a retarded kid. hes stupid and just sits there and i mean, why did i have to get stuck with him

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  • AlisonTea

    Once a retarded boy grabbed my boob and went honk honk... I just stood there... looked around... made sure no one saw... and pretended nothing happened. it was so fucking embarrassing... like WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO RIGHT NOW?!?!?!
    Then another time this fat retard wanted to fight my friend for no reason so my friend beat her up... she didn't get into trouble because the retard started it after many attempts my friend made to tell her to fuck off.
    I hate retards too, I think everyone does DEAP DOWN. "Normal" people just don't have the guts to say it, in fear of offending someone... so they lie and lie and lie.
    It's like yea I hate them but I do still feel bad for them. Only when I really think about it and put myself in their shoes like if I sit there and think about if I was them what it would be like. It is sad in a sense that they don't get a chance at a normal life or anything like that. The one's that aren't too fucked up hate that they don't get treated like everyone else... well from what I know. It's not right that people treat them like that and SAY THEY DON'T KNOW... it's like yea if you keep making up excuses for them THEY WON'T EVER LEARN EITHER! I hate people in general retards, non retards, semi retards, special ed, genius, mediocre people EVERYONE

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  • randomperson1000000

    I agree. Long live eugenics

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  • Evilllamas

    know what you mean, most of my freinds (and possibly me) have aspergers syndrome to a degree, everynow and then they do somethign retarded when we're around the normal people, adn I'm like `stop fuckign doing that for gods sake! You like like retard!`

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  • kissmeiou

    I do hate the extreme special treatment some mentally handicaped people get, because contrary to what people say most mentally handicaped people do know right from wrong- depending on the severity of their condition.

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  • Bdornyei

    No wonder she slapped you! YOU fuck off you angry "retard"

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    • WakkoWarner

      how dare you, I have said this so many times, BUT THEY ARE FUKING MISTAKES! NO GOOD IN THE WORLD! THEY DROOL AND SCREAM AND SHIT!

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    • ThePoacher

      Shut the fuck up

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  • 4youising

    This is disgusting. My brother is autistic and is the sweetest guy in the world. The word "retards" is a hateful, hurtful and generic term. Do a little research before you attack others for not being just like you.

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    • ThePoacher

      Please piss off if they are so great tell me how many retarded animals you see please go and count because you will find there are none because they do not belong on this planet they are genetic scum in the gene pool and they need to be removed. All they do is suck up tax payers dollars to get heaps of free shit I have a cousin who is retarded he got an iPad 2 iPod 4 iPhone 4S and it was all for free and my scummy uncle and aunty use it for themselves. He comes over and smashes his dribble covered trucks into our walls and throws it at us and if we so much as say boo his care taker gives us the foulest look ever. I recently had to buy a new tv because of him he threw his matchbox car into my old and those cheap bastards didn't even pay for a replacement so that was the end of that I told them to get the fuck out of my house and wreck their own house. A little off topic but it is people like you how are dragging down society by loving these things they are dumb animals who have no feelings whatsoever my dog is smarter than my retarded cousin she got the ball faster than he did by going around the fence rather than running through it. They should be exterminated like the animals they are. And if anyone says I should be killed by my own rules because I am retarded can go insert a dick in their ass and fuck themselves

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      • WakkoWarner

        YES! someone with a brain!

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    • WakkoWarner

      Her story was perfectly just. Don't get butthurt. What would you do if someone came and slapped you,aannnd got no reprecusions ! Also no one cares. I will say retard every damn day. I call my friends retards. So what. Again ,all of you people get so fhaking butthurt. Deal with it, just cus they are RETARDED doesn't mean they get special treatment. Everyone gets bullied sometime. Just shut up

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    • Well said, I wouldnt take note of most of these comments about this post as most of the people sound like uneducated prejudice hillbillys.

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      • SnarlingDarling

        Again, stop calling people uneducated and hillbilly when you literally took time out of your day to make an account and name it smegmaeater, you are a making some huge assumptions in calling these people names when your time might be better spent rethinking your diet.

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    • Brizo

      Well said... I have autism too :-)

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    • BoozeWooze

      Finally a great answer!
      They are unfortunate already and people hate them which makes me pissed.

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  • kricket

    Hmmm, I do wonder why she got all the praise because you sound like more of the "retard" than her! Don't you know that the mentally challenged aren't called "Retards" anymore? She appears to be the smarter one regarding this conflict. At least she knows how to slap a re-tard and get away with it. Haha sucka!

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    • BoozeWooze

      Lol nice!

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  • randomjelly

    Sounds like you need a diaper change and a nap.

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  • norcalbuddha

    What a prick you are...if I was near you, I would have slugged you too!

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  • LoveHaley

    Heh. looks like they hate you too.(:

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  • purplemoon

    Sounds like you have some profound, serious problems.

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  • randomdudeguy

    i don't agree with your story but i worked w/ the mentally handicapped (walmart) and he got away with not showing up and still got paid for that day, BULLSHIT!!! that's going to far but they do try their best and most are genuinely caring people even tho they have mental disabilities

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  • If that happened to me I would be mad too

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  • moomus

    I agree with aussiewolf...

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  • piman

    They have the brain of a child. Get over yourself you prick.

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    • WakkoWarner

      Children don't cuss and slap you, so shut the hell up.

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  • She might be a retard but at least she's not an asshole... >.>

    Grow up kid and get some sense into your head.

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  • shaythaan

    I would have held her head down on the ground and slapped her face so hard

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  • IRonMan78

    I was thinking.

    Why should we stop with only the mentally handicapped people?

    We should get rid of everyone with any mental health issues (including: depression, OCD, ADD, Anxiety, PTSD, etc...), anyone that is color blind, anyone that commits a crime, anyone that is an bad driver, anyone who cheats on their spouse or significant other, anyone who uses a wheelchair, anyone with incontinence, anyone with any genetically inherited condition.

    If we get rid of all the imperfect people then maybe Adolph (OP) will be happy!

    I am glad OP is so perfect that that person feels that he/she is able to judge someone else at their advanced age of experience.

    And yes OP you would be in that list because you are intolerant, judgmental and an asshole!

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  • IRonMan78

    Op is a retard!

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  • jayjaybananas

    THANK THE LORD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE. A lot of "normal" people are dumb as it is, I just can't handle a step down from that. One of the "special" kids at my school can't even walk he is so pathetic, all he does is get pushed around in his stroller thing and scream nonstop all day. Retards are nothing but a total waste, even though they can't help but be that way. If they can't so much as take care of themselves like a fully functional person, they are nothing more than wasted space.

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  • JoeChemo

    retard seems like an appropriate title for the barbaric creatures

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  • JoeChemo

    OMFG when i was in the 7th grade the teachers thought i was the "best person for the spot" so they forced me to sit at the retarded table and holy shit watching retards eat made me want to fucking vomit! worse than that they tried to talk to me in school and in public, which was worse because my mother made me say hello to the dumb fucks (quite literally) which made me look like a tard myself! i am in high school and their great idea is to set the tards out in front of the general public to gross us all the fuck out! a good example would be last week while i was trying to enjoy my lunch one of the retards tried to cram a motherfucking pizza down its throat resulting in the degenerate fucker to throw up all over its fucking tray. another problem is there is some downs syndrome creature that has a crush on me which makes me sick! and when i had to physical therapy there were these retarded midget identical twins who grab your jacket hood and loved sticking their hands in there pants and touching people! i felt so sorry for their mother who took the filthy creatures there, i always hoped that they would wander into the road and take the natural selection route or that the short bus driver is a raging alcoholic so i could be rehabilitated in peace, but no and coincidentally they go to my high school and continue to make everyones life fucking miserable. so yes it is completely normal to hate the genetically mutated guts of retards

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  • xeddmc

    This conversation is just absolutely oozing with intelligence.

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  • Brizo

    I have a disability (autistic) so I should of been put down at birth? ...Ouch!

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    • 32beth

      No you are an equal.

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  • Negima93

    I understand what you mean. My boyfriend's brother is mentally handicapped, but he isn't completely mental. He knows about consequences and personal space. He just has the mind of a nine year old. There are plenty of unstable mentally handicapped people out there, but there are also ones that are just mildly handicapped

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  • Ningelle

    Okay, you're handling it badly. That said, most Down Syndrome people or people who are otherwise retarded can absolutely learn right from wrong. They're not incognizant of their actions. You were wrong to go off on her, but the school is also dead wrong in allowing her to get away with it. When school is over there will be no excuse accepted if she goes up to a stranger on the street and starts attacking them - she will eventually be put away if she does not learn to abstain from violence.

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  • BoozeWooze

    You need to grow up my friend because they have hallucinations some times if your dumb ass even knows what that means. She must have slapped you cuz she saw someone else instead of you; she probably had delusions and didn't mean it.
    Now you are excused to go and shove a fist up your arse you unfortunate-people-hating whore!

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    • ThePoacher

      Shut the fuck up and fuck off

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    • deadmann83

      You're a damn moron. Quit defending the retarded burdens of society who don't know how to act like normal human beings, rather then like the brain damaged animals that they are and always will be.

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  • scotty4444

    clever, RJ, :)

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  • Hansberger

    I agree with you, even retards hate retards, it's the most normal thing in the world. However I love them when they act smart and look much better. This man is not an idiot, every day he stops looking like or acting like a retard, I saw him on the bus. He's weird but more intelligent, lovable person.

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  • harrypotters

    Frist like kriket said they are not called retards anymore grow up and stop being an angry kid. Yeah it would make most people mad that someone slapped them in the face but you should of just walked away. You said it yourself they are not in control of thier own action's properly depending on the severity of thier disorder. I highly doubt most of them would do things just for attention it almost sounds like you are jealous beacuse they get special treatment. I know for a facti could not live like most of them do even though they are not concious of thier condition.

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