Is it normal to absolutly hate facebook?
Title says it all, I absolutly HATE facebook... Is it normal?
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Title says it all, I absolutly HATE facebook... Is it normal?
I'm with the OP and I don't think it's abnormal in any way.
I despise facebook, therefore I do not use it. Same goes for Twatter, MySpaced, and other social networking tools.
It's because of how much absurdity I see within it from the people I'm close to. It's yet another avenue for the overly dramatic, under attentioned, and socially depraved humans.
What did you do BEFORE facebook?... GASP.
I refuse to get a f book account because my parents are both detectives and you WOULD NOT BELIEVE the amount of information that they can get off of you from facebook. Like who your friends are (so they go after them), if you post your whereabouts on f book. And lots of other things. Different government agencies use it fou alot
I hate it too. I can't understand how people get addicted to it while there is absolutely never anything interesting published! People just tell about what they ate or what they bought. Should I care about what my friends eat for breakfast? O.o I don't think so.
I'm not a fan of facebook either. Or twitter. I don't understand why everyone feels the need to be so connected to each other at all times. My solution... I almost never use it.
That's like saying you don't like movie theaters or somthing else can avoid so fucking easy in everyday life unless facebook is physically attacking you in some new way of advertising I don't know about. In conclusion your either really dumb or really bored and wrote this for fun which still means your dumb.
@dork -- you are completely correct. In fact, the information you place on FB can also be used in court. We had a case with someone who physically stated they could not move a certain part of their body. We brought photos printed and blown up from FB to trial as exhibits; showing they were moving this part of their body. As well, we got microdata from the site showing when they were uploaded and originations of the photos, to show they were taken during the time frame of when they alleged they were physically incapable of moving. We won.
So, I love facebook! But, I don't and will never have a personal account.
You would not believe how stupid the average person is about putting personal info out there for everyone. One time I had a stalker/troller on this site, but his/her username was extreemly unique so I googled it and saw every site he/she visited and every comment he/she made. Turned out that that person acted the same way on alot of sites, going around trolling people to death. Point being, you should also not use the same user name for EVERY SITE.
You know you'll make a Facebook account one of these days. Just you see ;)
That's what people said to me when Facebook was published. A few months later I created an account but log in only a few times a year... There just isn't anything interesting.
People sometimes even ask me angrily why I don't respond to their messages. I just ask where they sent them and if the answer is Facebook, then I have to explain them that I WILL NOT answer there. At least not within the next two or three months.
If you hate facebook and twitter so much why are you on here no update how much you hate stuff to random people and get there pointless opinions about somthing ridiculous.
Me too. And I hate that everybody who I talk to says that I should get one. Its kind of annoying. However, a family friend has a nephew that lives in Italy who apparently is very attractive, and she wants to get us together. So... thats kind of been on my mind for about a week now. I'm so tempted, but I still don't think I'm gonna get a facebook, because to me, facebook sucks! Dammit, but I really wanna meet that guy.
if you dont have many friends, its understandable to hate facebook. there is really no reason to if you do, its the BEST way to find and get back in touch with old friends. its the best way to share photos with your friends. its the best way to communicate with your friends if they temporarily do not have a phone. it is the best way to text chat. i mean come on people, there is no reason to hate it what so ever, except for maybe the fact that they update it and it takes you a while to learn how to use it again. and i must admit it is very annoying when people post every single damned thing they do on facebook, i only use it for keeping in touch with people that i dont see on a regular basis, or for people who i dont have their number, i can talk to them.
Facebook is little more than a data-mining operation under the clever guise of social networking.
I despise it, I dont use it but my sister does and I feel like slapping her.
personally i spend a lot of time on fbook and twitter. the point of social networking sites is to keep in touch with people. but you're not required to use it.
just remove your profile man! or remove people.
I will soon clear up my friends list, all these trash bastards who act as if they are your friend.
Maybe I'm missing the point. I'm not sure I really need to know every minute detail of everyone's lives. Do I need to know when Sue goes to the store, when John visits his great Aunt Petunia twice removed, when Jackie farts, or when Bruce blows his nose?
How has Facebook improved my life, my family's lives, or the world in general.
I don't get it.
Goldman Sachs has invested 375 million dollars in Facebook while valuing it at 50 billion dollars. The value of 100 dollars has been attributed to each one of the 500 million Facebook users. Without members,Facebook would be worth zero.
Therefore,If you got a facebook account,you are worth one hundred dollars.
It's just a complex economic operation run by the usual big shots looking to make big money at the expences of the user.I had a friend of mine who got banned by the administrators for:
Publishing unauthorized material.
He was the unauthorized material.
Just be aware of the fact that,everything you do and post on facebook automatically becomes property of a corporation.And if they decide to ban you,to shut you out,for whatever reason,you can't even retrieve the data you have been posting.Not to mention the fact that it's a sensible data gathering eldorado for everyone who needs information about someone who happens to have an account.You are basically publishing your image and your personal informations for everyone to see.
It's profiling at it's finest.
By simply taking a look at people profiles I can figure out a whole bunch of stuff about them they didn't mean to reveal.
For example:You say your favorite band is this and that.And from that information alone,I figure out stuff about your private life.
Now,If I can do that,what can the guys behind facebook do?Considering they are soon gonna implement a facial recognition software,to allegedly "make it easier for the user to be recognized" by his contacts.Or as they put it:
To "identify and suggest tags for the untagged people within them."
So,Hate facebook.
And every other social network.
Can you maybe describe what about it you hate? Is it the whole cultural obsession of it or the actual website?