Is it normal to abuse me or pity me for being an atheist?

I don't need god or jesus. Allah or mohammed or even buddha. I find enough in the natural wonders of the universe to fulfil me and don't need an afterlife thanks. I have strong morals and don't need the threat of eternal suffering to keep me on the straight and narrow. Anybody feel the need to pray for me? Go ahead it's your life you are wasting (and you only get the one).

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30% Normal
Based on 50 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Just because a person prays for you does not mean they are giving you pity. Some people just pray to wish you good faith. You could pray for your mom, dad, or even your best friend. You really should not get so offended by it.

    They are not usually trying to insult or push anything on you. They usually are just trying to be good people. So when someone is praying for you do not automatically take it as an insult. People say bless you when you sneeze. Which is a custom a lot of people follow christian or not. It does not mean they think you believe in god or should.

    They are just being polite and curtioues. It is like wishing you a good life. You do not have to believe in god necessarily to be a good person. However a lot of people are not like this. A lot of people will be a bunch of cunts without something telling them not to.

    People are just assholes like that. You might not be the same but a lot of people are. You are free to believe in anything you wish. The bibles says a lot of things we should already know and do but some people are too fucked up and stupid to do without being told.

    Why we have laws since without them we would have more people raping, killing, kidnapping and not being punished for it.

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  • TonybigCock

    Believing there is something special about life is not a bad thing, just thinking we exist for no reason and thats it, is a bit depressing, therefore atheists should be mocked, and beaten, spat on etc.

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  • modestyking

    Hemper. The point of living is asleep on my chest right now. She is 17 months old and is carrying my genes. As for morality, who said there have to be rules? I choose not to inflict pain, suffering or death on people not for fear of prison or eternal damnation but out of empathy. I would much rather elicit smiles and laughter from my fellow man than fear and loathing.

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  • mrcymstr

    Bible thumping Christian here. I'm going to cut past the snide remarks and nose thumbing and go to the heart of the issue in the hopes you actually care to hear instead of just trolling. I do not want to abuse you and your welcome to your philosophical choices. It's entirely possible you are morally upstanding and very intelligent without believing in The Creator. Do I pity you? A bit but not because I'm morally superior and see you "down in the slums of humanity wishing you would be a more scrupulous like me" because in fact on moral grounds I am probably more immoral than you to the point of being despicable. My pity stems from seeing that No matter how moral you are on the human scale on God's scale you fail miserably because we all do and that failure is called sin. Sin earns us our place in hell we ALL deserve. The moment one realizes this and recognizes the NEED for a saviour it frees you from hand wringing over whether your making the right choice or not because your safe even though your going to screw up. Missing out on this free feeling that one who doesn't know Christ never knows is what I pity. And a bit if pity because i truly believe that without Christ one WILL go to hell regardless of morality. I whole heartedly and deeply care for you all my fellow human beings and it pains me to know that. so I do pity your destination as well. please understand I'm not being condescending or holier-than-thou but instead these are my sincere feelings

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  • CarsGirlsGunsMoneyMade

    "Anybody feel the need to pray for me? Go ahead it's your life you are wasting (and you only get the one)."

    You know WHY the nutters insist on abusing/pitying you? Because arrogant, taunting statements like that is what gets them going! I hear the same pointed crap every time, and it seems that the jesus freak just ignores it and keeps arguing the subject, while the atheist feels it necessary to add a snarky, often very minimalizing (Something to the effect of: “I let anyone believe the fairy tales they want”) comment at the end of a rebuttal. Or is it just me that notices that?

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  • modestyking

    Er right tonybigcock (btw your username says a lot about you) life being random and having no reason most definitely does not stop it being special. In fact there is far more wonder in the spit (a whole universe of bacterial life) you so generously offer to donate than in all or any of the religious teachings.

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  • Charmo

    Who is abusing or pitying you because of your beliefs, or lack thereof? You didn't say in the description, which makes it difficult to answer.

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  • hemper

    it's normal and lots of people go their whole lives without thinking about religion cuz they just don't. I call these people the purest of atheists (not the conventional meaning of atheism in society nowadays). What is the point of living in your opinion? Perhaps you are just not affected by the everyday paradoxes that a lot of us see in life. if you can live life like that morally then i say go ahead, but don't you ever think about what morality is? Where did it come from? who made these rules? i know you follow these rules and are probably quite moral but don't you ever doubt your morality? why is killing bad other than the fact that you might go to jail for doing it. I belive at the end of the day all of us have a belief system whether we choose it consciously or subconsciouly

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  • SandwichPlease

    As long as you don't hate religious people I think everyone should be good to each other.

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  • YngPoly

    Been an atheist since I was 12, militant since I was 14. Christians are always so surprised I am bound so tightly by my moral code and I don't fear hell. Personally I believe in the singularity and plan on living forever. Christians have a hard time believing you don't need god to be moral. (see any rand and Robert A heinlein.)

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