Is it normal to abuse people who go online for genuine help?

People who post here are worried that they, or some of their behaviours, are not normal. This means that they're feeling, at the very least, a little fragile and unsure about themselves. At worst, they're experiencing extreme self-loathing. It's quite possible some of them mentally ill. But the fact they're asking the question is it normal shows that they're checking in on themselves. Perhaps they want to know whether they should rein it in. So what's with certain individuals (fortunately, not the majority) who waste their precious free time being so abusive and idiotic? It could easily make the poster's mental health even worse than it is already. I know a lady who ended up in a mental hospital after being trolled online to the point that she attempted suicide. Anonymous cowards like the little bit of power they have in words.

Voting Results
28% Normal
Based on 127 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • kelili

    Sometimes my comments are seem as rude but what you guy s should know is that I live in a different society and we have a different culture here. My answers reflect all this. For example here someone who does not believe in God is a weirdo. Depression is not an excuse for doing nothing and wasting your life. If you don't succeed it's because you have not made enough effort. That's what normal here.

    I tend to forget that the majority of INNers are americans and europeans.

    If ever I have offended someone here I excuse myself. I'm very sorry.

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    • howaminotmyself

      I agree with the OP, you are an asset here and I've never seen you as rude. Personally, I enjoy hearing perspectives that are not American or European. It's one of the things I love about the internet.

      I think people often get caught up with their own views and shut out perfectly logical ways of viewing the world. It seems so different from what we are accustomed to. This site gives us a chance to question our own beliefs and conditioning. We all have inner voices that tell us what is and is not normal.

      People play with that here. It's hard to know what is fake and what is a real concern. And some people like to poke just to get a reaction. Trolls feed off of this forget that their words do have power. Actually, I don't think they care. They often just want attention, at whatever cost.

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    • I have never found your posts to be rude. You say what you think. You call a spade a spade. Sometimes you can be straightforward and abrupt. Sometimes you pre-emptively apologize if you're mistaken which is pretty decent. Sometimes you're very supportive and helpful. All in all, you're an asset to the community.

      All I know is that you're from an island in Africa. Your English is very good so maybe it is Seychelles, where English is one of the official languages. I am not American or European and I, too, have found that what is completely normal here is sometimes totally unacceptable in the US so it's not ALWAYS helpful to post on IIN but it is most of the time.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Assholes are everywhere. If your question is legitimate or not makes no difference. Sure some people here may be self righteous but I think it reflects what dicks most people are. People as a whole are selfish and self righteous. Sad fact but something we must live with.

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      • Riddler

        Bully's exist everywhere and usually these people are suffering from low self esteem.

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      • kelili

        Thanks and I'm from Rodrigues Island.

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        • I suspected that you could be from Mauritius. Lucky you.

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  • NeuroNeptunian


    Trolls are bored, lonely attention whores. Then you have bored lonely users that are just negative. If anything, it reflects more on them that they'd get hateful with a complete stranger without any provocation. Imagine how they treat people they actually know IRL.

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  • flowergirl87

    Perhaps the people who abuse those in need are the ones with the problems.... When I see nasty posts online I just can't understand how people can be so mean and not consider the possible consequences of their words. It's like they have no sense of other peoples feelings. I think about the reasons why they might be so nasty and how they're probably deflecting their own issues but at the end of the day there's no excuse. Most of these people wouldn't do it 'face to face' - they're cowards who hide behind the internet. How mature.

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  • CheyChey

    It's not cool to give people abuse on the internet. Sometimes the people on the internet are the only people who can help you with proper advice because they are objective, they don't know you and their advice won't be biased. If a negative comment on the internet gets you down so much so you contemplate suicide then you have a problem and mentally unstable and you're a fucking idiot. If compliments on the internet make you have a big head then you're captain pathetic. We are here to help each other there is no need for hostility.

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  • Shroot


    Most of these people have been gang-raped my their grandparents and pet racoon

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  • Moonbow

    I abuse people who ask really asinine questions or make ridiculous statements such as "I love dogs more than people" and ask if it's normal.

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  • "So what's with them being so abusive and idiotic?"

    They do it because they can. For some people, the idea of "morality" never evolves beyond a sense of what threatens their self-interest.

    It's the same reason why many of us will bitch at those around us but not our bosses. Our peers can't retaliate (usually anyway) whereas our employers/contractors can (most of the time).

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    • SeverusFan23

      It's sad. People should be nicer to each other.

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  • moomus

    Oddly enough I was having this conversation with another user on here just today. It does seem to be getting more like a playground rather than a community where we help each other, or just give an honest opinion,but it's now more like a place where people get off on the misfortunes of others.

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  • Littledreamer

    I know from experience that people doing that to me online and in real life has made me feel a certain that is highly not okay. I know that I am a nice and good person but others words on personal things can hurt to the point where the person will do very bad things to try and feel better or worse, become suicidle. If you read something and you just like what the heck is this person thinking?!?! Simply say no, I don't believe that's normal. And if you really feel the need to tell them what you think, explain nicely and maturely. Tell them in a calm manner and don't be quick to point fingers. Maybe even try to help by giving them advice on what I do about the situation. This site is meant to help people figure out what they are doing. Right or wrong. It's meant to help and not destroy. Choose words nicely and have a caring attitude. We are all adults here so likes behave our age.

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  • JoeMomma

    People being trolled is just the way the internet is! Asking for help from anonymous people is a double sided blade! Just ignore trolls because they are obvious, and carry on. In my opinion some people deserve to be trolled, they are straight up asking for it!

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  • justanicegirl

    Mauritius is my dream place to live. Lucky to who ever is from there

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    • kelili

      Actually I live in the Republic of Mauritius but not on Mauritius Island. Mauritius is very beautiful indeed.

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      • Retard73

        Wtf u live on Maruritius? I googled it and its like a little island only? It got like 3 houses

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        • WTF? It's a major tourist destination. Tropical island paradise originally colonized by the French. I thought everyone knew that. Shows how ignorant I am of other people's ignorance. LOL.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I just hate it when people ask for an opnion, you tell them your opinion, and then they get pissed off because you disagree. I say this, if you don't want another person's opinion, don't ask. I strongly believe that while there are a lot of people who post because they want advice, there are also a lot of people who post because they want attention and someone to argue with. There are a lot of people who post ridiculous questions that they know the answer to, but still they wanna ask so so that they can get negative feedback and then argue with the person whose giving it to them. Some people will ask things strictly for negative feedback because they like the attention it gives or whatever. And then you have people who just like to argue, so they write a post that they know is extremely controversial, and then argue to the end about it to prove how good of an arguer they are. I must admit, a majority of people's post on here, I completely ignore.

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    • Then why do you come here?
      It's possible to disagree in a nasty manner or in a constructive manner.
      In your 12 lines, there is only one line that acknowledges positive human behaviour. The other 11 lines just point out negative behaviour. As a result, you come across as misanthropic. A 1:11 ratio cannot possibly give you a healthy world view.
      I'm not saying that you don't raise some true and important points. What I'm saying is that there is no balance. I could choose any of the wonderful people I know and love and come up with 11 lines of valid criticism and one line of praise. But does it give a fair and complete assessment of their character? Absolutely not.
      I think you should aim for at least 6:6 in 12 lines rather than your current 1:11. Once you get there, then go for higher.

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    • Moonbow

      I agree. I absolutely hate it when a person asks some silly question and when people give an honest answer, they whine about it. Another thing I hate is when people ask a question and then have the nerve to actually tell those responding to post only positive comments.

      A while back, someone asked some silly question that when on way too long because the person kept arguing with everyone. Finally, when a couple people said they thought what he was posting was a pile of fabricated crap, he got his knickers (Brit. for panties) in a twist and deleted all the answers he didn't like.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    I dislike them and I've always said I do :(

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  • Energy

    To me trolls are nothing but lonely, attention seeking whores. So they don't bother me. Have some pity on them guys!

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