Is it normal to accept $1000 for a sexual favor?

I was playing at one of the Blackjack tables at the Atlantic City Hilton and the guy next to me won big after a winning streak, where he was doubling up. He'd been showing interest in me all night. He followed me to the ladies room and offered me $1000 just for a handjob in his hotel room. I was a college student and really struggling for money and I knew that $1000 would get me back in the black. So I agreed, went to his room, got the money up front, and it was all over in five minutes.
Am I a terrible person?
If so, why?
Can someone explain to me why what I did was so morally wrong? (Please don't quote the Bible because humans wrote that, not God.)
Do I lack a moral compass?
I treat others with kindness and generosity, I never steal and hardly ever lie. Does all of that pale into significance because I'm now a whore?
Does that one act completely define who I am, even though I'm in grad school and achieve highly and have a good skill set?
I don't have a boyfriend so it's not like I'm cheating on anyone. But I now feel like I have a terrible secret and often I can't look people in the eye anymore. I made the mistake of telling my best friend and she told someone else. Now I'm paranoid that everyone knows, which they probably do. I became incredibly depressed and attempted suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills, a whole bottle of Temazepam. In a drugged stupor I managed to call 911 and an ambulance loaded me into the back on a gurney. I remember being in the hospital and heard the nurses yelling at me telling me to swallow this tube so they could pump my stomach. It was SO uncomfortable to swallow a dry long tube. It was so long and I had to keep gulping to get it to go further down my esophagus. I heard a machine whirring which was probably a pump. After a while they told me they were putting charcoal in my stomach to soak up what they couldn't pump out. I feel sort of glad I'm still alive but still depressed and paranoid. I wish I could turn the clock back. I shouldn't have told my friend about the handjob. I've learned to keep my mouth shut the hard way (no jokes about BJs, please). Nor will I ever again betray another person's confidence.

Voting Results
76% Normal
Based on 585 votes (447 yes)
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Comments ( 125 )
  • thinkingaboutit

    I can guarantee you, you know a few girls and probably even a guy who's been paid for a sexual favor.

    You need to relax.

    The real lesson here is that your best friend cannot be trusted.

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  • AssBurgers

    Wow, I'd probably jack someone off for a grand too.

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  • LilyAmongTheThorns

    The only person who can decide if what you did was morally wrong is YOU. Do you wish you hadn't? Do you feel it compromised your moral standards?

    It doesn't seem like it to me. I have never seen anything wrong with two consenting adults making arrangements like this, its an exchange of services and it can benefit both people. Some people have a hard time finding intimacy or its difficult to have the time for relationships, or they have psychological or physical disorders that make it very hard to find a partner. I don't see why they shouldn't be able to pay someone for affection and intimacy.

    I suppose my opinion is a bit biased though (I mean whose isnt?) because I myself work as a professional domme but... if it helps, I don't think you did anything wrong, and I believe nobody can judge you but yourself. Live up to what YOU believe is right, not some strangers that want to tear you down ^-^

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  • tehfoxyfire

    Sweetie relax, it was between two consenting adults no one was harmed. He got what he wanted you got your money, it was a win win. Although, you got a good deal right there, that's ALOT of money for a mere hand job.

    I would have done the same no one is judging

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  • I don't see any reason at all to be so worked up over it. Hel..I'd give a handjob for that kind of money myself and I'm a heterosexual man.
    Biggest lesson you learned is who you can't trust.

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  • wigsplitz

    Would you think prostitution was wrong if people didn't TELL you it was? If people have to teach you or convince you that something is wrong, then is it really wrong? If it doesn't feel wrong to you then it ISN'T!! Don't let other people make you feel bad. It's messed up that you tried to kill yourself over those assholes.

    $1000 is a lot of money, especially for a handy, so keep in mind if you were to try to look for another opportunity again it will likely be substantially less money for more work than a HJ. The prostitution industry is pretty awful in general (the industry, not necessarily the job itself) and you have to be careful. Inform yourself about the realities of it and the dangers before getting in over your head. If you're not aware of how it all works, you can end up in a really bad place very quickly.

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  • Legion

    $1000 for a handy? He must have been really desparate, and you must have been a real looker!

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    • tehfoxyfire

      That's what I'm thinking. This girl must be drop dead gorgeous

      Or, lol he could have been wasted/drunk at the time that hr now regrets spending and insane amount of cash for this 2 minute service

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      • kittylitter101

        Maybe he's just incredibly rich but also really lonely or something...

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  • zelskid

    good for you. no harm done.

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  • boston12

    your hand, your life, now your money

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  • Gabsta01

    I'd do it lol

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  • himynameis

    $1000 for a handjob?! I'd do it! SUPER easy money!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Wow, your friend is an asshole.
    Its not something I personally, would do (hopefully I'd never get desperate enough to) but people have done way worse things for money and I don't see anything inherently wrong with it.

    Besides, the Bible is full of prostitutes. I know the religious implications behind it, hence why I don't like to do it, but I don't see sexual favors as that much different from using your hand to make money in other ways, like lay a tile or install spark plugs.

    Just be really careful before fully opening your mind to regular "sexual favors". This shit can get dangerous and you have to remember to stay protected. There are some nasty diseases out there and nastier people who don't feel obligated to tell.

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  • Littledreamer

    Baby girl you are not a whore. Some people will think what you did wasn't okay, others won't care, some people would have even done the same thing. A thousand dollars for a hand job? You didn't have to do anything but use your hand. Might as well have been milking a cow or something.
    This doesn't not define you. You are he same person you were before. Your a beautiful soul and this doesn't change that.
    Try to get over it hunn, no need to fret so much it effects your whole life.

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  • lexy88

    i really hate girls that pull the "poor college student" card to do things like that as if it gives them reasonable cause.

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  • mrnastyasamother

    & get rid of your friend who toldyour secret. That's no friend at all! She prolly wanted that to happen to her & got jealous cause you got that ]G]

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  • BoyOhBoy

    I've done it for $300...

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  • ryan2k12920

    id pay you to let me lick your pussy and make u cum while my tounge is deep inside you so i can lick it all up

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  • stupidassholeguy

    Why does everyone think she should be tested for STD? It's a fucking HANDJOB, not sex. $1000 for a handjob? The OP must be really hot and he must have been rich.

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  • veggie86

    I don't judge you for it. An easy $1,000. Your friend isn't your real friend, she should have kept it a secret.

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  • quentari

    I'd give a hand job for $1000. If someone offered $1000 for a HJ im sure my boyfriend would be there to tell me to take it (we're saving for a house, and money = good)

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  • BHolt

    Hell, I'm a straight guy, but I have money issues and I would consider it for $1000... Don't worry about it. Move on and try to be happy that you were able to ease your money woes.

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  • randypete

    what is the big deal the guy had a wank the got some money for it nobody got hurt every body is happy no harm done

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  • americanhoney

    I see nothing wrong with this. I wouldn't do it, but that's me. You're you. Do you, girl. Certainly this is not worth taking your life over.

    Consider yourself lucky that he didn't hurt you.

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  • Sog

    Everyone makes decisions in life that they later regret. But you just have to move forward and learn from them. Some people will tell you that it was wrong to accept the money, and some people will tell you that it was perfectly fine. Regardless, it's clear that you regret doing it.

    If you continue to have these feelings though and are suicidal you should definitely see a counselor. That part is not normal.

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  • Nickyd

    Would have done the same and not been ashamed about it at al. €1000 is a lot of cash and really nobody got hurt and both parties were helped out. I bet the people that would know about it are bit jaleous as you made a lot of cash for pretty much nothing and you must be a good looker. GO GIRL! dont regret it that would be silly.

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  • nightmare28

    Its your body and if you want to rent it to others its your personal business, although no matter how you put it, a sexual favor in exchange for any kind of compensation has a label to it, however as long as you're OK with it, I don't see why should it bother anyone else. Just out of curiosity, would you be able to tell your daddy about this while looking him straight in the eyes?

    I think the biggest thing that you should be aware of is that you mentally crossed that line, ask yourself what would you do if he asked you for something more than a hand job for a 1000$, is a BJ too much? and how far would you go if instead of 1000$ he would offer you 5000$, 10000$, or perhaps 20000$. I think one of the things that distinguish between people is that some of them got values, while others have prices, which kind do you believe yourself to be?

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    • For that matter...what distiguishes someone who gives a handjob for $1000 from someone who repairs an automobile for $500?

      Somehow when I fix a car, which I hate doing, but am among the best at, I don't get labled a whore...
      I hate what I do. I get paid for it. I'm good at it and it feeds my I keep doing it.

      Trust me, the op was less demeaned than I am, made more money, and had to clean up no more than a little spooge on her hand. I have to protect myself from isocyanates and risk nervous-system damage for $25/hour.

      Between us? I'm more of a whore than she is.

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      • nightmare28

        We all work to make a living. I'm not saying prostitution is good or bad, that's for everyone to decide if they can live with themselves doing that kind of work. However I'm a bit confused, why are you working as a mechanic? there are male prostitutes as well, you can make much bigger money, why not just send out your wife, daughter or mother to sell themselves? you won't have to break your back anymore, just let them work on theirs, yet you won't do this for some reason, so don't be a hypocrite.

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        • For that matter...why am I not a CEO of a major company? Why am I not a doctor? Our professions are chosen by influences beyond our control sometimes. I've never had anyone offer me $1000 for a hand job. If you look at my first post on this thread, you'll see that I specifically said I would. I doubt my wife would mind, even though marraige vows could play a powerful part in this argument as well.

          My wife also hasn't had any offers, and probably wouldn't be interested. My daughter is way underage. Pedophillia is another matter entirely. Beyond that, (if my daughter was of legal age) they don't live in servitude to me so I wouldn't even consider "sending them out" to earn a living.

          Perhaps you should look up the definition of hypocrite. Not one...single...word of hypocracy was typed by me.

          While you're at it, look up "assumption."

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          • I disagree with nightmare28 and I agree obscurereason. Out of 43 presidents of the US, two have been sons of presidents so you've got a 5% chance of being president if you're in the family and a 0.0000003% chance of becoming president otherwise. So there are many factors that control our destiny that don't relate to our own talents even though we supposedly live in a meritocracy.
            My late father was the CEO of a major company in our country. Sure he was very bright but he had a couple of other things going for him that were out of his control: he lived in a country where college was free, he had a supportive family, he lived in a wealthy country, he became successful in an era of prosperity, and he had a chance meeting with somebody who had a complimentary skill set. Then of course, when the economy went south, the board voted him out as CEO. We live at the whims of forces greater than ourselves.

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            • nightmare28

              What does that have to do with anything, I don't say that every yo yo can become a CEO and the president example is completely irrelevant all together, all I said was that he and his wife could earn much more money in prostitution than 25$/hour yet for some reason they don't do that.

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          • nightmare28

            You're not a CEO because you're not smart enough, for the same reason you don't see the difference between becoming a CEO and becoming a prostitute. You won't get offers of 1000$ per hand job but if you prostitute yourself to other guys you might pull around 7-10 thousand dollars a month, much more then you can dream about working as a mechanic, and don't tell me you don't know how to get into that industry, its the easiest thing in the world, and as for your wife, she can make around 1000$ a day if she goes to work at some normal area or you bring clients home to her, its all pure income, untaxed. You claim that there is nothing wrong with this kind of work, yet for some reason you still prefer to work as a mechanic, making much less money and working much harder, that's what I call a hypocrite.

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            • Apparently, one who doesn't know the difference between "then" and "than," won't know how to use a dictionary. He thEn, will invent his own definition of the word he was called out on, and thEn procede to insult my intelligence.

              ...that, my friend, is a hypocrite.

              *sidenote* Intelligence is not a prerequisite for becoming an executive. I've known CEOs with lower IQs than mine, who scored lower on the ACT test thAn I did. Nerves, luck, and repressed compassion drive their sucess.

              They do what they do...and I do what I do. That being said, if someone offered me $1000 to give them a handjob, I'd take it...and there's nothing wrong with that.

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    • "I'd have sex with you for a million dollars but $100? What do you think I am, a whore?"
      "Yes, we've established that. Now we're just haggling over the price."

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      • For 25 years, I've offered my body & skills for $25/hour. I repair cars, exposing myself to nerve-toxins and liver damaging chemicals. I hate what I do. It's expected of me, not appreciated.

        For the equivalent of $12,000/hour, in a one-time proposition, you performed a duty that was less demeaning than mine and safer than crossing the street. He was satisfied and, most likely, grateful.. and the experience might have even been somewhat exciting and erotic for you.

        Which one of us is a whore?

        ...not you.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    well, i'd recommend getting checked for STDs at least.

    The fact you said it wasn't intimate though... that suggests it may have been more of a "control game" for him rather than sexual. ... reaffirming his knowledge that he can get whatever he wants.

    However... "Does that one act completely define who I am" The real question perhaps should be "Do you want it to?"

    I mean hell, I have a sexual past too. I've had one-night stands, cybersex, webcam sex, sex with friends, sex in public. But does it mean I'm a slut? Hell I've been monogamous for over 5 years now, so I say hell no.

    The thing to do is... don't dwell on what you did in the past. Don't completely forget it - just use it as a warning to yourself. Kinda like "I didn't like how I felt after doing this... This is my sign to change how I act."

    Or in a nutshell, you have to forgive yourself. It's not wrong to feel convicted of your actions, but forgive yourself so that you no longer let it weigh you down.

    Or think of it this way. I read a very interesting comment in a Neil Gaiman book once, a comment about religion. ("American Gods")

    In the bible, in the New Testament, Christ only told ONE person that he would go to heaven. Not His disciples , not His friends, not even His own mother. The one person was a convicted criminal.

    So if even a convicted criminal at the last moment of execution can be told "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43) " then why would your one act - an act you regret - hold you down for the rest of eternity?

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    • LilyAmongTheThorns

      lol checked for STDs from a hand job? xD really?

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      • wigsplitz

        lol...yeah, she might have the clap....

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        • LilyAmongTheThorns

          LOL god that was awful xD terrible terrible!

          I lol'd.

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        • Tia_

          Bwhahahahaha! I just laughed so loud my husband looked at me like I was crazy and my dog ran out of the room.

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        • shuggy-chan

          *slow claps* clap... clap... clap... fap fap fap fap OH NOOOO i got confused Q~Q fap fap fap

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          • Who_Fan4Life

            Slow FAPPING

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        you think genitals are the only parts that can be affected?

        Although it's less likely, there are some that can be transferred, especially if there's any cracks in the skin.

        "rare" yes, but not impossible. The list includes Syphilis, HPV, and Herpes

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        • For that matter it can happen kissing, hugging, or shaking hands. No..a hand job is as safe as any contact between people.
          Handling a doorknob is more dangerous.

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          • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

            more for other viruses than STDs but it can still happen with hand jobs if one is very unlucky.

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            • wigsplitz

              Who would pay $1000 for a HJ from someone who had cracked, cut, bloody hands? JS...

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            • Point taken..and well made. Thumbs up for that.

              My point is that all human contact is risky..even indirectly.

              I have a nephew who contacted herpes when his mother kissed a cut on his finger. We can't run to the doctor after every handshake, kiss, or handjob :)

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  • stupidassholeguy


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    • Energy

      God isn't ignorant. So no, it wasn't written by him/her.

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    • CreamPuffs

      No, it wasn't. Calm your tits.

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  • Antimacy

    Did you enjoy pleasuring this man?

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    • He was perfectly fine to me but it was not intimate at all. Because it was just one way, I didn't get off on it. It didn't repulse me either. I consumed some alcohol to take the anxiety away because I was a nervous wreck.

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      • Antimacy

        Don't worry about it. I would have done the same

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        If you really are that desperate for money I do not think anyone can blame you. People do desperate things for money. If people in a poor country stole food because they are hungry and can not eat bad? I really do not think so considering how hard it is to pay school.

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    • bonah

      i suspect she felt a thrill giving a hand job even w/o being paid

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  • sYki

    I don't mean to be rude but this all seems to sound like your over reacting A LOT for one little handjob that you got an amazing $1000 for. There are typical hookers that give hundreds of hand jobs to strangers for like $20 or less and have full out sex with hundreds of different guys before they get suicidal and not all of them even do get that way. Sounds like your making a mountain out of a molehill, I mean have you never took a risk in your life before this or caused any trouble and built up some sort emotion scar tissues where this seems tame and justified by most peoples standards, I mean $1000 for 5 min of work. Though I don't want to come off completely insensitive and I can sympathize with what your going through, but you didn't even really do that much of anything, and I realize it's not so much what you did but what happened after words when a couple people found out, they're not proud of everything they did, they've made mistakes to and there's a good chance they would of done the same thing in your position. Just play out an imaginary situation in your head if your friend or others who know try to make you feel bad about it and say, "Yup, I did it and I got $1000 for 5min of work, that kind of money for that little effort doesn't happen to me every day, I don't plan on doing it again but I took a risk and lived my life while I'm alive, lesson learned and if you don't like it go fuck yourself."

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Yes most people will sell out for money.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    There is nothing immoral in recognising a very good deal. That dude is a fool for giving such a huge amount for a five minute blowjob.

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  • LeckT

    I don't think the majority of us would deny a 5 min sexual favor for that amount of money.
    Look at it like this: You got 1000$ for helping a guy to be happy. That is a win win xD

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  • mystery7

    It's not worth beating yourself up about it. Most people have their price. $1000 when you're poor is hard to resist.

    The only real mistake you made was telling your friends about it.

    Let it go.

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  • You didn't do anything wrong morally but technically you're a whore/prostitute.

    But don't feel bad most girls are as you see in these replies.

    That is why I'll never get married.

    Girls are whores.

    If you feel bad about don't do anything like that again.

    And for the record I've had women approach me with money for sex and I've always turned them down. And yes some of them were very wealthy and offered a lot of money.

    But then again, I'm a highly moral and good person.

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  • Paris2005

    Stop beating yourself up, sweetie. And, ignore these asshole religious nuts on this site. A $1000 for a quickie with a stranger? I've had a boring quickie for a lot less! lol This guy offered me $300 to come up to their room and help him give his wife a fantasy for her birthday. We all three drank vodka and talked about fucking. She had a problem with cumming. She did a strip tease and sucked us both. I licked her pussy while her hub ate her ass. You could tell she was getting sooo hot. This was what she wanted: kinky, hot, nasty wonderful sex. I was on Adderall, so I could fuck all night without cumming. He hub got her first while I watched (so hot!); it was over very quickly. Now it was my turn. I asked him twice if he was cool watching me fuck his wife, or did he want to go downstairs. No, he wanted to watch his wife fuck another man. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to be born with a long, thick cock with a huge swollen head. She reached down and guided it into her cum filled pussy. Her hub was very close, watching my cock fill her cunt. Hell, I think it even stretched her a bit. She bit my shoulder and whispered "fuck me hard. I'll do anything you want." Wow. if it wasn't for the drugs, I would have exploded in her right then! I started slow, just slow and deep thrusts. Her hub went to fix a drink and she whispered "put your finger gently up my asshole". mmmm. We started making out and just forgot about her hub being in the room. Finally, I turned her on her side and fucked her from the back. Loved watching her asshole. Her hub said he had a request. he wanted her on top of me, to ride my dick. Ok with me. I rolled over and, I'm not bragging, my cock was sticking up sooo thick and long it looked freaky! The head had turned almost purple and was so big and round. I just laid there while she drained a couple stiff drinks. Before getting on top, she sucked my cock in front of her hub. This really got him crazy with lust. He couldn't believe his little wife had come all the way to Vegas to be impaled by such a cock. he asked me if he could invite another couple over to watch. I asked his wife, but she was sucking my cock like she wanted a load of hot sticky cum in her mouth. She gasped and told him "Whatever you want, I don't care." She got on top and guided my cock into her wonderfully sloppy pussy. she eased down on it, leaned forward to kiss me and whispered "I love the way your cock tasted and I love it in my pussy. My friends are coming to watch, so fuck me extra hard. Do me doggie style in front of them, baby." I told her I'd do anything she wanted, anything. As people were coming in, she asked me "how do I make you cum". I didn't get a chance to answer because I was wondering myself. She got on her knees, and as her drunken friends watched, I drilled her pussy hard. Her hub tapped me on the shoulder and said he wanted a turn. I pulled out and my swollen cock was covered in her pussy juice. I was mind-blowing horny, hard as a rock and swollen up to twice its size. But the Adderall blocks the ability to cum. I just stretched out on the other bed and relaxed. I don't think my new friend wanted her hub in her, but she put up with it. A couple of her older g/f came over and sat on my bed. One, about 50 or so with great ass asked "May I touch you". I said sure. She wrapped both hands around my throbbing cock and just stared at the crack in the head. Her friend started gently playing with my swollen balls. The older one leaned forward and whispered "How long can you last?" I asked why. She smiled and said "I want to be next. Come to my room, just us, and fuck every hole I've got." I just smiled and said we'll see. She asked me what it would take for me to cum. Easy answer. something special and kinky. She said "anything". I had turned on my side to watch the hub stick his pitiful little dick into what I now considered my pussy. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. I really wansn't interested in the older, gorgeous blonde with the big ass. I was dying to get back inside that pussy I had fucked for almost 45 minutes. I wanted her to have a screaming, wonderful cum so hard she'd never forget it. I told the blonde "I'll come over later if you promise me to have a room full of horny women waiting for me. Now, that will make even me cum." She kissed the swollen head and licked a big drop of pre-cum. She smiled and said "Your wish is my command." and they left the room. I asked the hub could I have her back. Just like that. Her pussy and asshole were mine now. he shot his load and lay on top of her, spent. She bluntly told him "get off me now. I want Rick to fuck me so I can cum. I want him in my ass and my mouth." This really got me out-of-my mind horny. I mounted her and slid deep into her cunt. She told me loud enough for hub to hear "I need to suck you, then have you fuck my asshole. I don't care how much it hurts. I want that cock in my ass. This is the best, the most erotic nasty wonderful sex I've ever had. Tear my asshole if you want, baby. Do anything you want. anything, cause I won't to cum under you."

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  • highrider

    i would have done it too

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  • ucipher8

    if in the same situation i might have been a little alarmed. Although if he was cute or something, that could definitely take the edge off a bit. I want to think about it as 1k for a handy is a pretty darn good deal. You could imagine it being similar to caring for the disabled or etc.

    As long as you weren't topless or anything, then it gets a litte dirty and well, what would you do for 2? (SERIOUSLY all in good humor!)

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  • Tyrannis

    Make you a bad person? Maybe, but it for sure makes you a whore. Hope that grand was worth your self respect.

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  • jmfrench

    Your not terrible at all. It's not like you do it everyday or even had sex with him. Don't stress any longer it's so not worth it.

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  • kinklu

    I can't help thinking there was more to your attempted suicide than this. But the trouble is that I'm a man and can't really fully understand how women think, how modest they are. Early in my marriage, I told my wife an old guy's joke. I said that if I'd been born a girl, there would have been a prostitute in the K---- family and she wouldn't talk to me for a day after that, so I never said that again.

    Regardless of all that, I don't think you did anything differently form what anyone else would have done. After all, it isn't much different from a body massage. You just concentrated on his penis. There was no penetration of any kind. I'm strictly straight and even I'd have done it for $1,000 as long as he didn't try to return the favor.

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  • manii92

    Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water.. Then put the 1000 in your pocket and walk away.. Lol

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  • KBSH

    Its all OK. You needed the money and I'm sure the money went to a good place.

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  • AutumnEquinox

    1,000 is a lot of money

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  • AutumnEquinox

    Just a handjob? I'd sleep with him for 1,000 depending on what he looked like. And I'm not a whore, I've only been with one person.

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  • jamesmitchell29486

    He way oVerPaid

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  • $1000 in Atlantic City ain't SHIT!

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  • Sailor_Cosmos

    Lots of women engage in light prostitution just ask any girl who works at a massage parlour. Just dont make it a habit and dont tell anyone about it, its not like you plan on doing it again so just forget it ever happened.

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  • Gravy

    Too many posts to read, I not gay but for $1000, I would do the same, and I am well off. Lady, you will never earn that money again, even as a blood sucking family lawyer. Good on ya love.

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  • Cups


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  • dude_Jones

    Since this was your first time, you didn't know how accepting money would make you feel. Now you do. Your bad feelings about the money verify that you are a good person who understands your heart and others. You won't do it again.

    You are still a wholesome person.

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  • ygrowup

    Not for me to judge, just go and sin no more and put this behind you! Good luck with your future choices in life!

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  • fullhouse

    I'd suck a dick for a 1000 dollars..hehe

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  • EAT_IT

    Oh and it's really nothing to worry about in the first place. Live and learn...

    Now back to this burger I go :)

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    • LOL. It all depends on how hungry you are. If it's the choice between genuinely starving and boinking for a burger, anyone would choose the latter.

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      • EAT_IT

        So true and I'm still hungry for more.

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  • EAT_IT

    I would do that for a burger.

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    • mrnastyasamother

      Ohh wee! What about deepthroat. I got a big one too. Your throat will be sore for a week & a half.!for real bitch

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      • EAT_IT

        Oh that's so nice for offering a free meal, thank you.

        Your kind gesture will be remembered forever :D

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  • Shroot

    You had a sexual experiance with a man for money

    You are a prostitute, and a whore, be ashamed.


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    • mrnastyasamother

      She's an opportunist, yous a hater. I payed a girl 100 for anal & deepthroat & igot over 8 inches. Approximately 8.9! So if she would've did that to me, she would have to use both hands!

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  • SeverusFan23

    I don't know.

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  • westoptic

    Nothing wrong with two consenting adults exchanging some cash and sexual favors. I don't care what anyone else says about prostitution and all of that, I don't see a problem with it.

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    Dont worry so mutch. If u think that was ok - then that was ok.I don't see any harm in doing handjob for 1000$. =)


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  • zoedee

    Don't worry you are still very young, you have a life in front of you, the more days pass the more you feel better. some people do these things without feeling sorry but you seem that you are very sensitive and a very good person. so do not do it again do not tell anyone else in your life..later on may be you move out of your surroundings and you will have new people around you..the worst thing is to cheat on a person that you love but you have not done you soul is safe and live happy..if you ever have a boyfriend make sure you won't mention this thing, keep it for yourself.

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  • Shroot

    First of all, i think a lot of people would give a hand job for a grand cash, i would. So you don't need to worry about that,

    Secondly, ask the other person if they have told anyone else about your affair, if they have, then everyone knows, so there is no need to be paranoid, if she hasn't, then no-one knows, and there is no need to be paranoid.

    Thirdly, attempting suicide was an extremley selfish thing to do, as other people may be dieing from a recent accident that was not self-inflicted or simply dieing naturally, and they would need nurses, not you.

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  • Corleone

    Why would this make you a bad person? You didn't harm anyone by doing this. You don't have to be so hard on yourself.

    Now, since you're deeply bothered by this, maybe you should visit a therapist. I think that's the best course of action after a suicide attempt.

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  • nursebetty

    So disappointed, I was going to make an awesome comment but then I saw who the op was :(

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  • HellFlower

    I would have done the same thing anyways. This act of giving a handjob for $1000, was simply so you can earn money. That's why you did it. You didn't do it because you wanted to give him a handjob. You did it cause you needed the money, so it doesn't make you a whore.

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    • mrnastyasamother

      Whore=any person who does a sexual act for money. Read a dictionary

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  • Thatguy777

    First of all, fuck your friend! That is a shitty friend if she's going to go around telling people this. Second of all nobody is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. What happened, happened, and beating yourself up won't make it any better. Just forgive yourself and move on. Fuck what anyone says. They would have probably gone all the way with him for free. Just remember, that nobody is perfect. People judging you for something have done something horrible in their past that can be judged as well, so you shouldn't let them get to you.

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  • CollegeIsNotAsAwesomeAsIImagin

    To be honest, if a guy does it to a woman( finger, lick, fuck her) for money, so its a college guy and a cougar/Milf people might praise him. But in the case the situation reverts the parties involved, then people think she is a slut. I don't think you are a bad person, but it bothers you which is why you might ask. Just remember to stay away from future propositions, and avoid going down further into that path.

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  • tony36619

    I believe money in exchange for sexual acts/favors is historically known as prostitution; which is quite normal in many cities throughout the world.

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  • esoteric.agenda

    the funny yall bashing against the bible when Jesus him self said who without sin throw the first stone when defending Mary Magdalene a prostitute... and girlfriend where im from girls would be proud to get a 1000 for a handjob

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  • rawrinator

    If you didn't have a boyfriend and were okay with doing it, there's NOTHING wrong with what you did. Everything was 100% consentual and you shouldn't feel guilty because of social taboo. If you feel guilty make sure you feel guilty for personal reasons and not because the world says you should.

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  • This seems completely normal and you got a good deal out of it.
    What seems abnormal to me is the guilt and shame you are describing. Theres nothing morally wrong with giving sexual favors for money. Society just brainwashes you to think that.

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    That is a lot of money. I am a student so I probably would have accepted it too. That amount of money could help a lot.
    You seen to be blowing it all out of proportion. Yes, it's not great that a few people know about it now but fuck it. Stop caring about what they think. Life is too short so put it behind you and ignore it. You didn't even have sex with this man, it could of been worse for you. What you have done really isn't bad. But I think you really need help. Try a therapist. It will be extremely hard to tell them about the situation but it is also extremely confidential. They will help you feel better.

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  • D512

    I fully agree with what you did. Taking money for something like that can only negatively effect you. Nothing bad happened to the man, nor to anyone judging you. So, if you can handel what you did then stand up for your self.

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  • juniperlei

    seems to me you are overreacting a little dont you think :/ I mean I dont think you should have told your friend but now that you already I would calm down and accept the fact whats done is done killing yourself is not going to change that and furthermore if your friend went off and told everyone she doesnt seem like a very good friend to hang around with just saying

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  • Erik963

    Jesus, stop being so paranoid, you did someone a hand job, and got 1000$. What is so bad about that, it doesnt make you a bad person. And what if others know about your hand job thing ? Does it matter, I mean really, does it ? To some people it takes loads of heavy work to get 1000$, you got 1000$ in 5 minutes. You should be happy and not sad. Oh and also you are crazy if you wanted to do a suicide FOR A HAND JOB, jesus if your family member or someone you love would die and you coudnt live with it, I would understand why you want to end your life, but for a hand job ? Oh come on girl put your shit together.

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  • x1frosty16

    Really you tried to kill yourself over something like this? Fuck it was a thousand dollars for a hand job. I've never hored myself out in anyway but if someone offered me a thousand dollars for a handjob my husband would be the one telling me to do it lol. Dont sweat it, people do stupid things quit letting the guilt eat you up, it's not like you ate someone lol and if anyone has anything to say about it tell them to fuck off it's none of their business anyways. But most the people i know have done stupider things for less haha so again dont sweat it..its not that bad

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  • q25t

    As far as I can tell, you don't find anything wrong with it, so don't feel so bad. There's really nothing morally wrong with what you did except through the eyes of religion. There is something wrong with your best friend if she blabbed about something that you're obviously having a hard time with.

    On a different topic, why exactly were you, a struggling college student, at a casino in the Atlantic City Hilton?

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    • I only play nickels with the Hi-Lo system with a 1 to 4 spread. See I'm doing a Masters in Applied Math. I learned it off my Dad who is a statistician with the census bureau with an interest in gaming math. He's written books on the subject.
      It costs me nothing and I make a little bit of money. (Not much money, because if I did, they'd kick me out.) So it's a bit of free entertainment with free drinks. I think the guy on the table was impressed with my knowledge of the game and all the stats - it turned him on - because I'm really not that hot. One of my boyfriends convinced me to do modelling but I was not successful at it. For starters, I'm not graceful when I walk. (No jokes about what I'm like horizontally, please.)

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      • q25t

        Very nice. Thanks for the link by the way. I may have to go find some casinos nearby in a few weeks when I have this down.

        On the other point, that really is quite possible. A lot of guys really like intelligent women. I do too, in fact but I don't think I'd go about propositioning them for favors.

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        • Michael Shackleford, a k a The Wizard of Odds, is actually a friend of mine. He trained as an actuary. He also used to work at the census bureau. However, he is not a specialist. Rather he does the odds and optimal strategy for ALL casino games. I only sent you there for the basics. You need to go elsewhere like if you want to get serious about Blackjack. However, I recommend playing Spanish 21 instead because it's Blackjack's cousin and no one knows it's beatable so you won't get kicked out of the casino when you become proficient. There is book on Amazon called "The Pro's guide to Spanish 21 and Australian Pontoon". (Apparently the Aussies stole Spanish 21 without paying for it because the inventor failed to take out an international patent.) The author has kindly made it available for free on Google Books so read that first.

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          • q25t

            Ah cool. I'll check them out.

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      • CollegeIsNotAsAwesomeAsIImagin

        keep insisting about no jokes... Some might begin to see your post and think. That shit is Trollbait

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  • yesnomaybeso

    Wow I don't think I'd have dared to do that, but wow you're so lucky hahah

    If it ever happens again, just don't tell anybody ;)

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  • NotStrangeBird

    I wish I could make 4 grand an hour pulling pud.

    Pull yourself together you silly twat. Suicide over this shit? Seriously?

    Do you have any idea how much sexual slavery there is in the world? How many people are forced into having sex against their will day after day, year after year?

    You're fucking pathetic.

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  • Mmmpfh

    Well by the sounds of how you felt after you had done the deed (like you had a terrible secret that eventually lead to thoughts of suicide when that secret was spread), it seems like you did something out of character for the allure of money. It's not something that is inherently wrong but maybe you're just not the kind of woman who can deal with sexual situations with strangers.
    I have known women who thought they could be sexually open and enjoy themselves, only to feel regret over it later. It's not for everyone, so maybe in that sense you feel regret?
    Just my personal guess on the matter.

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  • and you just let little shit like that worry you some times the hard way is the best way to learn i guess i'd say it is keeping the mouth shut is what i will have to do too.

    and even know you'll post back anonymous i'll still know who you are being anonymous because i will figure it out

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  • bonah

    didn't you get a thrill, weren't you a little excited, didn't you get wet? what did you do with the spooge?

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