Is it normal to act differently around different people?

I have a distinct personallity for every individual in my life that I am around, and I definitely couldn't call it "trying to be someone that I'm not" because being the same person around everybody wouldn't be me and doesn't come natural. Trying to be the same around everybody would be more of an act for me. The personalities can differ a lot, between harmless, intimidating, smart, dumb, thoughtfull, inconsiderate, thug, proffessional, etc. My voice and accent can even widely vary (only between American and Filipino accents though since I'm both) I do though sometimes find myself copying the accents of strangers inadvertantly when speaking to them, but otherwise don't use accents that I'm not familiar with around people that I know. Whenever I'm within listening distance of two people at the same time who I show different personalities, my personality is automatically a compromise between the two. I'm not even really sure which is my base personality. I assume the most common ones are collectively.

One of my biggest dreams has been to capitalize on this and become an actor.

All in all my personality mostly adapts to become whoever will make YOU comfortable. I'm not self conscious, have no issues with self confidence, and I don't care all that much what people think about me, but for some reason I really want them to feel relaxed. I have trouble being that person that makes you feel out of place because of our differences. Can anyone relate?

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90% Normal
Based on 134 votes (121 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • dappled

    What do you do if you bump into a few people at the same time that you act differently around? Do you have to come up with a strange combination version of you?

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  • theAnomilyGuy

    I'm more comfortable in the presence of women also. I'm the most comfortable when I'm with my wife, but while I may be comfortable I still wouldn't say that that's the most "myself" I can be, since she draws out quite a bit of her own "personalized" version of me. A bumbling, yet loving and loyal idiot lol. The real me I would say is more intellectual, and less obliging, which bores her, and makes her mad (in that order) so I don't be that way around her lol. Ironic as it is I would say I'm most myself when online, in the presence of nobody :)

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  • Painful1

    It sounds pretty normal. One of my friends acts a little crazy when his parents aren't in the room. But when they come in he acts normal. He also does the same thing with his music.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Sounds normal to me. Why would you talk to an 80 year old grandma the same way to talk a coworker, a child, neighbor, your brother?

    I also have a tendency to copy accents. The valley girl/upper midwest/new England/carolina/british combo can be quite amusing.

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  • karmasAbich

    I think your fine. It's the vibe you get around those people. Everyone does it. All the time

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  • theAnomilyGuy

    I think if I were to have all those people in the same room with me my head would probably explode lol.

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  • takeiteasy12

    Dont go around a group of people! Haha that would be hilarious. I can just imagine...

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  • wreckd

    I catch myself doing the same thing. I'll say normal.

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  • theAnomilyGuy

    It does happen pretty often though when I'm with one person and my phone rings, I try to leave the room to answer but when the person follows there's like a divide by zero error in my head since I know the two people can't see eachother and therefore won't understand that if I'm acting half different it's because of my company. In that situation I usually fail to compromise between two personalities and just choose one (usually the one for the person on the phone) and when I'm finished with the call the person usually looks at me real funny. I know they must be thinking "WTF?!?!". I *HATE* those moments.

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    • dappled

      lol, I completely understand. I'm a lot more open in solely female company. Slightly more male if they ask for a male opinion. Then more male if there's a woman there that I'm interested in. More male again if there are other males there. And more male again in solely male company.

      When the mix changes suddenly, it's weird to come up with a composite non-committal me. I wish I didn't do this. I prefer who I am in female company. It's easier to be yourself. When are you most yourself, by the way?

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  • theAnomilyGuy

    I go into a sorta group entertainer/host personae, so that it's normal and expected for me to be acting diffetent than how everybody knows me. That to me is much easier than just being with two people at the same time who know very different versions of me. That situation makes me kinda unconfortable so I try to avoid it.

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