Is it normal to admire this muslim?
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Whats funny is that people probablly voted no without watching because of stigma against muslims when following heard mentality is exactly what he's talking about.
i do think extremist muslims as well as any belief in extreme is bad, because extreme beliefs bring intolerance. Some things should not be tolerated such as taking peoples rights or abuse of power, but not all muslims are bad. i have known some myself to be good people, and they don't all think the same way.
I'm Muslim and I have more friends that are of other religions because of where I live. However, where I'm from rarely anyone got raped or bombed or be-headed(never). We had very low crime rates. Also, we don't wear hijabs except when we attended mosque. This was in southeast Europe (not all "Muslims" are from the middle east).
Some peoples' perceptions of "Muslims" are way off.
Here, kids are being molested and killed by their own family members. People are bombing each other, robbing each other, and so forth. And Muslims are the terrorists. I guess.
Can't be arsed to click on your link. I voted yes because I think that's you want to hear.
This guy has some huge balls to say these things to an Arab audience. He also has a very interesting perspective on Arab culture. I absolutely admire him for both of those.
I can't believe people voted no. I bet they did't even click the video. And the racism on here can be astonishing sometimes. I watched the video. I love this man. He is 100% correct. Much respect and love.
Well, the thing is, this poster is extremely ignorant. He says he admires this one Muslim, when half of Muslims are exactly like him. There are the Muslims who terrorize "in the name of Allah," and there are the ones who will kick anyone who has committed an act of terrorism the fuck out of their mosque.
clearly from some of these comments they didn't. Like CoraCook for example.
I was scared to click the video since I am from the US and I thought the government would label me a terrorist. However I ended up clicking out of curiosity and am shocked one would actually speak out against the this. I thought this was like against the rules.
I just can't admire anyone with a table cloth on their head. Just like I can't admire a pope, with the big goofy hat. Anyone with silly head gear.. my respect is out the window.
You can say "agree" not "admire", unless you really know him or have seen him in other videos.
Didn't watch it. I saw "muslim" and thought it was probably propaganda.