Is it normal to always do things in certain numbers?

Is it normal to always do things in numbers? I do everything in groups of four, or two, but I like four better. I hate odd numbers, and I'll even go out of my way to fix it to an even number of times. These things include:

-The number of steps between cracks in the cement
-Accidentally bumping into something
-Scratching an itch
-Looking at things
-Tapping things
and many more. All of these things i like to do in groups of four. It looks a bit strange when I step 4 times in between cracks in the cement when really i would only do 2 or 3. Please is it normal? Does anyone else do this?

Voting Results
52% Normal
Based on 46 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • jrphotographer

    I did that when I was little, but I grew out of it. I was never diagnosed with OCD though, and that's why I was able to train myself to stop doing it. I suggest trying to resist the urge to do everything in numbers, and if that fails, get checked out. You may have slight OCD if it controls your life, but if it's just quirky habits then you don't have OCD.

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  • Brad07305

    It could be OCD. It might not be. Try to change this. See if it works.

    Hey look, all fours.

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  • karmasAbich

    It's not OCD. They say everything is a disorder these days. Just get over it. Grow up and figure out that tapping something isn't going to help you. It's doesnt matter..
    I mean Cmon. Just be real amd quit letting something so small run your life.
    Idk hearing about things like this upset me because people want a perfect world but will freak out if they tap something wrong. All I'm saying is, its completely and utterly pointless and stupid to do that.
    If you want to quit doing it and live your life, don't take this as an insult.

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    • Shackleford96

      I like and agree with this comment :)

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  • Avant-Garde

    I used to do things in fours. It took me awhile, but then I stopped. I did that as a kid, because my favourite number was four. So, I HAD to do everything four times. I'm glad I got out of it. I've had OCD like symptoms on and off.

    My favourite number now is 27, but I can't imagine having to do EVERYTHING 27 times. You should see a therapist on this, especially if it's interfering with your everyday life. Good Luck:)

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  • Shadedcolors

    Use your power to make things that matter perfect and symmetrical like your writing, cleaning your house, etc.

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  • you have OCD

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  • charli.m

    I do similar. I've mostly stopped as I've aged, but now and then when I think about it, I'll still do it.

    It's not OCD unless it interferes with your life, as some have said already.

    I wouldn't look into it with a medical professional unless you become seriously distressed by being unable to do something 4 times (I do the 2 thing, too, only my ideal was 16 for a lot of things. It didn't and doesn't distress me if I'm not able to do that, so I don't see it as OCD, it's a quirk).

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  • ChasingAfterPond<3

    Definitely OCD, if you feel it is a problem, see a psychiatrist or someone who specializes in disorders like these.

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  • ToddStellar

    It is a form of OCD. I had a friend just like that, and he was diagnosed with Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
    Everything you described was exactly what he did.
    I would talk to a doctor.

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  • IsaO_0

    Sorry for my bad English

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  • IsaO_0

    I have had something like that to and it could be like if there was a bowl jellybeans I could only take like 3 or 5 or else something bad would happen

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  • You write in a real unsymmetrical manner! Stick with that-that-that...

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