Is it normal to always need to point out others sides of an argument?

Whenever I have an argument with someone I always have to point out all sides of the argument even though I'm in complete agreement with the person I'm arguing with. Most of my friends finds this intolerable because they think I just don't want to agree with them... Maybe it's because I think most of my friends oppinions on all subjects are stupid but I just feel an unstoppable urge to get around all sides of every argument, just to be sure they haven't overlooked something that might make them change the way they feel/think... And I feel that if you start an argument you should damn well be able and willing to argue, so why get pissed when I'm digging a little deeper... every time :p

I'm seriously thinking it might just be my friends who are collectively strange on this subject so I would like someone elses oppinion. Is it normal for me to do this? And is it normal for me to have no sympathy for my friends who dislikes this habbit of mine?

Voting Results
74% Normal
Based on 92 votes (68 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • RapidlyRotatingPanda

    I do this entirely because people seem to think that the person arguing for or against something being a good friend, or relation, is a sufficient reason for them to be correct.
    What fools and madmen they are...

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  • hannahj03

    It's called playing devil's advocate. I do the exact same thing and I drive my friends nuts with it as well.

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  • Drenracs18

    Perfectly normal, but $%^&ing irritating. I have a friend who, no matter WHAT the argument is, he'll always argue against the majority, every time, without question, could be about world politics or it could be about whether Terminator 3 sucked.

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  • Zara00

    It is incredibly annoying. Do it once in a while, but for every argument? Now you're just trying to be annoying. Why not try playing devils advocate in your head sometimes? Then you can still do it without bothering anyone

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  • dom180

    It's the only way my brain can think. I can't imagine being narrow-minded enough to only see one side. I used to think seeing a lot of sides was weird, but judging by these results maybe it isn't weird after all. It doesn't fit in with the way many people I know act though. Perhaps a lot of people want to think they think from other sides because it makes them feel more justified in their own opinion but really they don't, I don't know. I don't know if it's the way I act either; I suspect at least some of the time it isn't how I'm perceived by other people. It's definitely how I think internally though.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    That would probably piss me off a little bit

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    My Dad was an agnostic conservative and my Mom a methodist liberal and oh did they love to argue. And oh yes, they had to have me weigh in on every fucking issue from the time I was 5 until even now.

    It was fucking annoying but it taught me a lot. Mainly that there are multiple sides to every argument and that the best answer doesn't always seem like the right answer and vice versa. It taught me that there is a lot more to life then rigid, narrow opinions and the correct answer isn't always one answer. They both really knew how to debate their sides.

    I wouldn't say it's normal. For many people, the mere talk of other opinions is offensive. But if that's what you like to do...

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  • Short&2thepoint

    Not common, but normal. I do the same and a lot of people hate me for it. Throw in a little psychology and it gets fucked up...

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  • Dad

    Maybe put yourself in their shoes, then decide if its right ;)

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  • dirtybirdy

    I do that too on certain topics with certain people who I know are fuckin baffoons and they get pissed. Hahaha

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  • Wüstenfuchs

    Surprisingly, it's typically not easy for people to do. I do the same, and my fiancee just can NOT do it. She thinks I'm against her on everything when I point out multiple angles, and suddenly everything gets really heated and she gets defensive. It's weird to me, because I try to envision /every/ angle on /everything/ before I come up with my own conclusion on /anything/. lol

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