Is it normal to always need to point out others sides of an argument?
Whenever I have an argument with someone I always have to point out all sides of the argument even though I'm in complete agreement with the person I'm arguing with. Most of my friends finds this intolerable because they think I just don't want to agree with them... Maybe it's because I think most of my friends oppinions on all subjects are stupid but I just feel an unstoppable urge to get around all sides of every argument, just to be sure they haven't overlooked something that might make them change the way they feel/think... And I feel that if you start an argument you should damn well be able and willing to argue, so why get pissed when I'm digging a little deeper... every time :p
I'm seriously thinking it might just be my friends who are collectively strange on this subject so I would like someone elses oppinion. Is it normal for me to do this? And is it normal for me to have no sympathy for my friends who dislikes this habbit of mine?