Is it normal to always think of death

My dad died 5 years ago I'm only 24 and I feel life is just passing me by. I constantly think about death, I always think something is medically wrong with me. It's driving me crazy. I can't sleep I'm losing my appetite

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Animeweirdo

    I'm afraid of that as well. Both of my parents are alive and I've never lost anyone but a grandparent and a couple pets. For some odd reason I'm terrified of death. Clocks ticking drive me crazy, I feel like with every passing second I'm getting closer to death and I can't stand it. I'm a hardcore Christian so I don't know why I'm so scared of dying, after all I believe I'll go to heaven so why do I fear it so much? I'm not sure if you can relate to me in particuar or not...

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  • intooblivion

    Same problem is happening to me. I'm afraid to be with my own thoughts. But I'm only 13 and never had a parent die.

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  • Secretstar

    Look, each person will die one day. Death can come anytime. It can be today or tommorow, you don't know when it will come so if you think about it everytime then you'll forget about enjoying you're life. You don't have to be afraid of death. You only have to think positive about yourself. You're only 24, you have to think you've got a life to live no matter if its short or long. Just enjoy it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Don’t take life so seriously, it’s not like you are going to get out of it alive, either.

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  • rimjob

    After my father died from a heart attack. I Drank so heavily to the point I could only eat apple sauce. Literally. I'm 31 now, grew up and realized I was sick when I was your age. There is no substitution for age.

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  • I have always been kind of obsessed with death. First, I was sure I would die young, like around 30. Then, I didn't and now I'm getting pretty old. I like to read the Times obituaries. They are delivered for free in my email every night. I like to read what the people died of, especially if they were young. Then, I like to read what they did during their life. In a strange way, it satisfies the obsession.

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