Is it normal to always think your boyfriend is going to cheat on you?

So I have this serious jealousy problem (I think) because whenever my boyfriend is anywhere without me (work, home with our roommate who is my best friend, taking my car to run errands) I just feel like there's always going to be some girl whose prettier than me who is dead set on getting my boyfriend into bed, whether she knows he's been with me for 3 years or not. I really hate that I think this all the time, and my therapist once told me I have some kind of hyper-vigilance (something like that) where I constantly think that someone is following me, or something is going to happen to me, etc. I am extremely pessimistic and I've explained to multiple people that I enjoy it, because I'd rather expect the worst and have something better than the worst occur, than expect the best and have it be really shitty.

I've even had these dreams where he ends up cheating on me with some random girl, or even my best friend who is also our roommate, and I think it's just messed up for me to think like this. The dreams are just so detailed and I always wake up from them with my hands clenched into fists.

Am I a horrible girlfriend for my constant paranoia? Is it normal to worry about things like that even though I know he would never cheat on me?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Solophonic

    Yes, as a guy who has dated a girl who always thought I was going to cheat with no basis whatsoever, it is emotionally devastating and horrifying at minimum. I fell asleep every single night knowing for a fact that my best, most honest, and most sincere devotion was not enough. To know I loved and trusted her with everything, only to be met with baseless accusations of infidelity not only disheartened me but also caused me to resent being with her.

    You are in a relationship, if you are too cold to accept someone's love, then you prevent them from fully loving you and you prevent yourself from ever having a happy relationship. You take a gamble when you decide to go out with somebody, and it is up to you and YOU alone to keep your end of the relationship alive and the fire in his heart burning. Thinking he is cheating when he is not will only set you two apart, make him resent you, and eventually end you two.

    If you have trust issues you don't belong in a relationship, I've been hurt before really badly as well, don't think I don't know what it's like to have your entire world crushed by an unfaithful partner, but you have to move on from that. Not everyone is the same and if you don't allow yourself to be emotionally accepting and trusting you will never find somebody to love you because you don't love yourself.

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    • Superior

      BRAVO! Well said, sir!

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  • IrishPotato

    I've been in a relationship where I've been on his side.
    Being loyal, never cheating. Always trying to reassure the girl that I'll never cheat.

    It never helped though, the paranoid thoughts of me cheating with every single random girl that came across and the dreams and thoughts of girls wanting to steal me, eventually ended up ruining everything.

    I miss her dearly though, still.
    Jealousy can end up ruining relationships, don't let it ruin yours. I hate it how therapists only analyze and never come up with solutions.

    This is purely a confidence problem, you're afraid someone else is prettier or better then you because you're insecure.
    But think about it for a second, if you were THAT ugly, THAT stupid, would he even be your boyfriend? No. He would not. He's your boyfriend because you're beautiful, both on the inside and the outside. I'm sure of that.

    You know why I know?
    Because you bothered to post this on IIN, because you love him THAT much. You love him so much, that you're willing to open up to thousands of people, just to try to fix things. And I'm sure he loves you for that aswell, and I'm damn sure that someone who isn't as amazing as you are, wouldn't do that for her boyfriend.

    I really hope this helps, I wouldn't want to see someone else's relationship get ruined because of the same issue I had. And if you want, we could talk some more about this, if that helps.

    Goodluck on the problem little lady,

    On and PS: You're not horrible. You just care, ALOT.
    And sorry for the long post ^^.

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  • Meownessez

    you need to trust your boyfriend a lot more. I am sure he loves you a lot.

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  • underager

    Most people do cheat and women are just as bad as men.
    Just look at those divorce figures!

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  • moaom.moaom

    i think it's normal. im the same :)
    it may be because your so happy with him that your so scared to lose him. same with me. but i just try focus on other things like the positives, such as how amazing he is and that if he'd want to cheat, he would of done it alongtime ago and he'd leave you. try stop worrying my love :)

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  • Solophonic

    Exactly, if you give him a reputation of being a cheater, even if he never has before and is always morally opposed to it, the idea of cheating will become more and more appealing because you gave him an unfaithful reputation. People live up to others expectations of them, and if this is your expectation then you are setting yourself up to be cheated on.

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  • joybird

    You should keep these fears to yourself.

    Eventually, a man will get tired listening to this and often think,
    "Oh well, I may as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb!"

    So, they go out and do it. Just to see what's so wonderful, that you keep going on and on about it.

    Chill out girl. If he didn't want to be with you - he'd leave!

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  • Solophonic

    Also people who cheat are typically driven to it by a bad relationship, most people don't go out thinking I want to hurt my significant other and cheat on them, and it's easy to say no to someone coming on to you. Causes of cheating are typically from a lack of acceptance in one way or another by the cheated on party.

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    • Superior

      Right, meaning if you keep this silly shit up, he's gonna cheat on you. Mark my words.

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