Is it normal to answer the door in women's underwear as a guy?

I am a guy. There are two restaurants I order from, a local pizza shop and a Chinese delivery where I will answer the door to the deliver wearing nothing but women's bra and panties. I get confused looks but they haven't stopped delivering to my residence, probably because I tip well. Is this normal?

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 14 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Whether it's men's or women's underwear, it's just impolite and inappropriate to do that.

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  • bigbudchonga

    You good sir, are what is commonly known as a "degenerate"

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  • It’s your home...answer the door any way you choose! I had some furniture delivered to my apartment recently and went to the door in my thong panties...only. Didn’t get any complaints!

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  • Ichigo1232

    Is it for a joke or a kink? If its a joke, it is inappropriate and immature to say the least, but if its a kink, than your forcing a kink onto someone who did not give you their consent, and is highly inappropriate and can get you into legal trouble if the wrong person comes knocking in. Or it could get you shot. I don't mean to sound like a social justice warrior by bringing consent into this but its true. No stranger wants to see a man in just a bra and underwear, not because its weird for you to wear those things, but because they are just trying to do their job. So unless you want to get in trouble, go to jail, or get shot, you should stop.

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  • trexagireve

    It is normal when you wanna get a kick in the balls

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  • IrishPotato

    It's inappropriate and weird to answer the door in ANY underwear.

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