Is it normal to apologize for everything?
The minute I think I've done something wrong I have the habit of apologizing for it but it seems that sometimes the person that I think I've offended isn't really bothered by it at all. Is this normal?
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The minute I think I've done something wrong I have the habit of apologizing for it but it seems that sometimes the person that I think I've offended isn't really bothered by it at all. Is this normal?
I used to do that all of the time! Always apologizing for everything! My friends at work made a "Sorry Jar", and every time I said, " Sorry" when I didn't need to, I had to put a quarter in the jar! Needless to say, the jar filled up very quickly! After a few weeks of doing this, I actually slowed down on the apologies. It made me stop and think about it, because I knew I had to put "my money where my mouth was". I grew up the child of a severe alcoholic, and was very "Co-Dependent" and learned through therapy that apologizing for things I had no control over was very normal for my situation. I have empathy for you, and understand your situation. Being insecure, or whatever you want to call it, is painful. Know that you are not alone.
Im 36 and I've done the same thing all my life and people seem to take advantage me but thats just me.
I used to be like this and sometimes still am. I've even said sorry to people who have trodden on 'my' toes and accidentally knocked in to me. I'm pretty sure mine was caused by low self esteem and shyness
lol this is so me. I apologized so much when I played volleyball that they banned me from saying sorry at one of our games. you're not alone
Same! I do this all the time. I even say sorry for things that don't need to be apologised for! Lol
I TOTALLY DO THIS LOL it's normal lol sometimes I apologize over and over but they're really ok with it not bothered lol