Is it normal to ask for such a permit?

Or if you live in even medically illegal country then at least fill a form to authorities to not prosecute you over this. I mean a reason such as living the rest of life without a romantic partner and the pain of never having kissed a girl and there's no way you can really make a legal request to mate you with someone but there should be no problem in getting a permit from the authorities and the government to possess a bit of marijuana. No body gets hurt in process of someone possessing as marijuana are just dried leaves and flowers but keeping a girl against her will sure does so why would the government or and the authorities not give you a special permit to possess for that reason?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • CDmale4fem

    There are always mail order brides. (From Russia, phillipines, Ukraine, and I'm sure many other countries.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Are you asking to legally rape someone?

    If you really can't get anyone to sleep with you on your own (and I think I can tell why from this post if it's not a troll) prostitutes exist everywhere. There's even some places it's legal.

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    • Giorgi

      I asked if i can get a permit to legally smoke marijuana even if it's prohibited, but me being an exception due to pain of loneliness.

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      • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

        You know, there really should be more "companion" services that are nonsexually based. I can see that helping a lot of people.

        I'm sorry if I'm not understanding what you mean.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    In the USA it will be legal in the next decade or 2. Trump legalized hemp buds which has some THC. Then theres a loophole so they can now legally spray a similar form of THC on the hemp buds. It looks just like weed and gets you just as high and you can buy it at most gas stations in most states. Banning it is hard for republicans to do now because most of their voter base wants it legal. Some repubs are running on legalizing it.

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